Quote from: Walston Hoover on November 02, 2007, 08:41:42 PM
OK, last time. Since people seem to want to make this out to be an "its convenient to suspend him for Cornell week" issue.
There was something else that came about with the issue this week that brought about the suspension. How long is it? No one knows at this point. This new "development" came about earlier this week and is why Yordi is sitting. Had it happened in an isolated incident, there would be no suspension, but in light of what happened several weeks back, the suspension was handed down. There have been no further problems with the law and nothing illegal has been done.
As much as I love the IIAC, I totally agree with #1, except you've got your numbers off. In 2002 we beat Lake Forest in the first round and I think Coe won in the first round that year as well. The IIAC is actually 3-9 since 2001. 2 wins by Wartburg and 1 by Coe. What's your problem with Koehler? It sounds like this isn't the only time you've disagreed with him.
DutchHawk- I'm not sure I understand your #3???
I'll be honest with you guys-With what Yordi did to get arrested, as a coach I'd tell him to meet me after practice, we'd get some running in and I'd tell him not to do it again.
Its one thing to drink and drive, its one thing to hit someone, its one thing to deface property.
That stuff everyone knows is illegal.
Before the last couple weeks, I had no idea one could get arrested for namecalling, and I'd be surprised if anyone else here did either.
Thanks for agreeing with me WH - I missed the year when Coe and Wart won. 3-8 in the Post-season since 2000; and no wins in the last 3 years.