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Messages - tsgktx

From where I was standing the game clock still had 2 seconds left when the ball was snapped. The confusion came in because the clock operator did not turn off the play clock and let it keep running. It should have been turned off because there was less than 25 seconds on the game clock after the third down play. The officials made the correct call.
General football / Re: Pool C -- 2015
November 12, 2015, 04:57:04 PM
My question is: If UMHB takes care of business against ETBU and puts on an impressive demonstration and HSU struggles but wins against LC. What happens with Pool B at that point?
Announcement just made planning for a 630/700 restart
Quote from: GillCJ1 on October 30, 2014, 10:54:35 AM
Yeah, I think it's more about giving your opponent respect.  All of us know that the Cru were/are favored in every game this regular season.

High for Saturday is 65 and partly sunny.  Hoping for a good turn out.

I think the turnout will be really well. I was looking at picking up an extra seat that is usually open next to my season tickets and it was not available. Judging by the seating chart there is a very limited number of seats available in the reserve sections except on each of end sections. Looks like it will be a very enthusiastic crowd.
37-7 umhb. Int and punt return for td as well as a fumble inside 10 that Anderson ran in on next play.  Midway thru 3rd. UMHB was bad for me as well but paid for Millsap ' s feed and it has been decent

Stron recommendation to take 37 to SA then I-10 to Seguin and take the 130 Toll Road all the way to north of Georgetown. It is 80 MPH all the way to Austin, then drops to 75. Very little traffic.
I agree. If we are waiting for a phone call, why was it not made yesterday after the last game? We were the last game and it was over by 3:30 central. The call could have been made yesterday evening and all questions would be answered.
If you compare the 2012 bracket to the 2013 bracket UMHB appears to be the #2. UMHB is in same position Mount Union was last year when they were the #2 behind Linfield. None of this matters if we don't take care of our own business. Let's go CRU
Quote from: CruFrenzy on September 18, 2011, 12:15:06 AM
Quote from: mcmfan on September 18, 2011, 12:12:17 AM
I think it was unsportsmanlike on the part of our guys not to shake hands after the game, and I hope the coaches ream them for it.
But Coach Mumme himself didnt shake hands..
Coach Mumme did walk over and shake Fredenberg's hand but did not acknowledge anyone else. I agree total act of unsportsmanlike conduct but there are no rules that players must shake hands after a ball game. This is coming from UMHB alum and have been spoiled by the class our guys show win or loose.
Does Central video cast their games?
Does anyone know if the game will have a video cast?
Its not been announced yet but I have heard that the 2 non-conference games for UMHB are at Southern Oregon and at Belton vs Southern Nazarene. Both games should give UMHB good games before conference opens.

I also have heard that an option at quarterback will be a 6'1 transfer from Baylor. At BU he was a wide receiver.
I know I shouldn't but if UMHB wins and Wabash was to upset UWW where would the game be played. I know Wabash is a 3 seed in the North and UMHB is a 4 in the South but was wondering what determines the home field for the semi's. Obviously if UWW wins they would be the home team.
If I recall correctly they tried a slant to PO on Sat against ETBU, but it went incomplete. It appeared that the signals were crossed because Patrick was not even expecting the pass. Josh's pass hit Patrick in the shoulder while it appeared Patrick was going in for a block against the DB.

I think our offense would thrive with a couple of simple pass plays. Patrick is really quick and if we can hit him in the flat on a slant who knows what he could do. Also the screen or even a swing pass to the RB would work well also in my opinion.
Hi guys been here awhile but finally decided to register to get your guys opinions. I am UMHB grad in 03, did not play FB but went to many games as I could, my family will be there today.

But I also think we must get past ETBU to wrap up the conference title before we start looking to the playoffs. I am sure they are ready to play unlike last week.

My question is, since we are done with the home/home contract with UWW and CNU who do you think we will/should try to sched next season? I would love MUC but they are already wrapped up for the next two years. We could always try to sched W&J and Wesley so as long as we beat them and win the conf then we wold have the 1 seed in the south. Just my opinion