Hey BOMBERSSSSS! Sorry for the patchy participation. Seems that these Limeys over here never heard of high speed internet. I guess that is what you get when you don't have Al Gore inventing crap for you. FDC, I hope the turn out has improved. Just know that you have one screaming fan all teh way over here. Listened to the game on Saterday. Seems as if Berger had himself a bit of a hay day! Was it more 'Wicks defense, or is this kid legit? Time to get the smack talking fired up for Fisher! I am starting to ALMOST look forward to this game as much as playing those hicks in the county over. Curious to see if SJF's typically stifling defense can hold back the newly awakened offensive machine that is:
the one
the only
IC Bombers!
the one
the only
IC Bombers!