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Messages - GRussinko

Hi Pep,

Reviving this one from the lands of the dead but I just found this thread while browsing through the depths of the internet and figured I'd drop a line - I'm one of the current managers of the previously-mentioned RPI Pep Band.  While we primarily focus on hockey (as we're D1 in both men's and women's hockey) we do perform at our home football games, the annual Duchmen's Shoes game between RPI and Union (be it in Troy or Schenectady) and try to travel for playoffs when schedules and funding allow it.

Over the past few years we average about 30 performers at football games - this year it was closer to 50 with a large incoming class.  We'll play regardless of weather for the most part as we're situated under an overhang on our engineering building (which overlooks the field).  If it's particularly cold we do sometimes curtail how much we play and stick mostly to drums and yelling (nobody wants a trumpet frozen to their lips).

We usually play a few full-length tunes during the pregame and halftime, as well as our alma mater during halftime.  During the game we play short cheers and spend a lot of time yelling, plus the fight song whenever we score (and at the start/end of each half as well, along with Loony Tunes when the opposing team hits the field).

We've been completely student-managed and directed since the '70s, and have been performing on campus since the '20s.  If you have any specific questions you want to ask, I'd be happy to chat by email (the one in my profile here works to get in touch with me)
Quote from: dewcrew88 on November 17, 2007, 06:14:52 PM
Quote from: LewDogg11 on November 17, 2007, 01:25:48 PM
DewCrew sounds like he drank 47 cups of coffee and took a speed ball to boot...

No coffee, and no speed... just a little nervous!

And that four flight walk into Ricketts was a BITCH!  :D

They should have put you up in the JEC!  Elevators to move you around and nothing like catching the game from 7 stories up.  Closer to the field, too.  ;D
RPI's game notes for this weekend's contest have been posted:
Quote from: 'gro on November 14, 2007, 02:56:23 PM
The story goes that it's RPI's offense verses TCNJ's defense, but RPI has a pretty good defense this year too.  30 sacks in 9 games, giving up 2.6 yds/rush, and only 7 rushing TD's allowed.

If RPI can have a solid 1st half, which they haven't had lately, they can win this game. Plus, it's on the cozy confines of 86 Field.

RPI has been a second half team all year (actually more of a 2-4th quarter team)  Looking through the box scores, scoring by quarter is 1st: 40, 2nd: 78, 3rd: 63, 4th: 80 (OT: 7).  Opponents' scoring is 1st: 35, 2nd: 26, 3rd: 7, 4th: 53.  The 4th quarter opponents' scoring number is high mainly due to the Hobart game (24 points against in the 4th).

We have a habit of floundering in the 1st quarter and getting our act together in the second, then building the lead as much as possible in the second half.  It's worked pretty well this year but it could come back to bite us if we can't manage to come back from any 1st quarter deficit we get ourselves into.  I'm not sure how well we would fare if we were to spend the rest of the game after the 1st quarter trying to catch up on the scoreboard.
Quote from: dewcrew88 on November 14, 2007, 11:46:41 AM
Quote from: Knightstalker on November 14, 2007, 11:38:43 AM
Those OAC tools didn't even like the lawnmower video.  Ohitians have no sense of humor.

Thong of the Day

See, GRussinko, I told you that you'd get an education in things other than football! :)

Quote from: dewcrew88 on November 14, 2007, 10:57:20 AM
Quote from: GRussinko on November 13, 2007, 09:17:11 PM
As an RPI student from NJ (whose girlfriend attends TCNJ) - I can say to any TCNJ fans that the trip up to Troy is not a bad one and actually goes by pretty quickly (~3.5 hours, almost entirely highway).  So if you're considering making the trip up for the game, go for it!

It's always great to have a strong contingent of visiting fans and this coming weekend is no exception.  It should be a heck of a matchup; I know a lot of us up here are looking forward to taking on a new and tough team come Saturday.

Welcome! As a RPI guy, you should come to the Liberty League board... a bunch of RPI alums there, and you might get an education in something other than football!

I've been keeping an eye on the LL board the past day or two but haven't chimed in as the topics are floating around satellite radio and baseball.  :P
As an RPI student from NJ (whose girlfriend attends TCNJ) - I can say to any TCNJ fans that the trip up to Troy is not a bad one and actually goes by pretty quickly (~3.5 hours, almost entirely highway).  So if you're considering making the trip up for the game, go for it!

It's always great to have a strong contingent of visiting fans and this coming weekend is no exception.  It should be a heck of a matchup; I know a lot of us up here are looking forward to taking on a new and tough team come Saturday.