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Messages - JAL

All this banter / discussion is great.  One thing that seems to get lost or forgotten in the melee is that the players are kids, the fans are fans (fan is short for fanatic), and to criticize anyone for enthusiasm or exercising some frustration only serves to make the person posting appear to be shortsighted.  Only when there is a history of such antics should the subject be admonished for it.  Banging the drum only accomplished one thing; it made the kid look foolish.  I'll bet 30 years from now he will still be wishing he could take that moment back.

I have never coached football and am extremely weary to criticize anyone, especially someone with whom I have not walked in their shoes.  Having said that I feel compelled to comment that if there is one party that deserves ridicule, it is the Fisher coaching staff.  Down 38 points at the end of the 3rd they decide to kick a field goal.  Why not just walk across the field, shake the appropriate hands, and take your team to the locker room.  Were they more worried about avoiding the shutout than trying to get back into the game?  The Fisher loyal should be outraged.  Great way to squander one of the most important teaching moments in sports; to never give up.

I know you are thinking that I should take my own advice and not be so critical.  Well, the players and fan's attendance is optional.  They are not professionals.  At this level, the coaching staff is being paid to teach (they are probably actually considered faculty).  I don't think the logic of "we will kick the field goal here so that we only need 5 TDs to tie and 6 to win" should win the coaches much support.