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Messages - adkfan

Over the last 4 years I have read and responded to many most interesting discussions here.  I have enjoyed a brief fan-ship with Kate, Roy, U of S, and Saratoga... I have appreciated the bravo for the Monarchs and the kudos for my player Beth Jordan.  I am truly proud of the player and student she is.
I thank you all.
Beth played her final game at the Long center on Wednesday.  Well done Coach Strong and the Lady Royals.  Junior and underclassmen of Kings College there is always next year.
I will in my final post say to you Mr. Coleman (no need to respond)  that in 30 years of teaching and coaching I have never been treated as rudely as you have treated me on many occasions and to the posters at this site. You have whined about this being a free site.. and so we shouldn't complain about the shabby coverage of one of the primo conferences in the country.  You have made statements that have been untrue and when they are quoted back to you you become rude and defensive.  With out these fans you would not have a site and certainly wouldn't have expanded over the last two years.  Until you can respond to fans with respect you will always have a second rate site.  And it will loose credibility so being named by DIII Hoops will have no value.  Its a sad state when the founder of something that was once a goal kills it because he can not respond with dignity rather than venom.  And again referring to anyone as a troll is just juvenile

Ok I know everyone hates back to back posts  however when I just logged on this evening and viewed my post from earlier I have a question
Who puts the addition of those crazy little yellow people after my comment..
Now we are not only star-ed...karma-ed... but we are happy face ed....  a bit juvenile but that is just my opinion.

if I want expression I should be the one to add it..... So Pat do not take the faces as criticism of your site    please

Drew's athletic office cancelled because of the pending storm  Right Bob?
I was headed that way but was advised to turn back as game had been cancelled.
Will be headed there Thursday though to see last home game for my senior.
Go Monarchs

PS my congrats to T. Mellody of UofS for inclusion to ESPN Magazine Academic All Star Team   more to college than points scored eh Pat???????
Quote from: mack on January 24, 2006, 03:41:19 PM
Just seems odd the Lady Monarks were so competitive last year. They only lost two starters which were Kristen and Vienna.  They just don't seem to gel like last year.They have loads of talent to be competitive with any team they play! I just hope this isn't a sign for the future :'(

Yeas, Mack two starters graduated  however if you look at the roster last year and this you will see that the team lost more then two,  by injury or by loss of heart for the game.. When you look at the starting line up starting veterans on the floor are at a minimum... No excuses just fact  then onto this you place new coach,  new style.

The recruits that are there were recruited per Whitten's style so they are having to adjust... Seniors that played for Whitten's mind set are having to adjust 

The strength of the Scranton team is Strong's tenure... Each year his girl's are not surprised by a new style etc   I give credit to the older coaches that stay put but in the same breath I can't fault younger coaches for wanted to advance  Kings unforunately lost a great coach when Whitten left... now they must struggle for a few years until Coach D proves that he too is a great coach with recruits that he hand selects for his style of basketball.

PS care4kids   an open discussion can be veiwed as an argument or as an clearing of the facts. :)  we now know how players make the milestone column based on Pat's definition.
challenged and defended   makes for a great read  thanks fans/writers
Quote from: Pat Coleman on January 21, 2006, 06:05:45 PM
Quote from: adkfan on January 21, 2006, 10:47:08 AM
Hey Pat... how come not a single bit on two girls in the Scranton v Kings game having scored their 1000 career point... I am not talking about in "posting up" I am talking front page news....
Just look at the numbers from the people that talk on the MAC posting up..
MAC Girls belong on an occassional front page.... Toughest league thus far..
meaning each and every team comes to play.. no shoo ins in The MAC

With so many 1,000-point scorers we can't put each one on the front page. That's why we created the Milestones page. I'm a few days behind on Milestones but both players will be included and yes, we'll probably run the game story in that space.
It takes 2,000 points or 1,000 rebounds to make the front page, 1,500 points to get a headline in Notables. A coach needs 400 wins or more to make the front page and 200 or 300 goes in Notables.

This is where I got my info on why the players were not listed..  next update  gee thanks Pat
and .... no one wants to change your site to acedemics however Pat  that fact still remains that 3+ woman D3 MAC players have made the milestone and you  dropped the ball.  So when you get called on it   the only thing that the fan is looking for is acknowledgement   not to be scolded...
You need to look at the numbers  12995 people view and read the MAC posting up   There are a lot of us....

As far as other parents go  I will go to bat for them too  Its our girls that make this site...

Busy is a state of mind   some of us have busy lives too... no one said that you weren't doing your job   just that you let a few things slip... Critics come with journalism

You don't have to pretty up comments you do however need to re read your posts  for tone.

enough said  I accept your apologies


No Pat I guess you are the end all decided of what gets posted.. I bow to the grand POOPAA   However you missed the point again  This post exists because there are interested fans that promote it, support its sponsors, and truly care about the MAC Divison 3 Basketball played.  If it weren't for the players, and the fans This wouldn't be much of a site.....
Taryn, Elizabeth, Tiffany and I am sure I have missed a few deserve a front page mention... even it was in the small area called D3 news releases...
Pat you have increasingly become a bit curt with those of us that read and write on this site and not all of us are particularly impressed.  Karma, Stars etc aside.
This posting site is about basketball and acedemics... and when the players do well or if they do poorly it is for us the fans to write about.
I am a retired teacher and to make a statement about not caring about decisions made by admission is to think that it has no value.... here the chain
admissions  first then the gym..... remember unless you get into the school you can't play for the school no matter how hot your shot is.

Quote from: Pat Coleman on January 21, 2006, 08:56:23 PM
I apologize -- having just read the story more closely I see that only one 1,000-point scorer scored all those points at a four-year school.

and that makes a difference??? a thousand points is a 1000 points and it should be noted on the date it occurrs.  Some students head to community college to better prepare them for the 4 year college and Scranton admissions made note of that and accepted the student as a full time student and as an off the bench player in a nationally ranked D3 program  so KUDOS to the player and her coaches....  For seeing the true value.

Hey Pat... how come not a single bit on two girls in the Scranton v Kings game having scored their 1000 career point... I am not talking about in "posting up" I am talking front page news....
Just look at the numbers from the people that talk on the MAC posting up..
MAC Girls belong on an occassional front page.... Toughest league thus far..
meaning each and every team comes to play.. no shoo ins in The MAC

So Roy give up your informant ;)
The truth is that Coach Strong does not nor ever will have the inside track on the Jordans.
I however do  I am Beth Jordan's Mom
Roy and I write to each other and I mentioned it was Beth's birthday
with the interesting fact that Beth's sister Kate, playing for the University of Sciences in Philadelphia also scored her 1000 career point on her 22nd birthday.
I did not reveal who ADK was because I did not want to change the writings at this site... I coached for years so I always consider the source when I read anything about Beth.
She is a senior headed for real life so I only want her to enjoy her remaining season and to come away with great friends and great memories.
I knew she was the real deal the day she was born.   Thank you for all the praise of my little girl  but don't hold back on my account if she doesn't play well let me know   8)
The other factors in the Kings Vs DeSalles game were:

height and arm span

Hence EJ and AH with double doubles etc
It was a sooo different DeSalles from 2002 til now

See you at the Long Center Wednesday

Go Monarchs
Thanks for info on live-cast as I am not traveling this week end to Wilkes-Barre

Good luck Ladies in your tournament... Potsdam is an Adirondack town :)

Stay healthy and play good ball   

 ???  haven't been able to keep up with post as I broke my heel and my computer etc is in an upstairs office...  So what the h? is going on  athletic elite academic elite realignment of conference.  hey (side note) if you are headed for St Lawrence for a game wave when you go by as its another 2 1/2 hours beyond me and I am 4 hours out of Wilkes Barre (northeast) 
so. please someone very slowly explain how this affects Kings or Scranton etc. and then even slower explain the reasons why at the D3 level any of this mean anything.  ???
The Lady Monarchs have returned after their Cruisin Tournament  believe that it was fun (side note) that horrible plane crash in Miami kept their cruise ship in port for first two days so cruise was shortened.  Prayers for the familys that lost love ones in that crash.  Two members made the all tournament team Kaitlin and Beth   .. proud of the entire team,  its a team effort when two get to shine. ;)

A Very Happy New Year to all of you here at the post.
See you in the stands next home game   Go Monarchs

Finally got to Wilkes-Barre to see my ladies play..
They have had a difficult beginning of their season however with that said I witnessed some serious stepping up play  especially from Andrea, Kaitlin, Jenna and Colette.  They worked hard both ends of the court and succeeded. 
I am PROUD of them all
I am however sorry that one of the starting players for Widner got hurt during the game... speedy recovery
I am not a detail kinda fan but what I saw I liked.. and the stats will tell you who was on that floor to play
Any player that leave a squad in the beginning of a season will place undue stress on the team whether she is a starter or not.
I have heard of atleast one player that has decided to leave.  I know that the players and the coaches are saddened by the decision. BOB can fill us in as he is particularly close to the team.

I want to make a personal observation:  When these girls play at D3 all expenses are paid BY them.  There aren't any scholarships nor benefits given.
Many of our young women must decide between basketball and paying their bills.
So with that said we must understand when players leave their squads.  These players put in just as much time and effort as D1 or D2 however they pay to play rather than be paid (scholarships) to play.  Money is one of the biggest stresses in a humans life.  So imagine having to make good grades,  pay your bills and fulfill an entire basketball schedule (practices, scrimmages, tournaments etc etc etc)  for the pure love of the game,,, opps I forgot and fund raise LOL       ADK