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Messages - pudge27

New York Region / Re: BB: E8: Empire 8
May 21, 2012, 11:01:27 AM
Quote from: Ralph Turner on May 20, 2012, 10:42:51 PM
Quote from: airball55 on May 20, 2012, 08:34:34 PM
Marietta came back and won the regional in the Mideast.  Too bad we will never see what would have happened if Fisher stayed in NY where they would have had a heck of a chance to come out of.  Good season though for the Cards and the Bombers as the little empire 8 had two teams make the post season.
I thought that SJFC's going to Marietta was great.  It gave the E8 a good chance at two trips to Wisconsin.

I picked both Cortland State and Marietta to win their regionals, so I saw no difference in the 2 regions as obstacles on the road to Wisconsin.

I'm really happy that Fisher got in and represented themselves well.  I also think that it's also fair to say that after dropping 2 to Stevens late in the season, they should have been thrilled if they got shipped out west and had to play the Texas Rangers.  Staying in the NY region wouldn't have added any pitching depth, which is what all the teams in the Series have. 

The draw is the draw is the draw.  Few years back, CSt was riding a 38 game winning streak into the series and as a "thanks for coming", they get Trinity (of the 41 and 0 Trinity) in the first round, losing in the 9th if I remember correctly.  It is what it is and you've got to beat who's in front of you.
Anyone at the game with insight on the CSt./Fisher game?  Sounds as though Fisher's pitcher threw well, but Cortland really capitalized on every mistake that was made.

Interesting run by Oneonta.  Hard to fathom that a team who drops the first game of an 8 team tourney could come back to win, but they sure are giving it a go.
New York Region / Re: BB: LL: Liberty League
May 21, 2010, 11:34:28 PM
Quote from: BoomerIL on May 21, 2010, 08:58:46 PM
Quote from: trider400t on May 21, 2010, 07:41:04 PM
Quote from: BBFan62 on May 18, 2010, 08:04:03 PM
To add to what Boomer stated, I talked to my son today and he reinforced what Boomer said, that it was not intentional, they just forgot because they knew they had to play another game right away and usually shake hands after a double header. Nobody thought about it, etc. He realizes it was a mistake and told me they were kind of stunned because of how they lost. My son knows and respects the game and his opponents and did feel bad when he realized how it is perceived. Best of luck to Skidmore; let's hope they make it all the way, because after all, they do represent the Liberty League.

Intentional or not, it's up to the coaches to make sure it gets done.  I'm sorry, but it comes off as classless.  Maybe Rochester should go back to the UAA when RIT comes into the league and then it doesn't matter anymore.

You're a douche bag!!!  Now, bring on the negative karma's, because what I said about you was worth it, classless or not.  P.S., you an idiot also.   ;D

AWESOME.  There are very few putdowns as great as douchebag.  A little perspective here.  Maybe a bad move by UR, but until it's a pattern, just chalk it up to a mistake.  UR doesn't have a bad rep in the sportsmanship category, don't give them one for a single misstep.  Mistake is one thing, classless is a whole other realm which doesn't apply here. 
New York Region / Re: BB: SUNYAC
May 21, 2010, 10:06:53 AM
This is a pretty interesting conversation.  Question you need to ask, whether it be for Plattsburgh or UR or whomever is:  Do they DESERVE to be there or could they compete IF they were there.  Big difference.  Another thing to keep in mind is that there are really very few at large bids to be had and bad things can happen when you leave it up to someone else. 

I agree with the coach that 30 wins is a lot and you should consider the body of work BUT, it's human nature to put a little extra weight to how a team finishes. 
Quote from: wordsmith on May 19, 2010, 02:32:18 PM
Castleton State escapes further damage in the 2nd by turning the standard 3-6 TRIPLE PLAY :o :o :o

Cortland 3-0 top of the 3rd.

scscoach - been on the losing end of those evil 1-0 games, both as a player and a coach. Yes too bad someone has to lose those. Skidmore Pitcher did a heck of a job holding down KSC line-up esp Doyon & Cipolla (0-8).

Ron Ron - KSC pen has had its fair share of "moments" this year. As I said they can be scary good and scary bad and sometimes in the say inning, heck sometimes in the same at bat. Vogt has some pop, Q-Man is solid, Nelson has come on strong this year. Have seen multiple 12-10, 14-12, 16-8 games this year where it seemed the relievers carried a can of gas and matches to the mound with them. Not today good for them. Lots of Sophmores on that staff, lots of potential. But tomorrow is another day. Can't get by with 1 run and win many more games in this Regional.

Good luck to Skidmore and the rest of the teams.


Word, looks as though it was Cortland who turned the triple, no?  Should have just gone with C St.    1-0 losses are tough.  You always feel like you're just one swing away, but if were that easy, you would have done it earlier in the game. 

I know that Skidmore is supposed to be very deep on the mound, but losing the first game in an 8 team tourney is a death blow.  Hope they can pick up a couple of W's along the way. 
I'm not much for all caps, but let me shout this out.  THANK YOU FOR THE 8 TEAM BRACKET!!!! Insert your state school joke here, but I'm glad we won't have to hire Stephen Hawking to figure out 2nd and 3rd round matchups like in the past. 

Glad that Oneonta got in.  Little surprised, but good for them.  I was thinking that if they did go, they'd be bottom half and that would have been a terrible 1st round matchup for anyone with their ace.  What do you think of rolling the dice, trying to win the 1st round with their number 2 and saving Filak for 2nd round? 

I think that the 8 team regional stacks up well for Cortland and Skidmore because of pitching depth.  Don't know much about the out of region transplants. 
New York Region / Re: BB: SUNYAC
May 11, 2010, 03:50:17 PM
Quote from: Rick Vaughn on May 11, 2010, 03:11:55 PM
Oh I get it now...your an elitist Cortland fan.

Don't take this as me sticking up for Truth.  I think his fascination with Plattsburgh has seeped into "creepy" territory.....but "elitist" Cortland Fan??   Have you ever been there?  I love the place, but there is nothing elitist about the school, team or fans.  Were you trying to come up with another word?   There are a lot of schools in upstate that you could make that argument, but Cortland?  Dragons are the only ones on this board not acting like idiots over the past 3 weeks. 
New York Region / Re: BB: SUNYAC
May 11, 2010, 09:58:50 AM
Quote from: Hot Rod Runnin on May 11, 2010, 09:13:48 AM
Well obviously I was not there to deal with any of the deliberations over who played and when...but im not a idiot...

We all agree that the raindate for the tournament was Monday...correct

They could have easily played on Sunday, but as we stated, if they knew Brockport was leaving, there really was no point in pressing the issue...So yes pg this was a ploy. Im not insinuating anything, im just being an educated individual who can read situations...All Brockport had to do was say "sorry tests Monday"..which should have been followed up with "Have you read the rule book ?"

I think it's foolish to insinuate that unless Brockport's coach has a history of this type of thing, which I don't think he does.  Bottom line is that it's a rule that they should find a work around for, but that's not the fault of the players or coaches. 

What's interesting is that Cortland has won, I think, 17 of the past 20 conference championships.  2 of those 3 losses came in situations where the tournament was stopped due to weather.  Given their history, it's not crazy to think that they could have come back and won both.  Just a little food for thought. 
New York Region / Re: BB: SUNYAC
May 09, 2010, 03:01:34 PM
Unfortunate about the weather.  Somebody remind me why we live in NYS.  It was 80 degrees like 3 days ago and they just cancelled a tournament due to snow. 

I don't know if I have a better solution, but it seems pretty weak to win a league championship that way.  I'm even ok with giving them the auto bid, but it just doesn't seem right to call them the SUNYAC Champ without having to close the deal.  Whattya gonna do.  Not that big a deal.  That being said, I would like to see BPort make some noise in regionals and would love to see some upsets in the LL tournament now that it's all but certain that no at large bid will come out of there.  This should make for a very interesting LL tournament. 

Truthfinder....Congrats.  All but certain that your nemesis Plattsburgh will be shut out of the tourney.  This should allow you some extra time to prepare your posts for next year and come up with some additional aliases. 
New York Region / Re: BB: SUNYAC
May 08, 2010, 12:28:18 PM
Quote from: sunyac alum 01 on May 08, 2010, 11:55:32 AM
well at least plattsburg showed that they were the number 2 team in the region in this years tournament. great showing as usual out of the cardinals. no pitching depth and not enough offense to keep up with the rest of the teams in the tournament. right now its like cortland is taking bp before their next game. hopefully the committee looks at this weekend and decides the cardinals would not be a good representative for the new york region. great job doorey. you got 30 wins 25 of which were scrimmages.

EXCELLENT POST!!!!! Sunayac Alum (ERRRRRRRR Truthfinder). 

What the hell is with the angst towards Pburgh?  They've only had a team for a few years.  Usually you have to have more success than this to get people to hate you so much.  Truthfinder (ERRRRRRR Sunyac Alum) would like to have us beleive that he's "just exposing the truth", but you've got to have an ax to grind to be that pissed off at a team that hasn't really won anything.  And aside from you, I don't see too many people up here talking about them all the time.  If there were numerous posters here telling everyone how great PS was (see UR--LL board), I could see the angst, but seriously, what gives? 

My prognostication on Truthfinders next post...................

New York Region / Re: BB: SUNYAC
May 03, 2010, 07:52:45 PM
Quote from: franelia on May 03, 2010, 06:07:39 PM
Yes, Cortland Internet Radio is planning on broadcasting ALL games (not just Cortland's) from the SUNYAC Baseball Tournament (in addition to all the SUNYAC softball, men's lax and women's lax tournament action at Cortland this week). We will also try to provide live stats for some of the games, if not all - depends on staffing issues.

Hopefully by Wednesday I will have a SUNYAC Baseball tournament web page set up that will include links to audio and live stats coverage, plus scores and box scores during the tournament.

Fran Elia
Cortland SID

Sounds like Fran will be working overtime this weekend. 
New York Region / Re: BB: LL: Liberty League
May 03, 2010, 10:32:22 AM
Quote from: OshDude on May 03, 2010, 12:58:17 AM
Quote from: pudge27 on May 02, 2010, 02:30:33 PM

In lieu of some high tech algorithm, I think that Skidmore taking 3 from UR is a pretty darn good reason to rate them ahead of them.  UR really can't complain at all.  Didn't you also drop 2 to Fisher and are ranked ahead of them?  This ranking is a gift.  I don't think that most people in NY have a dislike for Rochester, but you are putting many of us on a fast track in that direction.  

I'd like to give an opinion on the national rankings.  This is just an opinion and I don't really know nothing from nothing.  Keep in mind that this is D3 BASEBALL.  The peope who vote can't possibly see everyone play.  And YES, you DO have to develop a good reputation before you find yourself consistently in the top 25.  I can tell you from some experience that you shouldn't expect to be in the top 25 unless you've at least MADE regionals for a couple of years running, no matter how good you THINK you are.  If someone in Wisconsin has a vote and has to choose between UR or Skidmore vs RPI or Ithaca or Cortland, guess who gets the vote.

The bottom line if you think a certain team is very talented and they can't seem to beat anybody after mid April, they ain't that good!!!  If UR can come out and win their league tourney and make it to regionals, that's great.  Do it again next year and then you'll have that reputation to expect a good ranking.  Until then, just beat people on the field and park the conspiracy theories.  
A Wisconsin voter gave Rochester one of its two votes last week, BTW.

Exactly why I prefaced with "I don't know nothing from nothing."  Bit of Murphy's law that my example gets proven wrong, but I hope people got the point.  I live in Rochester and hope that they do well, but I also think that it's foolish to complain about perceived slights in the rankings when you've dropped 5 games to teams that you're jockeying with for position.  Knock off the big boys consistently (and I don't mean Clarkson, no offense intended) and the rankings take care of themselves.  If you're team is really that good, it's also not the worst thing in the world to float under the radar a bit.  A lot less pressure than Cortland has, having won their conference like 17 out of the past 20 years.
New York Region / Re: BB: LL: Liberty League
May 02, 2010, 02:30:33 PM
Quote from: BoomerIL on May 02, 2010, 09:32:27 AM
Quote from: Ron Ron on May 02, 2010, 04:10:06 AM
Interesting no one noted this:
On Thursday, April 19, released its regional rankings

New York Region In-Region Record Overall Record
1. Cortland State 22-3-1 27-7-1
2. Skidmore 17-6 22-8
3. Plattsburgh State 18-7 28-8
4. Rochester 25-7 26-9
5. St. John Fisher 20-10 21-10
6. Staten Island 24-9 26-9

That has Skidmore ahead of Rochester.  If things stay similar to this, can Skidmore gain an at-large bid? (course the loss to Union doesn't help Skidmore. Unacceptable. Maybe Rochester makes up ground with the 2.5 games they will be playing against Clarkson. Real excited to see how the league shakes up)

That ranking makes no sense to me!!  Sure, Skidmore takes three from Rochester, but to be ahead of Rochester in the poll?????  If it were RPI that had UR's record and Skidmore took three from RPI, RPI would still be ahead of Skidmore in the poll.  Everyone knows there is no love for Rochester.  You saw that in last weeks poll dropping UR completely out of the top 25.  Those type of conference losses happen all across the country with other teams, but because those"elite" teams that make it to the regionals each year, or almost each year, get the benefit of the doubt.  There is too much emphasis put on past performance.  And how can the pollster voters know what teams are like from coast-to-coast if they don't watch every game??  Word-of-mouth recommendations from fellow voters??  Really????

In lieu of some high tech algorithm, I think that Skidmore taking 3 from UR is a pretty darn good reason to rate them ahead of them.  UR really can't complain at all.  Didn't you also drop 2 to Fisher and are ranked ahead of them?  This ranking is a gift.  I don't think that most people in NY have a dislike for Rochester, but you are putting many of us on a fast track in that direction. 

I'd like to give an opinion on the national rankings.  This is just an opinion and I don't really know nothing from nothing.  Keep in mind that this is D3 BASEBALL.  The peope who vote can't possibly see everyone play.  And YES, you DO have to develop a good reputation before you find yourself consistently in the top 25.  I can tell you from some experience that you shouldn't expect to be in the top 25 unless you've at least MADE regionals for a couple of years running, no matter how good you THINK you are.  If someone in Wisconsin has a vote and has to choose between UR or Skidmore vs RPI or Ithaca or Cortland, guess who gets the vote.

The bottom line if you think a certain team is very talented and they can't seem to beat anybody after mid April, they ain't that good!!!  If UR can come out and win their league tourney and make it to regionals, that's great.  Do it again next year and then you'll have that reputation to expect a good ranking.  Until then, just beat people on the field and park the conspiracy theories. 
New York Region / Re: BB: SUNYAC
April 28, 2010, 08:12:24 PM
Quote from: jdex on April 28, 2010, 07:53:20 PM

Cortland 28, Hamilton 2

Is "in-region run differential" some sort of tie breaker this year??  Dragons take a safety right before halftime?  That is rough.  I know that Cortland doesn't typically run it up on people that bad.  At some point, you gotta get somebody out and get your tails back in the dugout if you're the Continentals. 
New York Region / Re: BB: LL: Liberty League
April 18, 2010, 01:19:22 PM
Quote from: BoomerIL on April 18, 2010, 07:33:06 AM
Quote from: URFlorida on April 17, 2010, 11:36:36 PM

Rochester wins 2-games against Vasser today, the weather was cold and very windy ... the key difference in the games was Rochester's varied, offense approach.  They won both games, mixing in home runs (long balls), bunts and running the bases very aggresively (small ball) ... very impressive (kept Vasser off balance all day).  The pitching was solid, even more so when you factor in the weather ... very tough pitching conditions.

Quote from: Ron Ron on April 18, 2010, 05:12:40 AM
How is cold weather poor pitching conditions?  In my opinion, that is great pitching conditions because that makes life on the hitter even worse.  URFlorida you must have never played baseball because if you did, you would understand that cold weather works against the hitter, not the pitcher.  UR pitching did a bad job against Vassar and the offense bailed them out, just admit it.  Cold Weather = pitcher friendly, all day everyday.

Ron Ron.....

That is exactly the point URFlorida was trying to make!!!!  Whether anyone played baseball or not, both teams pitchers have to have a difficult time with the cold weather.  If the pitcher's fingers/hands get cold, they lose some of the grip on their pitches, consequently losing some control.  That's just plain common sense!!  The hitters had the advantage with a number or well grooved pitches.  Another thing, no team is perfect.  If Rochester's pitchers struggle, and their offense puts up the runs, and then win the games, what difference does it make.  Everyone knows that pitching is key, but so is defense and putting up runs.  UR is averaging over 9 runs per game. 

Boomer.  Try to relax a bit.  I think URFlorida was trying to COMPLIMENT UR.  Not every post here is meant to criticize the Jackets.  UR is having a nice year.  Try to enjoy it a bit.