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Messages - D.Echols aka Dblock

Region 4 men's basketball / Re: CUNY
February 11, 2008, 07:50:25 AM
I Havent been on in a while but can anybody please say three peat by york. oh i did already york is taking the chip like i been saying the whole season.  And i also like how they are running the playoffs this year with the higher seed getting a home game. I cant wait i hope i see you all at ccny i know i will be there.

Lets Get It YORK!
Region 4 men's basketball / Re: CUNY
January 30, 2008, 02:29:49 PM
you are right we had the oldest team in cuny last year and we beat up on alot of cuny teams. but can you imagine if they had dorms, and if the schools had more money how crazy would that be i feel the cuny would be a force in the atlantic region with dorms and bigger gyms, we already live in one of the biggest cities in the usa, now that would be fun to see even queens college dont have dorms and they are d2 that goes to show you that the bigger schools get the better player because of dorms and gyms.
Region 4 men's basketball / Re: CUNY
January 30, 2008, 12:54:28 PM
i got one more thing to get off of my chest. everybody keeps comparing the cuny to other conferences, i think the cuny conf would be a very good conference if the schools had dorms to offer students. plus alot of the cuny school dont have the budget to bring in alot of players because of it. there are alot of players in the city who dont get the chance to play d1 or d2, and they choose to go to d3 school, that are in the skyline, empire 8, and njac. i been told by plenty of high school player who said they would attend a cuny school but there are no dorms. thats why the njac the skyline and other conference have been better in the past. what do you think about that? this question is open for all
Region 4 men's basketball / Re: CUNY
January 30, 2008, 12:39:13 PM
bballgirl i like your reply do you go to york?
Region 4 men's basketball / Re: CUNY
January 30, 2008, 12:37:01 PM
york will win by 10 they are on a roll and i dont think hunter is going to win. but who knows its been crazy this year we just have to see how it goes. It should be a very good game i think this might be the preview for the championship. wait they said that last year and we smack them at home haha but that was last year and this is now

good win by baruch
Region 4 men's basketball / Re: CUNY
January 27, 2008, 03:07:05 PM
danny whats up? i had to work on saturday thats why i wasnt there but york came to play. and they got that "W". but brooklyn is a good team so is csi, but i really dont see york losing anymore games. every body is talking about how tall snd the age hunter's player are. well york has size and age to back up there punch as well i think this is the preview of this championship game lets see who wins. oh yea look at york's margins of victory during this winning streak they are simply doing what they do.
Region 4 men's basketball / Re: CUNY
January 26, 2008, 05:23:11 PM
York beat Brooklyn college now they are 1st in the south. I told you all that york is going to win the cuny this yr, they are going for a three peat haha. next is hunter! to be cont
Region 4 men's basketball / Re: CUNY
January 21, 2008, 07:31:25 PM
I see that the Cuny board is really hott right now. Any of the Top five teams in the cuny can win the championship this year. look at the standing this year compared to last year that speaks for it self. we dominate mostly every team we played last yr while i was at york, me and boone controlled alot of the game, this year york team i feel has alot more balance overall, but so does brooklyn, hunter, baruch and csi. coach ag you happy player but i still feel that york has the upper hand i mean we won last year. and we are right there this yr as well. not to take anything away from any team this year.