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Messages - 4warriors

With Wise's decision to stay, he just pulled the program out of a HUGE hole. Although I'm glad for the players, I'm not happy that the "non-Wisemen" that made this desicion are relishing in this.  They didn't want Wise's name or face as the head coach of the Warriors, but after they've felt some heat from the alumni, heat that I believe they underestimated, they want him there to make it look like everything is fine and everyone is (or should be) OK with how things went.  The "non-wisemen" do not want Wise there b/c they feel he's the best guy for the job (which he is); they want him there to calm the waters.  No matter what coaches go back, nothing will change the way Coach G was treated throughout the entire process.  That is something I hope people, especially people who know and/or played for G, will never forget.
I'll say right off the bat that although I enjoy reading everyone's comments, I don't usually get involved in the message board.  But due to the emotional and sometimes heated discussions about the Lyco situation, I wanted to say a few things...take them for what you will.  First of all, no matter what you feel about the coaching choice made, it is an absolute travesty that coach G didn't get to sit on the hiring committee.  Many coaches, even some in the MAC, are given the respect to name thier successors.  Besides being the former coach, he's also the AD, and after everything he's done for the college, he wasn't even given the respect of a vote.  2nd, doesn't loyalty mean anything anymore?  Yes, Mike Clark is an alumni, but that doesn't even hold a candle to the loyalty that Wise has shown to Lyco.  After all the blood, sweat, years, & tears he poured into the program, the man @ least deserved  a shot.  If he wasn't getting the job done--fire him--but after 30+ successful years, the man at least deserved a chance.  Next, the whole interview process seemed a bit shady.  After the 3 candidates were chosen and interview dates were scheduled, a new candidate came into the picture.  I would like to say that I have a lot of respect for the coaches out there that didn't apply because they've all seen what Wise has done over the years & knew this was his time to get a chance to lead the Warriors.  The committee was made up of the Director of Admissions & Financial Aide, the new Provost, & a wealthy community member.  The assistant AD was also on the committee; however, was not allowed a vote.  It is pretty clear that Wise wasn't "their man", & they weren't going to allow anyone a vote that didn't agree.   A few people posted for Wise & the staff to stay.  Wow, after the way things were handled, that would be a hard pill to swallow.  I don't know what Wise is going to do, but I don't think anyone should blame him, or any others from the staff for not returning.  They've worked on a loyal, family-oriented coaching staff for a long time and now, much is different.  Unfortunatley, the players are the innocent casualty in this.  They wanted Wiser as their next head coach and the voting committee didn't care what they wanted either.  From what I've heard, the kids are supporting the coaching staff in whatever decision they make.  Unfortunately, the way this entire thing was handled has left a bad taste in peoples' mouths & will probably have an effect on Lycoming football for some time.  I think Little G has been taking it kind of tough.  While some view his comments as being unloyal to the college, he has remained steadfast in his devotion to his dad.  That in itself deserves some respect.