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Messages - TheInsider02

Quote from: columbianmaffia on January 29, 2008, 11:54:49 PM

his academic advisor told him to drop his 8 credit fall internship to a 4 credit internship because he would remain eligible and save money since he was paying by the credit....this is something i think we would all do

turned out his advisor was wrong...

lucky for Lieser he did the work load required to recieve 8 credits still...his advisor made the mistake trying to help him save some money and now the advisor has helped him submit the paper work to the admin office and it is just a slow and painful process and he should be back soon

he did nothing wrong...he took advice from someone he is suppose to be able to trust and someone who is suppose to know all the rules and they made a mistake...

**** happens

4 credits to 8 credits..not to mention if he took an 8 credit internship he would have to be there at least 40 hrs a week(i believe) plus two classes and would make more sense if the problem was a 2 credit to a 4 credit problem cause then he would drop below full time and then would not be able to play...but i could say the truth and explain why he needs the 8 credits and not the 4 but most people with that are smart enough could figure out why he needs to have a whole class worth of credit hours extra to be able to play....funny how he can lie to your face like that because at St. Johns there is no differece btwn the cost of 12 credits and 16 i believe so how would he save money?..its a good thing you believe him...lets just say if he plays the SJU coaches did a great job of keeping it quite so i will respect that
Quote from: AO on January 29, 2008, 06:53:35 PM
Quote from: Skibbity Yeah on January 29, 2008, 04:59:31 PM
Foye's playing!!!

Santana gone   :'(

Also, new track and soccer complex will be going up on SMU's campus this spring ready for the fall...turf infield...should be nice

So when is the Gaborik getting traded then?  We merely develop superstars, we don't selfishly keep them on our team. 

If SMU is putting in a turf infield at a track/soccer complex, why in the world not add football?  Football couldn't hurt the basketball recruiting.

and....I've always disliked Ryan Lieser, but only due to an 8th grade fall basketball league grudge. >:(  Leisure and former johnnie punter Zach Reif were not well received for whatever reason.  that said, Lieser can't have done something as stupid as the star running back for sju did....I wish him a speedy return.  If it's as simple a thing as was already posted, why in the world was he not allowed to play?  If he did the internship, he should be able to appeal whatever suspension was put on him and allowed to play until it is proven he was in violation.

Ok im not trying to slam the kid but he isnt well liked the truth hurts...and the reason the credit issue has come up is they are trying to make up for a mistake he made..their trying to get his internshp moved from 2 credit to 4 credits yet he only registered for the 2 credit internship...he made a rather large mistake and it has cost him and they are trying to cover his butt by getting more credits for the internship ater the fact...sorry if this upsets others that i said this much or that  im not going in to anymore detail because i wanna see if it all actually comes out or if SJU sweeps it under the rug...the NCAA just doesnt show up to a NCAA D3 MIAC school to say a kid has to sit for something small....lets see if Coach Smith and the crew have any trup cards they are able to play...the people i feel the worst for are Johnson and Brink they have been there all 4 years and then no Fogt, and now no Ryan...thats a hard way to have a senior year
Like i stated before he ignored the whole issue...He thought he could just get away with it and now ts come back to haunt him...and yea lets just say im real close to the situation so i knw what im talking about..
Well SJU4Life all im gonna say is we have crossed paths...and yes the coaches arent high on cole but he is a good player and its about time we get to see what he can do...I have faith he will excel....On the whole issue with Leis I could break the silence and say it but i kinda want to see if it comes out in the paper or any releases because it will be big news and if nothing comes out the SJU coaches did a wonderfull job of keeping it under the rug....yet i really dont think from all i know that he wil be back....more to come ....
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I'd be surprised if that's the whole truth in the Lieser situation. VOJ appeared to know the whole deal before he sat, but couldn't/wouldn't/shouldn't post any details when pressed for details. Then, he seemed to jump on the "easy" explanation very quick, as if to push it under the rug as a done deal.

I hope the truth does come out I also hope the SJU admin doesnt just sweep it under the rug. The kid thinks he can get away with anything. He ignored the issue and its his fault it has come to a head.