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Messages - CoeNation

Quote from: Walston Hoover on February 28, 2008, 07:08:31 PM
Coe news...
From what I can gather, another offer has been made to an up-and-comer who is now a GA at Iowa and a Coe Alum. Has a coaching pedigree...Has until tomorrow to accept.
Coe going the young route again as he is under 30. Wasn't Raeburn under 30 as well when he took the job. That seemed to work out alright.

"Your insight serves your well, young Skywalker, Obi Wan has taught you well"
and the new Coach at Coe is......................................
Quote from: DutchFan2004 on February 25, 2008, 03:01:10 PM
Quote from: Walston Hoover on February 25, 2008, 12:45:03 PM
Quote from: sportsknight on February 25, 2008, 12:11:56 PM
Any word on a Coe coach?
Sounds like a former IIAC coach (who has been a former coach for just a few months) may be making a return trip to the IIAC, just moving a little bit further south.

See this is how Wartburg stays on top.  They have spies everywhere.  It is a conspiracy I tell you.   ;D ;D ;D ;D

Make that six.  Hefty is out.   We're down to Marv and Thurney

1 - Marv Levy
2- Bob Thurness
3 - Paul Hefty
4- Phiz Phillips
5- Glen Drawn
6 - DJ Leroy
Quote from: Cochuck on February 13, 2008, 08:27:15 PM
Quote from: Charlie Kohawk on February 12, 2008, 02:39:32 PM
Quote from: Wartburg Fan on February 12, 2008, 02:29:55 PM
Charlie do you know if Staker wasn't interested or Coe wasn't interested?
He applied and (I think) would have been an excellent choice. However, he wasn't selected for an interview. Given John Chandler's track record, I'm not concerned.

Staker basically got stiffed by Coe.   Charlie, if John Chandler is such a genius then why has Coe never won the All-Sports trophy?  Why don't they have any better facilities as a result of his great relationship with all the wealthy alumni?

Staker could have got the job done in recruiting.

I would agree that Coach Staker got stiffed but I do think Chandler is a great AD.  He cares about the athlete which is what you want if you're a player.   His hands are just tied!   Coe really missed and opportunity here by not at least letting him interview.   What do you think will happen now if he stays on staff? 

and Charlie, there is at least one of the candidates that is an O-Coordinator and has never been a head coach, can you guess which one?
Quote from: the_mayne_event on February 12, 2008, 11:24:06 AM
hopefully St. Olaf and Coe won't be competing for the same coach.  I fear that the Owls will be hard to compete with.

TME:  We know who you are......
Wow, Coach Raeburn has been taking a lot of bad raps on this board. It's hard for me to believe!   I recently graduated and played for him for four years.   My experience was awesome and I appreciate everything Raeburn did for Coe.   Sometimes people forget that Coe was new to the IIAC and could have ended up like Cornell, but Raeburn brought a sense of prestige to the program coming from Mt Union.  

He might have had some flaws like most of us do, but I think he had really improved on some of those issues over the years.   It's too bad there are guys like Suckow or DeMoulin that paint a bad picture of what really went down.   They were cancers on the team and we were all glad when they left.  

There are many of my teammates that do not look or post on this board that feel the same as I do.  When some of you posters say you talked to guys on the Coe team, who were you talking with?   Some disgruntled non-starter that felt he was getting a bad deal?   I was one of our core players and felt like I knew all of my teammates.   We thought Raeburn was a great guy that just needed a supportive administration and a few more full time coaches.  Look how many of his assistant coaches have gone onto successful careers.  Raeburn held things together under very poor circumstances.   We all know Coe does not have the resources that most of their main competitors have, (i.e. facilities and coaching staff).   For him to have Coe in the conference race every year is an amazing thing.   Good Luck Coach Raeburn!  We will miss you!