Quote from: mjfasteenwolf on March 06, 2008, 11:39:15 AMQuote from: WWWRHH on March 06, 2008, 11:34:14 AM
mjfasteenwolf: When you said it was injury to a non-starting key player I was pretty sure the wrist injury had worsened and now with your mention of this being a thin position I am pretty sure who you are referring to. We can only hope that there is a chance it does not sideline her for the entire run.
But it sounds like we should expect to see Henderson and probably Green playing some extended minutes.
Considering how hard everyone has worked this is a real disappointment. I feel so bad for the player.
Good detective skills, you narrowed it down to the right player, just a new more severe injury. You are also definetely right that Henderson, maybe Greene, and maybe Cowen/DeKuiper will be seeing more time. Hopefully they can step it up. I am not worried about Henderson needing to play more minutes, I think she will step it up. She can take charge of the team, and play all game without making many mistakes, i am sure some of you remember the 06 run, if she plays anything like that, Hope will be fine. The only thing that worries me, is although Henderson is a great defensive player, she cannot put the full court on the ball pressure on that Kopke does so well, the Flying Dutch will miss that, but I think they will rise to the occassion.
It is a shame to hear about Kopke. it will be a loss for the team if she is unable to play.
I think you are correct. Henderson can probably defend any player in almost any situation, but is best in the half court. Let's not forget that Cowen is coming close to being able to play the defense that Henderson does, and has the lateral speed to pressure the ball. I also expect to see some great things form DeKuiper in the future. It may be sooner than she was planning on, but this may be when we start to see what she is capable of.
I am hoping that the adversity that they are facing right now will bring them together and provide a little added motivation.... as if that is needed.
Go Hope.