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Messages - TCHoops Jr.

Region 5 women's basketball / Re: PAC (Pennsylvania)
March 08, 2008, 11:38:00 AM
Quote from: BJ - DSU SID on March 08, 2008, 01:32:55 AM
All in favor of Pat shutting down TC and TC Jr.'s user names say "I"

I'll start


You guys aren't worth any poster's time.  Your ignorant, uninformed, and down right rude.  If you never posted up here again, I can guarantee no one would miss you.

If you somehow turn the corner and can see Division III women's basketball in a positive light, by all means come and comment...but don't come on here and just bad mouth anything that is not GMC.

There are 400+ schools in Division III and I can guarantee each player on each team of those 400+ schools works just as hard as the next.  No one's any better or any worse and your just giving your rooting interest bad publicity by bad mouthing everyone else.


What is your problem ?????   

Calling us ignorant, uninformed & RUDE ???

You cross the line when you hope that TC's computer breaks....
Why is that so you can get the last word in ?????  Typical...

TC quoted Burke's shooting stats....She is a GREAT player and person..
hey it happens... luckily the other girl stepped up or you would be on suicide watch !!!!

Just to clue you in on a few things..... GMC or DeSales will NEVER win the D3 championship...... NEVER..... they will ALWAYS eventually lose... there is only one champion....

& secondly..... many, many more people are tuning in to this message board to read our stuff AND are likely belly-laughing.... People are actually coming to this site to see what WE have to say....

most have been knocked out and are sitting on the sidelines so we bring joy and laughter to their day....

The alternative is who ????  You ???
"split ends" ????  Hell, he's from NY & types in a foreign language.

Messiah & DeSales had great wins.... so get a grip already.

Region 5 women's basketball / Re: PAC (Pennsylvania)
March 08, 2008, 11:20:03 AM
Quote from: TCHoops Jr. on March 07, 2008, 10:56:24 PM
Quote from: admin on August 16, 2005, 05:32:06 AM
3. Posts that simply serve to bash another poster and do not discuss Division III sports will be removed.

I have to "laxative" comment was absolutely HALARIOUS !!!!
I can't believe the poster nazi removed it....

If our board didn't get attacked by Ma & Pa Kettle after the Messiah win...
I'm not sure if Messiah is that GOOD or Cabrini just couldn't handle the heat.

BTW.....I don't know about anyone else but TC's comments last night had me in stitches....

Region 5 women's basketball / Re: PAC (Pennsylvania)
March 08, 2008, 11:08:30 AM
Quote from: kate on March 08, 2008, 09:59:38 AM
TC Hoops Jr, for the love of the game, right?  For the love of the game

nothing personal..... my comments about you and the board were a joke..

I know us DVC alumni palsy-walsy's understand you have to have alittle levity in your life....

BTW is there spellcheck on these boards.... it would REALLY help me and that foreign speaking fella... "split ends"

Region 5 women's basketball / Re: PAC (Pennsylvania)
March 07, 2008, 10:56:24 PM
Quote from: admin on August 16, 2005, 05:32:06 AM
3. Posts that simply serve to bash another poster and do not discuss Division III sports will be removed.
Region 5 women's basketball / Re: PAC (Pennsylvania)
March 07, 2008, 07:45:26 PM

OK.....Its Friday nite.... I actually got some work done today & I am INCREDIBLY tired of shouting into the wind !!!!!....

so I've decided I may become a "weekend D3 postaholic"....

Hey TC Sr.

I have noticed a few things......

(1st) ---- The PAC Message Board has 11 pages.... we are actually in 2nd place behind the MAC !!!!!!   

If it wasn't for that wannabe journalist / DVC cheerleader Kate over there cluttering the MAC board and adding page after page of total nonsense  we might of had a shot of making Pat's regional top 5 message boards...
(nah we're GMC & PAC supporters... we got no shot... WE LOST !!!!)

Hell, I'm a DVC grad and Kate's even making me nauseous with her
"rah rah sis boom bah" comments.  GET A JOB ALREADY !!!! 

(2nd) who's the "oldhead" dude who dissed Pat about knowing the answers before the questions ?????   

Maybe it was oldhead's ball Pat took home with him !!!!!

(3rd) I'm rooting hard for Cabrini whip Messiah's butt's

to me they are the "red headed stepchild" of the PAC family...
even though we hate them, they are our only hope since we got boned.

I'm looking at the bright side... if Cabrini wins... we raise holey hell on the boards.... if they lose... well they upset GMC... so what did you expect. 

I also want every MAC team to go down.... normally I am not a vindictive person but I am TOTALLY annoyed that MAC SID stat geek who did all of Pat's research.... then gives us a VERY sarcastic
"Good luck to GMC in the ECAC" parting shot.

Honey (hopefully you are female)... you have clearly entered the war and are in our cross hairs.

Lastly, I want that "Medallion" squad to go down....
Loads of cards on the table tonite so let the games begin...



Region 5 women's basketball / Re: PAC (Pennsylvania)
March 06, 2008, 11:32:05 PM


I can accept you calling me ignorant & annoying so long as you are just kidding and not being disrespectful.....


If you read one of my previous posts CAREFULLY...I did say it was GMC's fault for not being in the Little Dance because they simply did not take care of business.  By criteria they are not in & I agree with you !!!! I believe they are better than several in but (I don't think) anyone is super upset.

I have read many of your previous posts, last year and beyond where it appeared to me you had issues with the program because an overzealous fan(atic) bantered or ranted with you and on the board....this is part of the forum that  keeps you in business

I always sensed (& maybe I'm wrong) that because TC didn't have good "Karma" his opinion meant squat..don't begrudge anyone for being supportive of a collegiate team & A LEAGUE. Others should be so lucky.

Kudos to Ms. SID for digging up some stats & to Mondillo for being in select company.

This will be my last post as I have bills to pay and not enough time to become the expert that most are on these boards......

So as i shout my final words into the wind... I have to ask ...
did you take the ball with you when you left ?????


GO Cabrini..... kick booty
Region 5 women's basketball / Re: PAC (Pennsylvania)
March 06, 2008, 07:41:25 PM
Quote from: Pat Coleman on March 04, 2008, 12:39:15 PM
Perhaps the coaches get a negative perception of GMC women's basketball from somewhere.

Hey Guru,

Let me clue you in to three words......

"Success breeds contempt""

We are all well aware that you're board is the only game in town to express our opinions about how GMC gets jobbed on an annual basis....

Really there is nothing that can be done to change your opinions or the NCAA's...We didn't take care of business & lost the opportunity to prove you wrong in the tournament ...again

Be clear about this,...I write in here for laughs cause its quite obvious you've never seen GMC play & that we get under your skin.

Go right ahead, you keep giving GMC no respect (cause we don't fall in line with your opinions)... and every year we'll keep giving you the opportunity (if you know what I mean....)

You kinda remind me of the guy who takes the ball home if you don't let him win.....Don't be so naive to think WE really care about this like it is life or death.... it isn't and we post for laughs.....

... you should LOVE us !!!!!  before we started your posting..
it was like.... "what time is the game Saturday"  or
" isn't she a swell player"   yada yada... BORING !!!!!
At least when WE"RE posting the board is lively and you & your other 2 alias' have some people to banter with....

Just remember if you actually get out and SEE some teams play, & loosen up alittle maybe 260 people will tune in for your expert tournament analysis
(instead of 250).



GMC's loss to Albright comes back to bite them in the butt !!!!

They couldn't throw it in the ocean that day and they suffer the consequences.....

The MAC teams are overrated..... LVC is average at best and if they took Messiah to the wire then Messiah is in trouble with Cabrini....

Tierney dropped 29 on Cabrini but had little help from the rest on GMC...
if Messiah is a one gal show, I say there is an upset brewing
(and it won't be that surprising)
Region 5 women's basketball / Re: PAC (Pennsylvania)
March 03, 2008, 01:32:46 PM

Tierney played at least 36 minutes of the game (maybe 38)..... had the ball in her hands 75% of the time, was dogged start to finish with 3 different defenders, likely was gassed by the end....

I don't really remember the one airball you refer to but to me it's mute....she had a relatively good shot at the end that sat on the rim and just spilled out (I did feel a blast of hot air from the Cabrini side when it did !!!!!)...

These other conferences are overrated especially the MAC...
( & the PAC is way underrated).  Scranton is the biggest cuprit....
has the name & reputation.... I don't believe for one minute that they don't get preferencial treatment from the NCAA committee.

In this tournament its win or go home and everyone comes to play

Cabrini breaks it open at the end and beats Messiah by'll see
Region 5 women's basketball / Re: PAC (Pennsylvania)
March 03, 2008, 12:17:56 PM

Wanted to throw my two cents in before I'm out....

Congrats to the Champion Cavs.... Saturday was a tremendous game...loads of twists, turns and emotion.... An 8 point lead was never safe... First time in many GMC-Cabrini games where I thought Cabrini made their outside shots.... Big shots at key times, late in the game
(especially D'Amico's three when they were down six)....Really was a shame Rosar (GMC's big girl) got in foul trouble and eventually fouled out with 5 minutes left....might have been a different ending with her still playing at the end.

GMC most definitely have the MVP of the league....A no brainer
I want to see a better D3 point guard than Tierney.... She basically took over the game for GMC.. really was unstopable and will be sorely missed.

I was sure GMC would not get an at large bid to NCAA's because of some non-conference losses.... Kudos to Mondillo for scheduling them....
I say schedule all the top dogs.... no guts glory.   

Lastly, I'll go out on a small limb and say Cabrini beats Messiah AND
Wm. Patterson.... & GMC wins the ECAC South Tournament.

One of these days the "Guru" here at D3 is going to realize that as bad as the PAC may appear, the top 3 PAC teams will ALWAYS go toe to toe with anyone in the MAC, Centennial & NJAC and most of the other Division 3 schools in the country..... when it win or go home !!!!!!
Region 5 women's basketball / Re: PAC (Pennsylvania)
February 29, 2008, 06:02:36 PM

Flyer.... take a chill pill already... you seem alittle on edge...
like your on Cabrini's coaching staff or something...

I know who Mr Coleman is ...Duh.... it was a joke....
(kinda like the "guru" on his moniker.)

As far as I'm concerned the board is here to talk trash and have fun...

We'll be there tomorrow rooting our a55's off and so will you
(even if you're  coaching) and when the game is over some will be gloating and other's will be gone....

Damm I hope we're back here raising hell and spreading integrity and good karmal on Monday !!!!!
Region 5 women's basketball / Re: PAC (Pennsylvania)
February 29, 2008, 11:44:11 AM

"Jr has Bad Karma" ?????

Hey I don't have bad karma, chocolate or licorice...
I don't even LIKE candy.....

Hey Big Papi    I like Smith too... same with Ryan, D'Amico, & Frinfrock all good players...

BTW who's this Coleman guy giving you shots ?????? frustrated parent ???
Coach who can't get a job ????? Wannabe womens B-Ball expert ???

Said he misses your "rants".... Looked like a cheap shot

I for one love your trash talking & confidence big fella....unfortunately some people take it too seriously... if Cabrini wins they get the props..don't think it will happen.


Hey... I LOVE New York...... Unfortunately the NYU players, fans think their poopie don't stink....

My guess is the entire conference has schools with populations of 12,000 plus....

Little Gwynedd-Mercy (w/ 1200 students) goes to NYU and fights them tooth and nail right to the end.... and the whole team and fan base gets pissed like the other team was supposed to roll over ????

Yea they were "supposed" to win.. 4th in the country and all that but the uppity attitude is what cracks me up....

btw.... the joker that proposed the AUU vs PAC challange belongs at NYU... yea the PAC teams would likely be overmatched but there would be no backdown.   
Region 5 women's basketball / Re: PAC (Pennsylvania)
February 28, 2008, 06:43:40 PM

Flyer & Mailsey...... Just for the record (no pun intended).....

What exactly is Bobbi Morgan's record against GMC ????

Geez.... Cabrini has at least 15 sleek grayhounds on that bench, long tall fast.... just missing a few things .. head & heart....

I believe another GMC win causes unrepairable damage.... brace yourselves cause I feel it coming !!!!!!
Multi-Regional Topics / Re: UAA
February 28, 2008, 06:05:44 PM
Quote from: jagluski on February 28, 2008, 01:29:54 PM
Quote from: TCHoops Jr. on February 28, 2008, 12:36:50 PM

Gwynedd Mercy plays for the PAC championship on Saturday night and the GMC gang would love nothing better than getting back into the NCAA's and make a return trip up to NYU.....

Those lowlifes up at NYU talked a load of trash last year so the GMC gang really wanted to make a return trip for a rematch.....

oops... my bad... NYU is 3-10 and won't be going to the big dance this year..
hopefully they can get a game with a local youth team to get a few more wins under their belt !!!!!!!

By no means am I an NYU fan, but this comment is completely unnecessary and uncalled for. 

As an aside, I'd love to see how successful GMC would be in the UAA with Wash U, Chicago, Rochester, and Brandeis at the top.  Or a UAA-PAC challenge...that would be laughable.