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Messages - HAMBONE

Quote from: atl7 on February 21, 2009, 04:07:12 PM
Quote from: Blackcat00 on February 19, 2009, 09:36:32 PM
Atl I never mentioned Riggles? Michael Johnson is thier best pitcher this year and he didnt throw. Yes Riggles did have 9k's against UT Dallas to open the year , and did struggle again a great team in Texas Weslayan. I dont know where you are going with this ? Whitley is the # 3 or four guy, and the pitcher that Transfered in from TCU didnt even throw the first game.  You need to seriously go to some games or revamp your insight on baseball to come with that weak smack . I hear Tennis is easy to catch up on.

Yes I know you never mentioned original post was taken off before you could read it so here it is with a little edit some grown men can't read bad words or get all mad like a bunch of women at a tea party

anyways all this hype over this san Jac pitcher is a bunch of BS....if he was the real deal he would have been drafted out of San Jac or gone to a D1 or D2 fact he might have got offers but wanted to make his stats look better against D3 he can throw in the 90's he is 5'10 that ball is mostly likely flat as hell and would get crushed by anybody who can actually swing the sure he has a good curve, but I bet he cant hit with it every time...If HT got an average of a hit every inning he pitched he cant be that great...

Atl, I know you are still lurking around...why don't you enjoy this article instead of the Sunday paper today...thanks for your scouting report!
West Region / Re: BB: ASC: American Southwest Conference
February 22, 2009, 01:06:15 AM
Quote from: Blackcat00 on February 22, 2009, 12:05:08 AM
Hambone you pretty much owned him. Good stuff

Blackcat you've been around this game long enough to know how important kharma and the baseball gods are.  He will undoubtedly get caught slippin at some point if he always treats the game like this.  Remember the part on 'Major League' when Harris drinks Serrano's rum and says "up your butt Joboo?"  Then he got smoked with bat!  Well I dont believe in Joboo, but thats not the point...the point is thats what Serrano believed in and he didnt respect it...

It might be a "bad hop" tomorrow at practice; a foul ball @ a Cub's game he takes his girlfriend to in 3 years; or a freak pitching machine accident at the put-put course trying to dominate "Very-Fast" for his son someday ... but it will catch up with him...I just hope he remembers this very moment when it does happen so he doesnt find some lame excuse why the world is out to get him...

West Region / Re: BB: ASC: American Southwest Conference
February 21, 2009, 08:21:32 PM
Quote from: atl7 on February 21, 2009, 07:45:07 PM
o ya there are only 44 players in the system from d-3 baseball and out of those 44 only 6 are on major league rosters....scouts would rather pass on selecting a pitcher come out of D-3 baseball and go with kids out of High School because of how raw they are and they dont want players going to D1 schools becuase of how the coaches can sometimes mess things up, to much pitching, teach them things that dont want to be taught, another thing is a scout would look at looking at D3 players is are they even developed in the Mental side of the game, will the be able to keep pitching even when getting hitting, can they handle the pressure of having to pitch every pitch and not take a pitch off....there are so many variables that make it hard for D3 players to be drafted....its like the lowest of lowest forms of competition in colligate baseball below that of NAIA as well so bascially D-4....its hard to waste a draft pick on something you are not sure how long they will last or develop and plus age comes into play as well its very rare for player to picked after there junior year in d3 and most are picked after senior year making them about 22-23 or older in some cases so they dont have much time to a prospect and a being looked at like they could be on a major league team in 2-3 years

You are retarded.  Please proofread your posts.  Most of us do not speak ebonics.  Your outrageous perspective on the game is 2nd to none.  Please do us all a favor and speak in complete sentences and use proper grammar.  If you wish to speak in fragments, then please use bullet points. 
West Region / Re: BB: ASC: American Southwest Conference
February 21, 2009, 08:12:13 PM
Quote from: atl7 on February 21, 2009, 04:07:12 PM
Quote from: Blackcat00 on February 19, 2009, 09:36:32 PM
Atl I never mentioned Riggles? Michael Johnson is thier best pitcher this year and he didnt throw. Yes Riggles did have 9k's against UT Dallas to open the year , and did struggle again a great team in Texas Weslayan. I dont know where you are going with this ? Whitley is the # 3 or four guy, and the pitcher that Transfered in from TCU didnt even throw the first game.  You need to seriously go to some games or revamp your insight on baseball to come with that weak smack . I hear Tennis is easy to catch up on.

Yes I know you never mentioned original post was taken off before you could read it so here it is with a little edit some grown men can't read bad words or get all mad like a bunch of women at a tea party

anyways all this hype over this san Jac pitcher is a bunch of BS....if he was the real deal he would have been drafted out of San Jac or gone to a D1 or D2 fact he might have got offers but wanted to make his stats look better against D3 he can throw in the 90's he is 5'10 that ball is mostly likely flat as hell and would get crushed by anybody who can actually swing the sure he has a good curve, but I bet he cant hit with it every time...If HT got an average of a hit every inning he pitched he cant be that great...the last real deal out of Concordia was Miller and he did not even get drafted he is still in Indy Baseball and that guy had a slider that was like that of Lidge or all this hype about this kid needs to on the otherhand Mister Tom Williams is a possible draft pick in the late rounds....he is big, strong, and can hit for power and average, he also has very good speed...his only downfall his he can get lazy out in the field but yes I could actually see him get drafted anywhere from 35th round till the end..

that pictcher from TCU did not even play for the Horned Frogs...and he has got hit pretty hard this year...8 runs on 7 hits in 5inn. agains LC

WOW...this is getting a little out of hand...ATL, act like you've been around the game for a while if you are going to single people out.  I am not sure why you are so bitter, and frankly I dont care; I am only responding to this post due to your disrespect of the people that govern this site and make it possible for us to discuss baseball together.  If you would do a little research you might understand that "the grown man that got all mad like a woman @ a tea party" is the site administrator.  This isn't orangebloods, and if you know anything about the D3 baseball community then hopefully you know the difference.  I am not telling you not to single out the players and give your honest opinion, just try and show a little class to the brass.  

Don't get your panties in a wad because Michael Johnson throws hard.  We are all well aware that he is at a D3 program.  Did you ever play kickball as a kid?  When you were picking your team, who did you pick first?  That being said, whether or not he is the real-deal or not doesn't matter.  You are bit more focused on what didnt happen in the past as opposed to making solid arguments about present situations.  We can all come with hypothetical situations but most of us save those for a wet dream.  When you make statements like a kid wants to pad his stats, you are only agreeing his talent might be good enough to play at a higher level of competition...who the hell wouldnt put themselves in a situation to have a successful college career.  If you want to know why the kid isnt @ a D1 or D2 school then write him a letter and ask him, I am sure he would be more than enthused to answer all of your positive insight on why he isn't as good as you want him to be.  FYI, before you write your letter, I think you should know there isn't a stat for: being 5'10", throwing a flat fastball, and not hitting with a curve everytime.  Statements like those only indicate you dont even understand whatever it is you are trying to say.  Now those of us that can actually swing a stick, also know its confidence that makes us good, not cockyness.  The difference between the two is respect.  You should try it sometime, trust me; your whole perspective of the game will broaden, you begin to see your stats improve, and you might even make a few friends along the way.

Concordia University Texas Athletic Dept.
Attn: Michael Johnson (Baseball)
11400 Concordia University Drive
Austin, TX 78726

Miller is the real deal?  Once again, your inability to make wise judgements only makes me wonder why I am spending the time to disect your post.  Miller was not the real deal.  He was in the weekend rotation, and he did throw hard...but he was consistently inconsistent.  You already said that if Michael Johnson was the real deal then he would have been drafted or at a D1 or D2 school...then your pick for the real deal is Miller.  You dont make any sense.  You do know that Concordia University is a D3 school right?  When you compare Miller's fastball to "Lidge or Somebody" it almosts sounds as though you caught him?  Anyone that knows anything about anything knows that David White was the last real deal to leave Concordia.

Your ability to make draft predictions makes me want to have you pick my lottery #'s next tuesday night. Why on earth would write an entire paragraph of BS and then try and make a logical are a bit delusional and possibly suffering from hypomania...but I am not psychiatrist, so dont run off and start taking a bunch of meds...I dont know what all shows up on your crystal ball, but being the professional scout that you are, you should know that if in fact Williams did get drafted he wouldnt play outfield at a higher this takes care of him being "lazy" in the outfield.  Put him at 1st base and let the kid rake, end of story.  My guess is that Coach Gardner and the rest of the Home Team would rather have WIlliams be "lazy" in the outfield as opposed to Thielepape grazing the outfield grass.  I bet you $100 you wont call Tom Williams "lazy" to his face.  

As for your insight on Matt Coburn ... the guy has made 3 appearances ... there isnt a starting pitcher alive that has a 0.0 ERA ... let the guy pitch.  If he is still getting shelled in 6 weeks, then run your mouth...just wait until the proper time to do so.

Why are you so bitter of these Concordia guys anyway?  Did you not make the squad?  Is one of them sleeping with your exgirlfriend?  You obviously cant hold any of these guys jockstraps or you would be wearing one ... thus resulting in you and I not having this conversation.

Hey, show your email address on your profile...i am gonna send you my NCAA bracket as a .pdf attachment.  I was hoping you could rub your crystal ball and fill it out for me. ill give you 10%. thanks!
I need some Karma...someone please throw me a bone!  I am starting off the season in an 0-2 count.  Even Ted Williams and Pete Rose were only a notch above the mendoza line in these situations.
Quote from: dp643 on February 09, 2009, 07:52:37 AM
Can we get off this notion that just because you throw 90 MPH that it automatically means you will get people out in D-3?? I have seen plenty of guys that throw 90 get crushed at this level. Not saying these guys will, but just because you can throw that hard means very very little. Let their actions speak louder than this message board.

I agree with is a game of angles and percentages...the only stats that really matter are the ones you will find on the back of any baseball card...when all these phenoms that throw 90+ have some stats (indicating that they actually play) then we can talk about why the data is skewed in one way or the other...any good hitter @ any level of play knows that all 90+ means is that the ball will go further; and if these cats cant throw it in the zone they will weed themselves out in time.

On to more important topics ... I saw where CTX beat UT Tyler in Tyler's season opener ending that beloved 18 game winning streak ... I guess all good things eventually come to an end.  Box score indicated that it was a pretty good pitching matchup, with exception to the top of the first.  Did anyone get to see either of these guys throw this weekend?  Whats the scouting report on Holland? Does he touch 90? I looked the UT Tyler website over and couldnt find any stats that showed how hard their guys throw...

Good luck to eveyone's teams...appears this will be an exciting season with talent across the board in the West Region.
Quote from: Ralph Turner on April 26, 2008, 11:13:14 PM
Quote from: mcm505 on April 26, 2008, 08:12:30 PM
So McM plays MC on May 2nd at McM?  Is that all correct Ralph?  And this is a MC team that took two straight from UMHB who swept McM.  Should be a great first round game of the tourney.
I think that this is not the MissCollege team that HSU swept whom McMurry beat 2 games to 1.

McMurry plays Miss Coll in the second game on Friday.  Standard four-team double elimination format.  I hope that the weather is good.

weather should be good.  here is the link for the Abilene 10 day Forecast.  high of 80 and sunny.  It should feel like you are in San Diego, except when you leave the ballpark and you realize you are still in Abilene...

Congratulations to CTX, McM, UTT, and MC...looks like there will be some blood shed in Abilene...
Quote from: HAMBONE on April 26, 2008, 08:27:32 PM
Quote from: TexasBB on April 26, 2008, 08:11:06 PM
Robert Mummy just homered for Ozarks in the top of the 8th cutting the lead of CTX to 10-8.

headed into the bottom of the 8th.  UO just left the tie runner stranded 90 ft away.  UO is bring Curt Dixon into pitch. they are low low low on arms at this point to bring him in. 10-9 CTX, bot 8th.

CTX won 10-9.  CTX, McM, UTT, MC all advance to the 2nd rd of the conf tourney that will be played @ Driggers Field in Abilene.  Corey Briggs can really swing the stick!
Quote from: TexasBB on April 26, 2008, 08:11:06 PM
Robert Mummy just homered for Ozarks in the top of the 8th cutting the lead of CTX to 10-8.

headed into the bottom of the 8th.  UO just left the tie runner stranded 90 ft away.  UO is bring Curt Dixon into pitch. they are low low low on arms at this point to bring him in. 10-9 CTX, bot 8th.
Quote from: fungoman on April 16, 2008, 11:39:35 AM
Quote from: D35W on April 16, 2008, 07:36:17 AM
Quote from: mcm505 on April 15, 2008, 02:55:41 PM
Not to mention, didn't UMHB take 2 of 3 from my McMurry Indians, a team that went on to take 2 of 3 from CTX?  I have never been a fan of UMHB, but give credit where it is due, you don't win games in this conference unless you can play some ball.

I am sure as with most of the teams that have lost to umhb that MCM took them lightly since they have not been very competitive over the last few years.  And I do believe that you can win 25 games without being very good when you play brutal teams before conference.

I am not so sure that anyone takes a team nationally ranked lightly, so that comment doesn't make any sense. I have not seen UMHB play, but I have seen Concordia, and quite honestly I was not impressed. Maybe the whole west is just overrated?

I see the Concordia fans that were MIA for 2 weeks are back on the board, except for HAMBONE. Did daddy tell you to quit posting? So you call up your boyfriend David White to post for you? It really is quite funny.

Heading to Mississippi this weekend to bring home the East division champion again. Should be a good series, but I am predicting a Tyler sweep in 3 close games.

I have been absent because i actually do have a life.  I wouldnt necessarily call it MIA as I dont remember ever missing any role-call.  In fact the only action that really went on since my last post was my tornados sweeping the most un-sweepable team in college baseball....and i was present for that, so i have been PftA (Present for the Action)...Fungoman it sounds like you are a little jealous that David White is my friend and not yours...he is actually not my boyfriend, he is married, but I can see how you might be confused since we played together and dominated together.  And as of now my boyfriend and I still have rings that say West Regional Champs....something you dont have.
#11 not respond to thi son here.  i did not mean to start a new folder....i posted this in the ASC blog as well, so please respond there...

Ralph can you delete this or do i have to do it from my end?

Done!  Thanks and +1!  :)

(I really like how Pat Coleman has set up conference- and region-oriented topic boards.  It helps organize the discussion.) 
Quote from: CUAfan on April 04, 2008, 11:53:54 AM
I could've sworn I'd posted these already, but I can't find where. Oh well, here are my picks again. :P

Texas-Tyler sweeps LeTourneau
Howard Payne takes 2 from Hardin-Simmons
Texas Lutheran sweeps Sul Ross State
Mary Hardin-Baylor sweeps Schreiner
Ozarks takes 2 from Louisiana College
Mississippi College sweeps East Texas Baptist
Concordia-Texas takes 2 from McMurry

UTT sweeps LU
UTT will  not lose another league game.  Tourney will be their next challenge, they know where the symptoms of their pitchers that struggle late by now and will medicate these wounds before they suffer another loss.  They have the pen depth to hand somebody the ball before they lose the momentum again...This is my prediction of course, but I think last weeks loss fixed the Patriots.  They will begin to peak this weekend, as they should at this time of the year.

HPU 2 of 3 from HSU
HSU's first 2 starters will give HPU some trouble, but they will not be able to last the entire game and HPU is a scrappy bunch...HSU is an organized program that has the potential to upset a good team; but I think they lack the ability to adjust to a team like HPU that isnt as solid fundamentally but has the gonads to fight until their opponents give up or make more mistakes then their own sloppy style of play.

TLU 2 of 3 from SRSU
after what i saw last weekend i dont necessarily think the fight is out of the bulldogs, as they play with plenty of pride; they just flat do not know how to win.  On the other hand, SRSU knows how to lose (i am not putting them down, but by this point they know they have nothing to lose).  One of SRSU's gutsy pitchers will win won of these games.

UMHB 2 of 3 from SU
SU knows they still have a chance to get in the tourney.  I predict they will find a way to win one of these games.  I have a funny feeling that UMHB is a little unsure if they are worthy of their curent "high roller" status....I think they are a little too excited about their red-carpet status and have not proven they can dominate a good team.  They have a good club and have several wins, but this is the time of the year where the good teams peak out and level off.  I personally think they peaked too soon.  After their loss to the bulldogs, they were reminded of the other losses they have suffered and actually enjoy the fact that they are human.  SU, a team i think is a lot like HPU will scratch and claw a "W" away from the CRU.  May the CRU please prove me wrong.

UO sweeps LC
UO is good this year.  like UTT, they are focused on the tourney and preparing properly by not letting anything get in the way.  They know their roles at this point and have the depth on the bench and in the pen to step it up in preperation for the "dance floor."

MC 2 of 3 from ETBU
MC always has big veined up neanderthals on their roster, but always seem to come up short.  I do not think they have amount of focus it takes to sweep a team theat is playing for pride. I will pay credit where credit is due; MC had a closer my senior that struck me out my last college at-bat...i do not remember his name, but he threw like 93 from underneath....they always have one of those guys, so maybe if their starting pitchers get beat up and come out early their "closer will come in and get a few wins to bail them out"  regardless of my uneducated guess of their failures, they like UTT and UO are tuning up for the dance floor and will use this week to try and work any kinks out...even if that means playing some bench players to find out who is prepared and who is weak.

CTX 2 of 3 from McMurry
This is the Tornados last home series ever in the history of Keller-Fascholz field.  Regardless of what any of think of the CTX university or the program I do not think there is an indiviual alive that has played on that diamond and enjoyed it in one way or another...for me it was any 4 run game was always one swing of the bat away...or the short porches causing every DII, NAIA, or any ASC 3-4-5 hole hitter to go "offer" their first game thinking a flyball would leave the yard.  Or maybe you enjoyed the perfectly manicured mound and plate with turfed sidelines so you didnt end up with crushed granite in your hotel room; perhaps it was the smell of the port-a-potties behind the visitors dugouts that were strategically placed their for a reason...whatever your fetish may be with that victorian-style diamond, and wether or not you left their with a memory of success or defeat, you enjoyed something about it...hell it might have even been the 19 different ultra-light weight batting practice screens versus some of the 300 guage iron L-screens used as shag protection, that covered all but enough room for your BP tosser to throw strikes; or the 4-foot "Gardner's Gap" where the 2000 team ran out of ply-wood before incliment weather caused the fence to taper down and stay that way when they replaced it with 'o man its sad to see that place go....okay back to my predictions, the nados will have a little extra mojo from the "angels in the outfield" this weekend...not only did a lite norther blow in this morning causing the wind to gust out towards the participants of the Texas Relays traveling down I-35, but they represent a chance to literally leave it all out on field aside from it being such an important series for both prediction is this will be a record weekend for someone with a big stick: williams, warneke, thiegelpopper-niner, voorhees, david, or may be combined HR"S from all of them, it may be 1 of them hitting one out every at-bat, it may an enormous amount of strikeouts....all I know is that the first series I ever saw CTX play after turning down D1, D2, and JUCO offers was against McMurry and even with good ole Scott Berkman on the mound and I think McMurry outscored the tornados like 54-3 in the series....this is a little symbolic that the indians are in town, and what a chance to recover all that blood that squad bled all over our field; hopefully the tornados toss those clown suits in the trash they wear on friday nights and strap on the old "southlands" and black mesh jerseys that my people wore when we punished people that showed up looking for a fight...C'mon Coach Gardner, I know youre out there, get some of those old unis out and extract what hits and chemistry we left in them after going 2 and Q in Appleton and wear some prediction has now changed....the nados give the Indians and old-fashioned broom stick. It was a tradition Coach Keller (RIP) started and it was a tradition we refurbished while i played there....that same tradition is in a box in the locker room, if they pull 'em out...then they will "pull 'em out" .... someone please do not let the door hit you in the ass on the way out, and someone please dont forget to turn off the lights......

on another note please check this link out....close friend of mine sent me this link while browsing through this athletic site....maybe this mound would fix all pitching issues in the WEST...In fact i will write a letter today and get a petition started to make it mandatory that all ASC WEST schools with sub-par pitching to install these "mounds-in-a-box"  they look entirely too easy to install and very fact I think they just changed the rules of the game by eliminating the pitcher all together and having 2 short-stops.....thats what ill go ahead an petition for to fix this "noodle-arm" delemma we are having in 2008 in the WEST; its almost ingenius; take the pitcher out of the ballgame and have 2 shortstops....caoches just please make sure that he comes to a complete stop with runners on base; this is know as a balk and could really back-fire on our collective approach to solve this ever-increasing problem....

Make it a great day.

West Region / Re: American Southwest Conference
April 02, 2008, 01:00:37 AM
Quote from: wetsu on April 01, 2008, 04:41:46 PM
Quote from: pitchinmom on May 10, 2007, 08:36:36 PM
Quote from: Warren Thompson on May 10, 2007, 05:14:35 PM
Quote from: Blackcat00 on May 10, 2007, 12:31:25 PM
Also what I noticed that is unbeleivable is how Coach Mike Gardner from Concordia hsnt received coach of the year at all. That be saying hes the only coach from the ASC conference to reach the Div3 World Series. Makes you think is there some bias because they love Mueller at TLU and they are the Buffolo Bills of the ASC when it comes to the REgionals.

Wow! You put your finger right on it. The anti-Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod conspiracy amongst the ASC coaches rears its ugly head ... again.  :o
I don't know how the Coach of the Year is selected, but Gardner is definitely more than that in my books!  He's not only a remarkable coach who is highly respected by his players, he's an all around great man.  I have seen my son mature greatly over the last couple of years and as much as I would like to take the credit, I know that Garnder has had more to do with it than anyone.  I couldn't have asked for my son to have been in any better hands. 
I'm sorry.  I respect your opinion and am happy for you and your son.  I totally disagree.  Gardner has totally destroyed my son's confidence and desire as well.  I feel like he had a grudge against my son because he stated that he was angry that he didn't commit to him earlier (he was waiting on a DII school to offer him a scholarship).  From the day he enrolled Gardner put him in no win situations to let him know how offended he was that he might pick a DII school over his "heavenly blessed"  DIII non scholarship, tuition out the wazzoo school.  Needless to say, I am not happy with how he treated this 18 year old kid.  If I could do anything detrimental to him, I would.  He has hurt my son. So, I disagree, and I think he is a worthless piece of excrement!  But still, I know that it seems to work both ways, but I just wanted the other way to be stated.  He is not God's gift to baseball.  Besides his players were talented enough to make it to the Series that year anyway had you or I been coaching them.

sorry for the typo (i dleted the
Quoteand it looke i typed 13 paragraphs..., i guess i took up a whole page by myself....please read it all and refer back to his (wetsu) original messages to understand my true meaning...i really do respect every players dad on this message board....but when they degrade anothers players dad, and belittle him, and use him as an excuse it baffles me....grow up... if you are good you will play somewhere, if you are not, you will complain on a message board...... HERE IS TO YOU WETSU...please "PACK-A-LUNCH" ......

I'm sorry.  I respect your opinion and am happy for you and your son.  I totally disagree.  Gardner has totally destroyed my son's confidence and desire as well.  I feel like he had a grudge against my son because he stated that he was angry that he didn't commit to him earlier (he was waiting on a DII school to offer him a scholarship).  From the day he enrolled Gardner put him in no win situations to let him know how offended he was that he might pick a DII school over his "heavenly blessed"  DIII non scholarship, tuition out the wazzoo school.  Needless to say, I am not happy with how he treated this 18 year old kid.  If I could do anything detrimental to him, I would.  He has hurt my son. So, I disagree, and I think he is a worthless piece of excrement!  But still, I know that it seems to work both ways, but I just wanted the other way to be stated.  He is not God's gift to baseball.  Besides his players were talented enough to make it to the Series that year anyway had you or I been coaching them.

EXCUSE ME...first of all, let me welcome you "GUEST" to board...You apparently have no clue whatsoever....look around and grab one, as they are all around. 

First let me say that you just posted to a message that was presented on this board over a year ago....noone here know what you are talking about (except me, or anyone that took the time to dig through the archives to understand what you are referring too).

Second, you state that coach gardner has destroyyed all your sons confidence and desire as well.....with all do respect sir...if he cannot control his confidence level and desire for a game that he desrves a scholarship for then he does not need a scholarship or to play that particualr this case it is the game of baseball.....if you have ever studied any book on baseball the best hitters of the game hit .400 and the best pitchers are very is game of with even speak of the beloved d3 college wqorld series....ctx was 2 and out...that is failure, but at the same time it was a father and read between the lines, quit feeling sorry for yourself and do your son a favor and quit feeling sorry for this time, i assume he is an adult and will need his life lessons to raise a family, not a d3 baseball resume.

you state that coach gardner was angry at your son b/c he was waiting on a d3 baseball scholarship....i think every d3 baseball player was waiting on a dII baseball scholarship, so that is a piss poor excuse.....  those who wait around find themselves searching for the back of the line....LEAD, FOLLOW, OR GET THE HELL OUT OF THE WAY.....hopefully you understand what that means....if you do not, then you qwill probably be responding to this post some time in 2010 season complaining about all the sarcasm on this board.

you also state that GARDNER put him in no-win situations!!!! you obviously know nothing about baseball.....let me expalin it again if you cannot understand is a game of failure.  even if the team was losing when your son pitched, he still had the odds on his side to succeed......the best hitter ever failed 7 out of 10 times......???????? think about it.  if he was that good, then he wouldnt have been playing on a team that could not field...."ALL ELSE EQUALS" ... ever heard that before?  Ill give you a hint, it was not written in 2007.

first of all the "heavenly blessed" comment was not necessary, but i am only defending GOD on this might want to ask this entire boasrd for forgiveness....even though we cannot let you in baseball heaven, you are talking to a baseball board that supports private institutions, not belittle them liek yourself.  secondly, the "tuition out the wazzo" statement....what the hell?  are the only one that the schoole raped out of money?  if your son was so heavenly blessed by the baseball gods then why did he not get that so beloved DII scholarship he waited around on?  noone here feels sorry for you.  most of us have student loan payment to deal with.....i can tell you one thing, i have plenty of plaques on my wall that says i was "GOOD" in the same conference you arwe bitching about and i still write a check every month, so you might want to rethink who you are complaining to....none of us feel sorry for you or your son who is still wating around.

If you could do anything detrimental to him you would?  are you serious?  if you were you would have already done it.  if you do, its in the first degree b/c it is premeditated.  why dont you start by looking yourself in the mirror.  just b/c you wait around doesnt mean you are a failure.  your son is probably good.  i do not even know his name or his pitching style but i am trying to teach you a lesson.  you held him back, now he is suffering, and you are pointing fingers on a message board.....there are no players of the week on this message board...  why dont you create a profile like the rest of us and join us once ina while.

next you say "worthless piece of excretement" .... i think i missed something here....didnt you send your son to go play for this man?  didnt you sign the student loan papers?  didnt your tell your son to wait around for a free scholarship from the DII program?  YOU ARE RETARDED....DI programs only get 12 scholarships...yes that means the beloved UT also....most teams travel with 18-25 the math smart guy...if your son was any good the best he would have been offered was books, tuition, and fees...that is still not a full scholarship an dvery few get that offer at a DI program.....get off you high horse and smell the coffee (the best coffee is at Dunkin Donuts BTW)....

Next you say that "Coach Gardner is not Gods Gift To Baseball" ... noone stated that he was ... if you ever pay attenetion or have been to cooperstown....the only people that were gods gift to baseball attended Jose Canseco's Bar-B-Q with Roger Clemens in 2001...I believe that Andy Pettite was there but he "MISREMEMBERS"...take that for what its worth.  in fact i think that your son might have benefeted from the supplements that were distributed at that "Bar-B-Q"

your last statement about "you or her coaching our world series team"  really told me that you did not understand the game of baseball or concordia's success for that are retarded...first of all, if you were our coach we probably be just waiting around for someone to tell us if we were good just like your son...second, noone on my team would paly for you...noone.  probably not even your son, b/c i would convince him that I wa better than you (and he would believe me, believe me)...third of all, if you knew anything about anyting, you would know that if your son was not handle being un-successful at a D3 program then hes hould have pursued a different route to many time do you see MAJOR LEAGUE PLAYERS coming back from retirement?  HOW MANY COLLEGE BASBALL PLAYERS MAKE IT TO THE BIG LEAGUES?  1 out of ever 10,000 college baseball players makes it to the major leagues.....i had the success story starting the 5A all-star all-state game in TEXAS in 2000 as a catcher and was a 2-time all-american nominee and all-west region catcher and all-west region DH.....I struck out my last college at-bat in the 2004 ASC conf tourney.....COACH GARDNER prepared me for that at-bat so-well i was happy to shake the MISSISSIPI COLLEGE PITCHER'S hand after the game, i was proud of him.  i had all the accomplsihments in the world, i never got drafted...AND I DEALT WITH IT....if you are a man with testosteone and hair on your chest then you will do the same...GOOD LUCK GUEST...grow some balls and get a screenname!!!
West Region / Re: American Southwest Conference
April 02, 2008, 12:51:42 AM

I'm sorry.  I respect your opinion and am happy for you and your son.  I totally disagree.  Gardner has totally destroyed my son's confidence and desire as well.  I feel like he had a grudge against my son because he stated that he was angry that he didn't commit to him earlier (he was waiting on a DII school to offer him a scholarship).  From the day he enrolled Gardner put him in no win situations to let him know how offended he was that he might pick a DII school over his "heavenly blessed"  DIII non scholarship, tuition out the wazzoo school.  Needless to say, I am not happy with how he treated this 18 year old kid.  If I could do anything detrimental to him, I would.  He has hurt my son. So, I disagree, and I think he is a worthless piece of excrement!  But still, I know that it seems to work both ways, but I just wanted the other way to be stated.  He is not God's gift to baseball.  Besides his players were talented enough to make it to the Series that year anyway had you or I been coaching them.

I'm sorry.  I respect your opinion and am happy for you and your son.  I totally disagree.  Gardner has totally destroyed my son's confidence and desire as well.  I feel like he had a grudge against my son because he stated that he was angry that he didn't commit to him earlier (he was waiting on a DII school to offer him a scholarship).  From the day he enrolled Gardner put him in no win situations to let him know how offended he was that he might pick a DII school over his "heavenly blessed"  DIII non scholarship, tuition out the wazzoo school.  Needless to say, I am not happy with how he treated this 18 year old kid.  If I could do anything detrimental to him, I would.  He has hurt my son. So, I disagree, and I think he is a worthless piece of excrement!  But still, I know that it seems to work both ways, but I just wanted the other way to be stated.  He is not God's gift to baseball.  Besides his players were talented enough to make it to the Series that year anyway had you or I been coaching them.

EXCUSE ME...first of all, let me welcome you "GUEST" to board...You apparently have no clue whatsoever....look around and grab one, as they are all around. 

First let me say that you just posted to a message that was presented on this board over a year ago....noone here know what you are talking about (except me, or anyone that took the time to dig through the archives to understand what you are referring too).

Second, you state that coach gardner has destroyyed all your sons confidence and desire as well.....with all do respect sir...if he cannot control his confidence level and desire for a game that he desrves a scholarship for then he does not need a scholarship or to play that particualr this case it is the game of baseball.....if you have ever studied any book on baseball the best hitters of the game hit .400 and the best pitchers are very is game of with even speak of the beloved d3 college wqorld series....ctx was 2 and out...that is failure, but at the same time it was a father and read between the lines, quit feeling sorry for yourself and do your son a favor and quit feeling sorry for this time, i assume he is an adult and will need his life lessons to raise a family, not a d3 baseball resume.

you state that coach gardner was angry at your son b/c he was waiting on a d3 baseball scholarship....i think every d3 baseball player was waiting on a dII baseball scholarship, so that is a piss poor excuse.....  those who wait around find themselves searching for the back of the line....LEAD, FOLLOW, OR GET THE HELL OUT OF THE WAY.....hopefully you understand what that means....if you do not, then you qwill probably be responding to this post some time in 2010 season complaining about all the sarcasm on this board.

you also state that GARDNER put him in no-win situations!!!! you obviously know nothing about baseball.....let me expalin it again if you cannot understand is a game of failure.  even if the team was losing when your son pitched, he still had the odds on his side to succeed......the best hitter ever failed 7 out of 10 times......???????? think about it.  if he was that good, then he wouldnt have been playing on a team that could not field...."ALL ELSE EQUALS" ... ever heard that before?  Ill give you a hint, it was not written in 2007.

first of all the "heavenly blessed" comment was not necessary, but i am only defending GOD on this might want to ask this entire boasrd for forgiveness....even though we cannot let you in baseball heaven, you are talking to a baseball board that supports private institutions, not belittle them liek yourself.  secondly, the "tuition out the wazzo" statement....what the hell?  are the only one that the schoole raped out of money?  if your son was so heavenly blessed by the baseball gods then why did he not get that so beloved DII scholarship he waited around on?  noone here feels sorry for you.  most of us have student loan payment to deal with.....i can tell you one thing, i have plenty of plaques on my wall that says i was "GOOD" in the same conference you arwe bitching about and i still write a check every month, so you might want to rethink who you are complaining to....none of us feel sorry for you or your son who is still wating around.

If you could do anything detrimental to him you would?  are you serious?  if you were you would have already done it.  if you do, its in the first degree b/c it is premeditated.  why dont you start by looking yourself in the mirror.  just b/c you wait around doesnt mean you are a failure.  your son is probably good.  i do not even know his name or his pitching style but i am trying to teach you a lesson.  you held him back, now he is suffering, and you are pointing fingers on a message board.....there are no players of the week on this message board...  why dont you create a profile like the rest of us and join us once ina while.

next you say "worthless piece of excretement" .... i think i missed something here....didnt you send your son to go play for this man?  didnt you sign the student loan papers?  didnt your tell your son to wait around for a free scholarship from the DII program?  YOU ARE RETARDED....DI programs only get 12 scholarships...yes that means the beloved UT also....most teams travel with 18-25 the math smart guy...if your son was any good the best he would have been offered was books, tuition, and fees...that is still not a full scholarship an dvery few get that offer at a DI program.....get off you high horse and smell the coffee (the best coffee is at Dunkin Donuts BTW)....

Next you say that "Coach Gardner is not Gods Gift To Baseball" ... noone stated that he was ... if you ever pay attenetion or have been to cooperstown....the only people that were gods gift to baseball attended Jose Canseco's Bar-B-Q with Roger Clemens in 2001...I believe that Andy Pettite was there but he "MISREMEMBERS"...take that for what its worth.  in fact i think that your son might have benefeted from the supplements that were distributed at that "Bar-B-Q"

your last statement about "you or her coaching our world series team"  really told me that you did not understand the game of baseball or concordia's success for that are retarded...first of all, if you were our coach we probably be just waiting around for someone to tell us if we were good just like your son...second, noone on my team would paly for you...noone.  probably not even your son, b/c i would convince him that I wa better than you (and he would believe me, believe me)...third of all, if you knew anything about anyting, you would know that if your son was not handle being un-successful at a D3 program then hes hould have pursued a different route to many time do you see MAJOR LEAGUE PLAYERS coming back from retirement?  HOW MANY COLLEGE BASBALL PLAYERS MAKE IT TO THE BIG LEAGUES?  1 out of ever 10,000 college baseball players makes it to the major leagues.....i had the success story starting the 5A all-star all-state game in TEXAS in 2000 as a catcher and was a 2-time all-american nominee and all-west region catcher and all-west region DH.....I struck out my last college at-bat in the 2004 ASC conf tourney.....COACH GARDNER prepared me for that at-bat so-well i was happy to shake the MISSISSIPI COLLEGE PITCHER'S hand after the game, i was proud of him.  i had all the accomplsihments in the world, i never got drafted...AND I DEALT WITH IT....if you are a man with testosteone and hair on your chest then you will do the same...GOOD LUCK GUEST...grow some balls and get a screenname!!!
Quote from: fungoman on April 01, 2008, 06:30:39 PM
Glad to see you around again HAMBONE. You seem to be taking the losses much better tahn Blackcat. I guess he still doesn't realize I am talking about game one of the Concordia, Tyler series when Concordia needed 6 runs in the last 3 to come back and win. That win kept them from being swept. Is that too hard to comprehend?

CUAFan provides more insight to this board with one of his stat posts than you have in your last 20 Blackcat, so they are much appreciated. Maybe he is just upset his Tornados aren't in any of the stats except the one with all the bottom teams in the divisions. Keep them coming!

As I post this... my Patriots have just batted around to take the lead vs Hardin-Simmons 4-2 in the 2nd.

you are correct always you do your research...maybe our wisdom will come with time like maybe after we have a kid playing...but until then we will continue to post with remarks that make some hairs stand up as we are all recent college graduates and are not used to spectating...i hope that you can understand?

i take losses well.  i understand that baseball is a game of is a game of adjsutments and is a game that is considered a team-sport but the outcome relies soley on indiviual may say that all team sports rely collectively on indiviual performance, but how many of those sports have a salary cap?  wel i can think of 3 and this msg board only covers 1 of those.  i also understand that CTX isnt working with much of a pitching staff this year, but niether is the rest of the west....hencew the # of rising d3 batting champions we hae on our hands...the pitching is bad enough to hit the good hitters bats and then put the good hitters right back into a preverbial slump......i do not have anything to criticize the east about other than paper #'s and that is what i rely on cuafan and Just_Some_Guy to analyze b/c their analysis is unbiased baswed on both divisions stats....i have first-hand knowledge of what goes on in the west and what type of players are producing the double-digit #'sw that you read of on the internet.................

i also understand what you meant about needing to score six runs to keep from getting swept.....that is a good point that you made.  Thee UTT-Patriots are a good club. regardless of the prediction opr the innings it took to score the runs CTX did win that game and UTT won the next 2.   I have not and will not (until their is a phenom in austin)  claim that CTX is better than any team, first of all they havent proveed to dominate anyone, and they have plenty of things to work on.  Nor has CTX been ranked in the top 5 in the country so them losing isnt as much surprising as the beloved with that in mind it would make as much sense to say that the unbeatable team with the best pitching in the conference was beat by an underdog west team (ctx).....but we both know its baseball, utt was on the was was a new field....tom williams was hot and thats all they have...whatever the case maybe, they are all excuses and that is why the asc does not count the cross-over games anymore...what we4 have at present is a 7 team dogfight for the conf tourney and it will only get bloodier from here on out.......i plan on seeing some raquet-balls and golf ballsflying out of some bats...this is when its gets fun....everyone loves offense and everyone respects defense+that means we respect the east, but we4 love the west.

blackcat00...lay off fungoman....if he realized the patriots were in the tourney he would laydown silently and let everyone sleep...but he is drawing attention to the team that is supposed to be i wish i could lace up my spikes again and jump into this race for the title....this has to be the most competitive year yet...Mr Jacoby would love this athletic competition!!!!