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Messages - YeAhItSmE303

Pat Coleman, you know what i meant, its still that much shorter, Lebron James made a quote once about the changing of the basketball, which should always be a constant like how the length of the 3 point line should be a constant, "You can shorten our shorts, tell us how to wear wristbands, things like that. Change the dress code. But the one thing we care about is the basketball," he said. "When you start changing the thing we play with every single day, it doesn't make sense to me -- at all.", thats what there doing, i just dont think its right to change it now.
Multi-Regional Topics / Re: All Americans
March 12, 2008, 11:18:54 PM
Let me just say a name that comes to my head um...............maybe Ryan Kroeger?!

lol, i am a big LU fan, just had to say. ;D
i dont know, i think it could be a bad mistake, you all say 9 inches isnt that much, but it seperates a long-mid range jump shooter from a 3-point shooter now and i guarantee the % is about 5-8% points better, now im rambling and not making any sense, i just dont like it, maybe 20'5 or something
Really just go for it, if you love the game, playing time wont be a huge factor, and i dont see you getting a lot of that at 5'6 120. I love that u have a passion for the game and do want you to make it and hopefully get some playing time. I'm hopeful the guys on the team will be your kind of people and the worse case scenario is you make some friend's, have fun and play a little basketball(im sure you'll make a team). Best of luck.

Go LU-Heck Of a season