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Messages - thereiis

Matt, hence why i stated for anyone who doubted widener. i and all widener fans appreciate the thanks thus far from everyone and both games were very good games. like i said, im not posting to rub anything in, both teams were very good teams.  i just felt being bisonkillers comments earlier he needed some reassuring. and i didnt know he was not a cua or york fan for the record. thanks for the info.
Not trying to rub anything in here, but again, Bisonkiller and anyone else who doubted Widener, you there???? You seem real quiet over there boss?  No YOU SUCK posts or anything, whats a matter? ohhhhhh thats rightttt.......your team isnt playing anymore.

Go Pioneers

Welp........I think Ill dedicate this one to Bisonkiller


maybe next year champ

Widener wins.

"By simply replying immediately to any comment towards Gallaudet... you started a touchy subject. Not the way to start."

Because I responded to comments regarding why a game from the beginning of the season would be in question at the end of a season I therefore started a touchy subject???? Granted, I know why that was brought up after the fact, but if you think I was questioning that school based on the "style" of school I should say, your sadly mistaken. Or maybe I misunderstood what you meant. Not sure.

Anyway, CACFAN....impressive stats with your post, but again, without watching film and breaking that down everything you mentioned can be received online. Your right with everything you said and i agree, but film is where you would get your advantages, players trends and tendencies and what not. Thats all I was implying.

In regards to Widener being tired; definitely correct. I actually remember saying that to someone during there last game. Does anyone think Catholic is? I obviously havent seen them play so im just curious.

And again, Widener has played on that court in previous years. The court sucks, but I cant see a court supplying that much of an advantage for a first round game or any game for that matter.
D-Mac, i couldnt agree more. they are definitely even to say the least. in regards to the gym they are playing in, widener played on that floor 2 years ago i believe for a tournament against york and i believe one other time as well for the same tournament a different year. not to say they are accustomed to it, but none the less, they have played on it. so if thats the only strength CU has is the floor they are playing on, ill be happy with that.

Furthermore, I havent put down any school or conference. I came in here to start conversation about the game, not put down the CAC. If by defending my argument i am putting down a conference or school, I dont know what to say. I guess I apologize, but nothing about the CAC was brought up. And besides looking up stats online at CUA's site, how would you like someone who isnt a player or coach to get the low down? I apologize if I dont watch film and talk to other schools before posting.
CAC, although the method you posted was kinda cool, what you said, again, pointless banter supporting your team. I know nothing about your team and to be honest, you nor anyone hear knows anything about mine. Ok great, you looked up what they average and what not online, good work there NBA scouter; and you asked another school, who has yet to reply (atleast from what i can see) about what happened when they played them. Well Clarkson played well and Gallued. lost. Oh sh*t, now you guys really know us. Wait to go fellas. Did u guys send this all to your coach for the game yet? he might need it. the point im making is atleast i came out and said i know nothing about your team. some of you clowns are typing over there with stats, heights, weights and whatever else you can come up with and pretending you know Widener. Support your team, sure why not, but dont act like you actually know Widener like your saying you do. Come friday we'll see who wins and go from there. In the mean time, keep up your great scouting reports, your YOU SUCK comments and "way to much time on your hands" posting methods. They all are realllyyyyy great guys. Good work again. Yeaaaaaa Catholic.
Bisonkiller, clever......that take you awhile to come up with??? Stop thinking too hard you might hurt yourself.

Matt, I never said Catholic wasnt good. They are obviously a good squad or they wouldnt be here. Obviously i would think the team im backing would win the game, so ignore the prediction. My point, which i guess i should have explained in more detail for those less literate and capable as Bisonkiller, is that every team thus far has tried to stop Clarkson, and sometimes it has worked doubling him, but overall it hasnt. the teams that have won have either won on a buzzer beater (messiah) or purely off of widener not coming to play (missed free throws and or layups) so, their strength isnt in solely clarkson, but their guard play as well. do u guys have the big guys to stop clarkson?? sure u do. but i dont think u have the guards to match with ours. Bisonkiller, u still following or should i translate into a more readable form? you jackass. anyway, should be a good game. Ill still stick to my prediction based, now on more info thanks to some, that wideners guard play from the 1-3 spots are a tad more athletic and thus winning the game. Good luck. See you at the game.
Widener fan here....figure I'd come in and say some things. First, Why is anyone talking about the beginning of the season playing Galluadett? Just curious. Anyway, I know nothing about Catholic, so Ill keep it simple, Widener's too athletic, Blakey controls the court too well, Clarkson's too nice, do what you will to stop him, the other players will just pick up there games. Widener advances by 6.
I hope, with the season they had, to end it on that note blows. The only thing I see hurting them is there non league schedule. It wasnt that great, but either way, they still have a shot.
I dont even know where to begin. First, amazing game ,hands down the best game ive seen besides one pro game ever. As for that shot, what can u say? From 27 feet with two dudes in ur face. Unreal, someone should send it in to sports center. Now for the other 3 pointer a few seconds early from the other side of the court that was thrown up with no time left on the shot clock, horse ****. That should have been minus 3 points. But what can u do? Amazing game to watch and the fans were crazy for both ends. I think we all went back and forth 100 times. Pretty **** way to end the season for Widener, especially seniors, but hopefully they get a bid. See tomorrow.

Mean time, getting retarded with the team and whoever else is coming......
Wideners bench is actually really good. I could actual make some good arguments that people who barely get time would start on other teams in this league. Thats just the system Duda has i guess, play 8 and use the players that win. I hear the arguements about being fatigued at the end of the season, but this is the end and so far they look ok. Looking back on it, Duda has always really just played 8 or less players a game. I wish I knew that when choosing a school, but thats irregardless now. The only spot where they dont have a sub who gets major minutes is the 2 and 3, but Wyatt has come in many a time and done very well for them. Nyere (not sure on the spelling), has done well too when asked. The other spots they have plenty of backup. So i guess its just what ur idea of a lot of playing time is. I think tomorrow Widener wins, good game, close game, but Widener on top.
Widener beats Etown.............should i even bother thunda? lol very good however, those twins dont miss. BUT.......i think the following chants are going to give some of your players nightmares...

You got banged on.......



anyway, who we playing next?????? anyone know
hahaha clever
thunda, feel free to do that, if its like last game....its gonna be me, six of my friends and u. we better get a stronger turnout. anyway, i think ur basing your opinion too much on the past, but i guess we'll find out soon enough.