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Messages - wdglide

General football / Re: D3 Football Map
September 04, 2008, 04:29:51 PM
Thanks.  I have a kml file if it helps anyone.  Its looking good.
General football / Re: D3 Football Map
September 04, 2008, 02:11:55 PM
I made a Google map for all the D3 schools too.  Its unlocked and can be edited by anyone who wishes.

It does not have street addresses or conferences.  Feel free to edit away.

General football / Re: D3 Football Map
April 15, 2008, 05:37:34 PM

My method for placing the icons was similar to "pin the tail on the donkey".  I copied the format used at  I wasn't shooting for accurate placement.  It just helps me visualize where I might be sending my son (and my hard earned cash).

I am in Florida.  We have no D2 or D3 Schools and only 2 NAIA.  So maps are needed for us down here.

I hope this is useful for others. 
General football / D3 Football Map
April 15, 2008, 07:01:22 AM
I am a parent of a future college student.  He is looking at DII and DIII schools across the country.  I have used the maps at Wikipedia to help locate schools.  The site did not have a map of DIII schools.  I found it very helpful, so I created one.  I am attaching it.  It is your to use on your site if you wish.  Other parents and students may find it useful. I used the programs listed at Wikipedia for the source of information.  The exact locations are approximate, but should be helpful.

Full image is here: