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Messages - beachlover

Redlands over CMS 12-6 today, celebrating their 100th year of baseball.   Lots of alums, coaches, friends and family in the stands and on the field for the ceremonies.
Redlands swept Occidental.   Johnson pitches a 1 run, 3 hit gem on Friday.  Ox hands one to Redlands with some fielding miscues.  Beautiful weather in so cal. 
Heard  that the Pups swept the Hens today on the Hens home field.  6-2, 7-2, but I could be incorrect on the score. 

If so, what are the post season ramifications? 

Actually Jack, Whittier and Redlands played a rare sunday doubleheader today and split.  Pups probably playing for 3rd.
Well.... don't have anything to say about the young man and comments.....

but I do want to get back to my original question.  Why is Cal Tech still in the SCIAC baseball conference?  Yes, I've read about the founding of the conference and yes, it's great to be well rounded individuals, but.... let me ask this differently --

When was the last time Cal Tech won a SCIAC game?  Not took a lead, not competed, but actually won a game? 

The SCIAC web site only has the past two years of information.  From my limited memory I can't recall them winning a game in the 5 years I've followed the conference but I freely admit I could be wrong.

So, when did they beat a team in their conference?  Because if they can't win one game in multiple years, then I think my question is valid.
I know we talk about this every year -- well at least the 3 years or so I've been reading/posting to this board --- but I'll ask it again.  Why is Cal Tech in the SCIAC? 

Yes, it's admirable that they want scholars and athletic participation.  The legacy of their teams is noteworthy.   I think all of us would agree that participating in a team sport teaches a series of lessons and skills that cannot be learned in other venues.  I'm all for Cal Tech sponsoring a team and having that team compete on the field.

But, the reality is... the do NOT compete in the SCIAC. 

They barely compete against other similar programs.   Just took a quick glance at the CalTech roster, they have about 20 guys playing with 6 or so listed as "P" and usually something else.  The don't have enough guys on the roster, especially pitching, to play a 3 game Friday/Saturday schedule. 

It hurts all of the teams in the SCIAC because every other conference just automatically substracts 3 games from the win column, when these teams could play better / more competitive teams to improve their overall rankings over the weekend when they are playing Cal Tech.  It also taints the stats in the SCIAC, even when coaches play their benches for the 3 games because I've got to think outside of the conference, most folks aren't analyzing the box score from the Cal Tech games.

So, remind me, why is Cal Tech in the SCIAC?   ???
West Region / Re: BB: West Region Independents
April 09, 2009, 09:25:01 PM
Interesting game at Redlands today.  Big innings for both teams.  Nicholson pitch count was up and the bullpen struggled big time.  Chapman pitching had their struggles as well. 
Cal Lu takes two from the pups.  Redlands kicks it around in the first game and goes down big.  Cal Lu has two very good performances on the mound to stifle pups bats. 

Looks like a two team race at this point in the season.  Cal Lu  vs P/P.
Nicholson recovers from something of a mess last week against P/P to pitch 7 solid today against Cal Lu, handful of hits, no runs.  Cal Lu kicked a few as well. 
Quote from: Browneagle64 on February 20, 2009, 01:50:19 AM
I like your style J.P., However, my Tigers take Two away from the Pups.

La Verne takes two away as well.
CMS finally gets some W's after getting destroyed by football like scores of 20 and 21+ (No bueno) to something

And yes Both Whitter and the Hens actually have some time off. To bad for them. It should be a fun afternoon tomorrow. I hope to drop by the Rock tomorrow after work, but, may not make it at all. Absolutely will be there with a bowl of Coca Crisp early saturday morning for the Tiger v.s. Pup game.

Sorry Brown, but I believe that the Pups swept the Tigers.  But, as I learned last year, one weekend does not a season make.  It may,  and probably will, come down to the last one.
Congratulations also to Thomas Phelps, Whittier RHP who was drafted in the 38th round by the Orioles.  Mike Vass of Chapman went in the 35th round to Milwaukee.

And CMS Weber Shapiro as well.

BE - why do you refer to Chapman as the SCIAC co-champs?
Quote from: HALLEBASEBALL on May 17, 2008, 01:13:35 AM
The big question Kitchens or Lazur. Kitchens would pitch game 2 if needed so just throw him game 1?

kitchens spent the first part of the season on the bench because of injury.... he gets game 2.
Thanks for the link.  Tuned in just in time.   ;)
is there a link where you are following the game?