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Messages - gatekeper43

Quote from: ECSUalum on June 26, 2008, 03:53:58 PM

I  presume your reference to prior postings are the threads under "National Topics" "World Series" (last 3-4 pages).

I had posted in one of these threads this year, (sorry, i cant remeber where it is now), a link to Boyds World, ( "Breadcrums back to Omaha") which discusses the overlap between D-I, DII, and DIII programs.  Basically the conclusion is that the top 10 or so D-III/II programs could be very competitive in D-I, but would generally fall below the top 40-50 D-1 teams over all.  He also states that there are a lot of D-I, D-II teams that certainly do  not belong in those divisions.

Boyd also published combined DI, D-II,D-III Iterative Strength Ranking ,(ISR), for, I believe 2004 thru 2007.

I quess my only comment other than above is that D-I generally gets the cream of the High School/Junior college crop, (other than those drafted ex HS/JC).  That the top 50 or so D-I team pitching staffs are physically bigger and throw with more velocity/control that D-III.  Additionally , i would suspect that D-I team defence stats for the top 50 or so teams would be again generally better than most D-III programs.

But having said that, there are certainly a great number of D-III players that could make, play and sometime do very well in top 50 D-I programs.  However, i am not sure i would bet against teams like FL State, Arizona, St, Texas, Cal St fullerton, LSU, etc if it came down to a theoretical DI,DII,DIII top 24 team tournament.  But wouldn't that be fun to watch!!!!!!

Congrats to FRESNO ST BULLDOGS on a fantastic end of the 2008 year and the NCAA D-I NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP!!!.  I, was certainly rooting for them the whole way!!!!

Hey Alum, I guess for the most part the overall talent level at DIII is below the DI, and or the DII level but I believe like you stated there are kids at the DIII level that could play at that level, I guess I am just looking at my own kid and his abilities plus for the most part the kids that play around him.
  I do know that the coaching has severe budget constaints that they have to deal with and do not have the sponsors that are at the DI level. which is a shame since I have seen some great baseball at this level.

You did mention that they get the cream of the crop... when the kids around the country want to go to the big name schools and they are only going for one reason which is baseball and not acedemic's. I guess the kids at the DIII are more in tuned to think that they need and will possibly need that education when they don't make it to the next level of either rookie ball or low A with the chance to keep going on. but those are few and far between also!!! Not every kid gets to the next level and it seems to me that they would want to think of there future , but I guess the real world is they don't and end up working at In and Out or something.
Summer wood bat league is going full tilt and the games are exciting!! :D NECBL has some of the top talent of the DIII world as well as the DII and DI.
After watching the game last night and the underdog Fresno State beating Georgia handely and boy did they make a statement. I guess it goes to show you that once a team gets into the regionals and deeper into the tournaments the W/L means nothing, for instance once Chapman who was rated #1 for the last 10 weeks of the season and lost in CBWS after only winning 1 game, I guess that I am as guilty as the next guy to realize that I take for granted the W/L record means that they are going to win everything, but guite the opposite. It is how they play once they get into the tournament, how hot there bats are and how deep is the pitching staff???
    I have learned through the past few years that it is not a good thing to think that jjust because a team is winning the regular season that they are automatically going to be give the bronze and walnut trophy, there are a lot of teams that are like the Fresno State Bulldogs and were 89th in the rankings to come in and get hot and take the trophy and the ring.
   But what is so cool is that the trophy is on the west coast and in Cali..... :)
Great job Fresno State.

I have a question for anybody who is more versed in the subject of talent levels of DIII vs. DI   after watching the DI college baseball world series I don't see that there is much of a descrepency of talent levels at the DI level. granted they have more kids to choose from but if anybody can give me a viable reason as to why I have heard in postings prior to this one why DI is more talented than DIII?? ???
Pro ball / Re: Possible D3 Draft Picks this year
June 12, 2008, 11:36:54 PM
Quote from: BigPoppa on June 11, 2008, 03:37:09 PM
Is anyone else going through baseball withdrawl like I am right now?

there are some good games in the NECBL on there web site, you can get the video and audio feed at they haven't played the greatest ball yet but they are coming together as a team and getting to know each other which is a good sign. they are getting some good turn outs fan wise. and i am sure there are other wood bat leagues that are going, but to answer your question


Ralph and Jim and Bigpoppa along with infieldad and Pat Coleman and I am sorry if I missed any names here you guys are the best because you all have been an intregal part of my day during work and it actually made my day at work go by much faster and gave me something to look forward to ;D

all the insight and outsight and bad advice along with good advice and some people that new exactly what they were talking about including those of us that didn't!!!!

But I want to take this time to thank all the hard work and endless and countless hours that were spent behind the scenes looking up stats and reporting the facts and nothing but the facts, and some not so much? but we all gave it Hell and I just want to say thanks and i can't wait until winter season start and we get our kids back on the sandlot:>). talk to you all soon and great job all of you you made my year.
Pro ball / Re: Possible D3 Draft Picks this year
June 06, 2008, 04:54:42 PM
Quote from: infielddad on June 06, 2008, 02:28:52 PM
Chuck Huggins, a lefty who transfered after his sophomore year from Trinity, Tx, to DI UCSB was just picked in round 23 by the Blue Jays.

hey infieldad; question for you??? i have been reading some of the scouting reports on these kids and if you read them there are a lot of them that are saying big kid, rough, needs polishing, will be a good solid player with instruction, I don't get it??? from what i have seen the past 3 years in DIII that there are a bunch of kids that would put these kids to shame and none of them are given the time of day??? I don't get it what is it about MLB and DIII it is like they are treating our kids like they have the west nile virus or something, why won't they give them the time of day???
Pro ball / Re: Possible D3 Draft Picks this year
June 04, 2008, 12:40:41 PM
Quote from: scuba16 on June 04, 2008, 12:01:32 PM
Quote from: gatekeper43 on June 03, 2008, 09:55:02 PM
Quote from: infielddad on June 03, 2008, 06:59:59 PM
I think I found your son in the NECBL.  He is a very, very good pitcher and should have a summer where he is challenged, but where he should also get very good visibility to scouts.
The other thing he will get is tired. 
The NECBL operates just like Milb.
Play a 7pm game and then have a bus ride if you are the visitor, sometimes long busrides of up to 5-6 hours, get in around 3am and back at it the next day. Do that for 42 games in about 50 or so days and you get plenty fatigued.
Hope you can get to New England and watch some games.  If you can, Newport's Cardines field is a must.  Oldest park in the US, (a flagpole in CF) big crowds of about 2,500 per night, and terrific ownership.  You can sit in right field(I mean almost in right field) on the patio of  a local  pub and watch the games.  Of course I never did that???? ::)
North Adams, Keene, Vermont and Sanford are also wonderful environments for a night of college baseball.
Hope he has a great summer, if he doesn't get drafted in the next two days.

I guess that it would be wishful thinking to be able to make it to any games this summer, although I do remember when he was on a traveling team he played a tournament in Oneata NY at Oneata College, that was the year that Dave Winfield and Kirby Pukett along with Mazerowski (sp) were inducted to the hall of fame. He played at the minor league park there and I can't recall the name of the field but it was where Babe Ruth played.
It was a beautiful field and what a great place for baseball. We stayed right behind the old timers field in Cooperstown. I am hopeful that he gets a chance to get more indepth instruction from a different set of coaches, my wife mentioned to me that once he gets there and gets settled in all should be fine.
I do appreciate the insight from a fresh perspective. I want to thank you for your help and that if we were able to get some advice like this when he was in high school I think that he might be a little farther a long in his devolpment maybe.
GK :)

Damaschke field, Oneonta NY is the field you are thinking of!

I knew that I didn't spell it right, but still what a great facility. Just the ambiance and the deep baseball tradition of the whole area. It seems that every kid should be able to experience that at least once before they become adults, I know that will always be apart of my sons memories and that he will be able to pass that on to his kids.
Pro ball / Re: Possible D3 Draft Picks this year
June 03, 2008, 09:55:02 PM
Quote from: infielddad on June 03, 2008, 06:59:59 PM
I think I found your son in the NECBL.  He is a very, very good pitcher and should have a summer where he is challenged, but where he should also get very good visibility to scouts.
The other thing he will get is tired. 
The NECBL operates just like Milb.
Play a 7pm game and then have a bus ride if you are the visitor, sometimes long busrides of up to 5-6 hours, get in around 3am and back at it the next day. Do that for 42 games in about 50 or so days and you get plenty fatigued.
Hope you can get to New England and watch some games.  If you can, Newport's Cardines field is a must.  Oldest park in the US, (a flagpole in CF) big crowds of about 2,500 per night, and terrific ownership.  You can sit in right field(I mean almost in right field) on the patio of  a local  pub and watch the games.  Of course I never did that???? ::)
North Adams, Keene, Vermont and Sanford are also wonderful environments for a night of college baseball.
Hope he has a great summer, if he doesn't get drafted in the next two days.

I guess that it would be wishful thinking to be able to make it to any games this summer, although I do remember when he was on a traveling team he played a tournament in Oneata NY at Oneata College, that was the year that Dave Winfield and Kirby Pukett along with Mazerowski (sp) were inducted to the hall of fame. He played at the minor league park there and I can't recall the name of the field but it was where Babe Ruth played.
It was a beautiful field and what a great place for baseball. We stayed right behind the old timers field in Cooperstown. I am hopeful that he gets a chance to get more indepth instruction from a different set of coaches, my wife mentioned to me that once he gets there and gets settled in all should be fine.
I do appreciate the insight from a fresh perspective. I want to thank you for your help and that if we were able to get some advice like this when he was in high school I think that he might be a little farther a long in his devolpment maybe.
GK :)
Pro ball / Re: Possible D3 Draft Picks this year
June 03, 2008, 04:10:54 PM

WOW thanks infieldad!!! sometimes we forget that is what it is all about instead of $$$$'s. I guess that it is slammed into our heads from the ESPNer's and the Fox Sports shows. I do know that my main focus is getting my son his diploma and that anything after that is icing on the cake. Not that he shouldn't have lofty goals and reach for the sky, because like the old axiom says the sky's the limit and nothing is out of reach as long as you strive for the moon!! my kid is playing in the NECBL this summer and will no doubt get some great instruction plus have the time of his life. Who knows hopefully it leads to something bigger and better for his career. thanks for everything infieldad ....
Pro ball / Re: Possible D3 Draft Picks this year
June 03, 2008, 11:42:16 AM
Quote from: infielddad on June 02, 2008, 04:16:43 PM
Quote from: gatekeper43 on June 02, 2008, 01:26:12 PM
Quote from: infielddad on June 02, 2008, 01:17:59 PM
Baseball Amercia has Kurt Yacko listed as the 100th best prospect in California.
That would likely mean he could be selected any time from round 10 or after, which would make signing a tough decision, I would think.
Unless he says he would not sign, it is a pretty good chance he is going to hear his name called.

infield dad what does that mean exactly when you say that anytime from round 10 or after?? is that lacking any good numbers monetarily or paying for his last year of school?? I know that he was saying that there were numerous teams scouting him, double digit nimbers. it would be a shame if he had to go for any number below the 100,000's range

gatekeeper, it is very unlikely that there will be any offer in the $100,000's range if he is drafted after the 10th round.  MLB has issued more notices to teams this year about "slot" and staying within slot money
If he were to be picked between the 10th and 15th round, the numbers quoted of $30,000 to $50,000, for a junior,  would be pretty accurate based on prior years bonus reports on BA, and pitchers I know who have been drafted in the last two years in those rounds. 
The one variable is a team like the Yankees which is more than willing to overpay if they feel the player has big upside and they had the player slotted higher than they were selected. At least physically, Yacko doesn't have the size that allows for a lot more projectability of the type the Yankees  pay for in later rounds.
If you have been through the draft, you know nothing is exact, except for those in the first few rounds, and sometimes not even for them.
Today, there are players being told rounds 7-15 and they won't be picked.
There are scouts calling telling kids the round that team will pick them....and they won't.
You just hope for the best for players like Yacko and the other DIII guys.  Hope they get picked, by a good organization where they can compete and get opportunities, and that the money vs getting the degree is  in the proper perspective.

infield dad, thanks for the heads up!! it really helps to hear it from someone that has been there. another question for you though? I have heard it from several sources regarding the draft and if the kids don't sign when they are offered a contract that it takes them out of the system and off the radar of the scouts that followed them all year, is this accurate? Also what if the scouts have not been contacting you. What are the chances of a kid being drafted? Then the all important issue of a sr. loosing his bargining power if they do not get drafted as a jr.?
I know as a parent that it is more important for me to make sure that my kid gets his education, that baseball is an opportunity that may only last one season, but what a dream for a kid that has his sights set on playing in the big show!! I know that as a kid they can't see past tomorrow and how invincble and idealistic they are but as a parent looking at the big picture and years of the grinding it out at the grindstone how one outweighs the other. But the dream is also a very strong aphrodisiac and money the other motive that we all strive for. We all wish the best for our kids and we work so hard so they have it a little easier than we did, but it also kind of scares me to wonder if they don't take the carrot when offered is that going to put a wrench in the spokes for the future of there career. Plus the instruction at the next level, so they sign for the better coaching they will get playing at the next level?
I know that I am just rambling on here so I will cut it short but I appreciate any and all the insight that comes from the mentors that have came before us. once again infield dad thanks you for your informative comments on these issues. :)
Pro ball / Re: Possible D3 Draft Picks this year
June 02, 2008, 01:26:12 PM
Quote from: infielddad on June 02, 2008, 01:17:59 PM
Baseball Amercia has Kurt Yacko listed as the 100th best prospect in California.
That would likely mean he could be selected any time from round 10 or after, which would make signing a tough decision, I would think.
Unless he says he would not sign, it is a pretty good chance he is going to hear his name called.

infield dad what does that mean exactly when you say that anytime from round 10 or after?? is that lacking any good numbers monetarily or paying for his last year of school?? I know that he was saying that there were numerous teams scouting him, double digit nimbers. it would be a shame if he had to go for any number below the 100,000's range
Quote from: oldcat on May 20, 2008, 06:26:53 PM
i would like to know why yacko is the 3rd team utility. He has better numbers than the 1st and 2nd team utility all americans. I am just dumbfounded  ???

Oldcat I must agree!!!!
Personally Yacko is the best relieve pitcher in the league hands down, there isn't another pitcher that can come  into a game and totally shut down the other team on a regular basis. Yacko has proven himself time after time and to be left off the first team all american team shows that he didn't get looked at very seriously. I know that when ever he is brought into a game you can watch the other teams shoulders go down knowing that they have to face him. Anybody that was the player of the year the previous year and played lights out the whole season wasn't being looked at very seriously, there is something wrong here.
Kitchens and Yacko are the best 1-2 punch in College basball and they both deserve to be 1st team all american, Kitchens should be pitcher of the year with a .31 ERA and have the best hit to nine innings in baseball. And Yacko having the 2nd best ERA at .79.
  With the # of strikeouts and number of innings pitched, and the list of accomplishments go on and on and should be both locks for pitcher and player of the year hands down
Quote from: Ralph Turner on May 17, 2008, 01:00:33 PM
Quote from: infielddad on May 17, 2008, 12:41:56 PM
I doubt Trinity will use Bronson all that much, even if he does start. Evan clearly has a potential future beyond college baseball and Coach Scannell is one of those who will be very careful.  I know there are many who post about the ring and how it is more important than pitch counts, the future, etc.  Very tough decision, but I think the Trinity staff will be very careful. 
That is a long term approach to a successful coaching tenure.

Having a reputation as a "manager" of not burning out arms is a good one to have when talking with the high school and junior college pitching prospects.

Is there any type of talk about where the regionals might be played next year? I think that McMurry showed that they can host a major tournament and it would be nice to see  it somewhere else other than Orange county or Abeline... Maybe some place where it hasn't been before.
Quote from: Jack Parkman on May 16, 2008, 02:07:40 PM
Quote from: Ron Boerger on May 16, 2008, 12:29:36 PM
Sorry that McM lost such a close one to Chapman, who so far appears overrated or at least beatable.    Having said that, watch them beat Trinity 10-2.    :-[

I'm sure the TU side would love to have the McM crew harassing the opposition at noon.   :D

Many might think Chapman is overrated but they can beat you two ways:  By a lot or in a close game.  They have been tested many times this season and always seem to come thru.  They are a team that never gets rattled and just heads to the park and plays.

Put very well Jack :) this comes with playoff experience and depth not to say that they can't be beat but they always seem to find a way to win. when they get down by a couple they come back with three or four I have seen it all year this way. they know what it takes to win; and they just go to the sandlot and play.
Quote from: HALLEBASEBALL on May 16, 2008, 05:14:22 PM

Sorry that McM lost such a close one to Chapman, who so far appears overrated or at least beatable.    Having said that, watch them beat Trinity 10-2.   

I'm sure the TU side would love to have the McM crew harassing the opposition at noon.   

Wow that is completly out of line.  Chapman is just a Baseball Team give the other teams some credit.  The players from all the teams get pumped to play Chapman the bring there best because they know that what it takes to beat them. Overrated that really gets me. The ncaa, D3baseball and I would bet 90% of the fans at the regionals agree they are the # 1 team.  That dosnt mean there not human. They are beatable however they are coached well and know how to win Baseball Games.  My son reminded me its playoff time no rankings no opions just wins.  Your out of line saying overrated and to promote heckling as you stated wishing Mc Murrry would bring to the game just dosnt sit well with me its baseball let the boys play.

You know HALLEBASEBALL it takes class to show class and Trinity did that today!!!! with there webcast who by the way is not the host and the host team only gave us lve stats. Not to say that the Hecklers couldn't have taken up a donation to get there antics put on for the whole DIII league to see ;D Anyway they play again this afternoon and it will be refreshing to watch a class A program
Quote from: itsd3baseball on May 15, 2008, 11:55:45 AM
My bad for the sarcasm last night guys- i had a few beers in me:-\.  As an ex collegiate baseball player I just remember that traveling for the Regionals and World Series was nothing because you realize how BIG it is.  And yes MCM, the host has succumb being the home team and that is my point.  Didnt mean to rile (sp) everyone up-ill try to steer clear of the board on drinky night next time.

No big Itsd3 hope that you had a good time last night to go along with the beers, personally I think today's games will be quite a bit different for all teams involved now that the adreneline had calmed down a little. Opening day jitters you know. I expect some good baseball today, I know I do!! :)
Quote from: itsd3baseball on May 15, 2008, 01:29:37 AM
If I read one more person even MENTION that the CALI teams have traveled, and are at a "disadvantage" because of it, I am going to throw up on my keyboard.  If you cant step up and play somewhere other than your backyard then its going to be a long hard road in life.  These kids are >22, lets give them some credit.  And by the way, the drive from DFW to Abilene is not 4 and a half hours.  Lets let the guys show what they can do without us old guys giving them excuses.

yea, itsd3 they do have medicine for that, and no one is trying to give the kids an excuse for anything, whether your 21 or 22 these kids are resilent and will do just fine, I do think that they came to play and the only team that had prblems yesterday with the first day jitters was the Host team!!! I have a feeling they will come out and fair a little better today but to get by that high powered offense that Chapman has will be interesting. could it be 2 and barbque for the hosts we will see?