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Messages - Dr. SCIAC, Esq.

Quote from: OxyBob on May 08, 2008, 02:25:56 PM
Quote from: EastCoastStag on May 08, 2008, 01:15:52 PM
Those SAT scores are rather low... score is out of 2400 now, not 1600 (correct?).

Yes, so (guessing) that is probably just Critical Reading and Math and not Writing.


I doubt it...he has a 20 on the ACT, and under the old 1600 grading, a 20 ACT lines up to about a 950 combined SAT score..
Quote from: EastCoastStag on May 03, 2008, 05:09:10 PM
Don't people watch South Park? This isn't cheating! This is the "white people method", we just misinterpreted the rules!
Come on now...most things (outside of pure hard work) edit: could be called cheating by someone. If a player decodes the other teams signals, is he just going to forget about this? Oh hell no son. He's going to watch the sideline and play accordingly. I did this as a player and thousands before me and thousands more will do so each and every year. Cheating in recruiting? If a school happens to give need-based aid to a very good student athlete who has very well-off parents? That could be considered cheating by some.
edit: Skirting and flirting with the rules is ALWAYS going to be out there. Let the authorities, be they conference or NCAA officials deal with it and the punishment.

of course there's going to be questions around the edges of what is and is not cheating, but when there are rules set down and agreed upon by folks, and when someone is caught violating those rules, ultimately admits they violated the rules, and are punished for it...

well that's a pretty open and shut case of cheating...and people who cheat are cheaters. Just because its a "bad word" , doesn't mean it should never be used
If cheaters don't like being called cheaters, maybe they should stop cheating
Quote from: SCIACdad on May 02, 2008, 03:18:01 AM

DR not sure where you are recieveing your information from, but having personally attended 3 of the Stags spring practices myself, im pretty sure that CMS did conduct spring football...again, maybe you were just misinformed, but that Stags did hold practice...ECS dont jump ship just yet as the Stags return just about everyone...and just a reminder, CMS 50 Whittier 21  :)

well what i heard was that CMS' head coach was on sabbatical for the entire spring semester and that there is absolutely zero spring practices involving the coaches....players may be running their own "captain's practices" but those were always allowed and were never regulated...if you are saying that you attended 3 full practices organized and run by the CMS coaches then either you or my source is lying...and I've known my source for the better part of a decade
I'm back with some more information about Cal Lu cheating. I am prepared at this time to confirm that Cal Lutheran has cheated, and they have admitted to cheating at a recent SCIAC AD's meeting.

The admitted to visiting players and coaches on high school campuses, which is illegal under SCIAC rules. Their AD claimed they didn't know the rules. There were a bunch of proposed self-sanctions on their own staff because of the cheating, which were basically all slaps on the wrist. In addition, they lost all but 5 spring practices, instead of the usual 16, which is admittedly more than a slap on the wrist.

Still uncomfirmed is the possibility that Cal Lutheran was trying out playing on campus, which would be a violation of NCAA, not SCIAC rules, and may carry more significant penalties.

Now EastCoastStag, I'm sure this is particularly interesting to you, but CMS has not had (and will not have) a single spring practice this year. I'm not certain why, it's not a sanction for any rules violations or anything like that. They've just decided not to have them this year. Apparently a losing record is good enough.
Quote from: Fear the Poet on April 26, 2008, 11:23:24 PM
did someone say they wanted to talk about Little Ricky??

He was in fact a High school scholar and was accepted to Whittier,Oxy,Redlands,Chapman,Holy Cross and Harvard. (no money from Harvard, so it would have been impossible for us to afford it)

He is doing just fine in his college academics. Needs to improve abit, but he will. Had a little college adjustment period.:)

did I mention he made all conference in Track? (Shot put) :)

Sorry, but there's absolutely no reason not to go to Harvard over those schools. If you can't afford it, it's still shouldn't be a problem because Harvard lead the way with a dramatic overhaul in their financial aid program. They have nearly entirely replaced student loans with grants (which do not need to be repaid). if it's too late for your kid, it's not too late for others. So just an FYI to everyone
Quote from: EastCoastStag on April 26, 2008, 08:31:41 PM
well if we are going to start rumors - i bet there are plenty of SCIAC players out enjoying several cold adult beverages tonight.

That's like saying we shouldn't care about professional athletes using steroids because their kids are probably downloading music illegally
Well my source isn't the most reliable, so I want to know if someone else knows more and can back me up
So a little birdie told me that Cal Lutheran got caught violating recruiting rules. (Definitely SCIAC rules, and potentially NCAA rules).

According to what I heard, the conference has forced them to give up the bulk of their spring football dates as punishment. Anybody else hear anything?