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Messages - ATX

the pitching stats for most of the Big Bend guys are a bit skewed in that they are missing some innings and they gave some guys a couple runs that werent theirs and they were put in the system by hand well after the games not counting in the runs that were earned or unearned. They should have them updated soon so check back in later to see.

you can go here to keep up with some of these guys or go to the Continental League website.
make it 7 ASC players going at it tonight! Yurchick from McMurry and Hudson from Ozarks are also on the Torros. Dixon from Ozarks is on the Cowboys as well so it should be a fun night for the former ASC players!
Tom should of got a shot for sure he can flat out hit. But on a good note for him he will be playing with the Bay Area Torros this weekend in the Continental League along with Coburn. So both of them will be getting a start at pro ball to show what they can do and show the scouts that they can play at this level and them maybe get a shot in the future in playing affiliated ball.
Quote from: MCM on July 26, 2008, 08:45:28 PM
Facts about players injuries should probably be legit before written.

Meaning what?
Quote from: The U For Life on May 25, 2008, 01:28:59 AM
Guess now that our season is over i can now post all the injuries and casualties we sustained through out the year.  Not that it matters but anyways here it is.

Pitcher Blaine Wieck - torn labrum
Pitcher Trey Hellman - torn labrum
Pitcher Jordan Lamb - transferred at break.  would have really helped us
Pitcher Jacob Ashcraft - problems with shoulder, probably going to have surgery this summer
Pitcher Arnold Toombs - The weirdest thing I have ever seen happen except for maybe Yurchick's injury.  While taking batting practice before the game against MHBU, in which he was scheduled to pitch he is hit with a line drive.  He was the bucket man and somehow the ball barely flew over the net and hit him in the head.  He sustained a concussion and was unable to pitch.  He never started again and was delegated to reliever
Pitche/1b Brent Voorhees - messed up shoulder in a game he pitched and won vs. Chapman first series of the year.  Later hurt it worse in freak accident against Howard Payne.  Was only able to swing with one arm the rest of the year.
Pitcher Dakota Smith - discovered he had a slight tear and extreme case of tendinitis in labrum after the Conference Championship.  Have to ask, if 100% healthy how many runs Chapman scores off him.  They only scored 3, but wonder if things would have been different.
Pitcher Aaron Redman - quit during the year because he was unhappy with playing time
Second Baseman Weston Franco - had tears in his hamstring and broke a finger in 2 spots
Second Baseman Steven Yurchick - was moved from the OF during the year.  Had a freak accident when he dove for a ball and his thigh hit the lip of the infield.  His thigh got 2 times bigger and was one of the weirdest injuries i have ever seen.
Second Baseman Greg Guse - while filling in for Nate Love at the first of the year against Chapman he tore his labrum
Catcher Thomas Beckham - pulled hamstring, re-aggravated it twice
Catcher Jeff Jackson - caught a ball wrong and his hand became swollen and missed a series or two
Outfielder Lance Jones - aggravated groin vs. SRU and had to wear a wrap the rest of the year to keep it from pulling
Outfielder Gerad Morris - extreme case of tendinitis in shoulder all year which limited him from throwing as hard as he could.  Whats weird is he still had the best arm on the team
First Baseman/ Catcher Ross Shores - quit after the TLU series because he was unhappy with playing time
Shortstop/ Second baseman Evan Reece - had nerve problems in his lower back.  This guy pushed Weston Franco in the fall to the point where coach told Weston that if he did not play well at the first of the season that Evan would be inserted.  This guy if healthy would have been great for us.  Would have put up huge numbers for us.  Lead the team in homers in the fall.

I think that about covers it.  Dont think i forgot anyone, but would be very easy to.  Didnt include the guys with arm fatigue cause every team has that late in the year. 

Thats a lot of injuries! but nothing can compare to the injuries sustained by Concordias Pitcher Garret Williamson who woulda been the ace of the staff. Those being a car wreck that left him paralyzed from the waste down at the the way he is slowly but surely getting better everyday!
for concordia...when they pick the teams do they see that since tyler was ranked third at this time and ctx was 4th, ctx would jump ahead of tyler after beating them twice, and the 2 team behind ctx in the regional ranking both lost this weekend. Do they do the rankings as the team that is playing hot right now because if so ctx is def playing better than utt. Let me know what you think Ralph