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Messages - cutter

Congratulations to the new #1 team in the nation...JHU
While I agree that the region may be down this season, anointing the CC as a leader in the region is a bit premature.  It, traditionally, cannot even compare to the NJAC...which I agree, is down this season...

The CC is lousy with the exception of JHU, and JHU has only recently emerged as the best in the region--2008 (when they won the South--not the MA). 
Awards / Re: BB: 2009 All-Americans
May 20, 2009, 07:27:38 AM
d-nut--i agree...Emr, was by far the best player in the south regional...taking nothing away from brashears...its a shame to see only the salisbury guys get the recognition...all americans step up when it matters, and Emr--along with the shendo boys did that...the salisbury boys did not.
ECSU, you are correct...the boarderline pitch was on the tying fact, about half the hopkins bench was already out on the field thinking they had the K and the title!!  The winning run came on 4 pitches that really weren't all that close...
Awards / All-Americans
May 20, 2008, 05:46:14 PM
Congratulations to Moreland and David as the POY's...26 homers wow enough said....and 13-0 and being the only pitcher to trip the south region champs hopkins with 3 postseason AA hitters this year and one preseason AA hitter...outstanding seasons for these two young men. Congrats.
South Region / Re: BB: 2008 Danville Regional
May 13, 2008, 03:22:39 PM
I get that the centennial conference isn't very strong, and fully respect CNU and Moreland for what he/they have accomplished.  I only felt that saying all they needed was him was just a bit premature.  I think it will be a great matchup!