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Messages - msubeavers

No BW he is going to pay for the trip to pudget sound. Three planes. One for the offense, one for the defense,and then one for the special teams.
I know in the past when River Falls and Oshkosh did this in 2000. They played the non conference game first, and then the conference game as scheduled.
Who knows why the conference game is so early in september before the regular conference season starts.
Question for the warhawk fans, is DLK sponsoring a fan bus ;D ;D ;D
Well old Indian there are two or at leastw ere two differebt levels of division two schools in Minnesota or at least there were based on the number of scholarships that they gave. St. cloud was in the higher of the two,and the d2 schools in Minnesota that the WIAC schools played were in the smaller # of scholarship conference.
Starting this year I do not believe that is the case any longer as winnona state which was in the lesser of the two conferences has joined the same conference as Mankato state which was in the better of the two conferences.
It wasn't that long ago early 90's when all of the WIAC schools were actually NAIA schools.
+ karma x 20000 for you wildcat. If it wasn't for DLK WW would not be able to claim that they have the best facilities in division three. Much less give away tickets to college students to get them to come to games. Not to mention pay for a plane for a trip to texas in 2006 b/c a certain OC at uww refused to talk to the DC. So they took an offensive plane and a defensive plane thanks to financial support of DLK.
I am saying this as an alum of UWW. Know only if DLK put as much money into his housing for college students as he does the athletic facilities it would not be as big of a joke.As his apartments and houses leave a lot to be desired.
Well if the WIAC contacts the DAC maybe they can solve the porblem of not having any non conference games. As they play a conference team twice as well and have since they started.
You could say the ame thing about some fo the division 2 schools in minnesota especially sicne they cancelled the border battle after the WIAC schools destroyed them in the "boarder battle" Yet they still offer scholarships.
I know some kids who go to NAIA schools and they get more then book money and a parking pass. They get full scholarships. Some NAIA schools need to give some kids 1/2 scholarships like smaller d1 sports do. However they give scholarships,and d3 schools don't and kids know a days want scholarships. I don't know all of the facts but I do know they give scholarships,and that d3 schools do not.
Although this is not what the WIAC teams want playing each other twice. This actually happens quite a bit inthe scholarship level of NAIA football which because they offer scholarships are a step above d3 and a step below division 2.
Maybe the WIAC should contact the Dakota Atheltic conference and see how they work this as maybe they can change it for two years and some of the teams from the DAC can play the WIAC teams.
I haven't heard anything about that. If it has happen I wonder if the kid called Lance and told him he wants to win a national title.
With all of the players who have graduated we will see how good of a job the new staff at Whitewater can do,as they took over a program with a full load of talent,and since the majority of that talent has graduated the coaches will have their hands full to see if the Hawks can continue their championship tradation of the past three years,of course they also have to find another game.
Heard about what yet?. I hope that the bills give Justin a chance, he is a star athlete and has worked for everything he has achieved. Which is not always the case as a lot of star athletes are handed things on silver platters not having to work very hard for it. However Justin is the exception to the rule.