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Messages - ODACHOOPS

Algernon I couldn't agree more with you and the Ru White SNUB! I wouldn't even phrase it as "strange" but just plain stupid.  However with that said I am not in the least bit surprised.  HSC has never gotten any respect when it comes to All Conference awards.  Their is know way to justify leaving RU White off All Conference.   Your telling me that Ru White isn't in the top 18 players in the league? But we must remind ourselves this is the same panel of coaches that voted Turner King (4th all time leading scorer at hsc and a 1st team all odac selection as a so. and jr to the 2nd team his senior year while averaging 17ppg and 6rpg and shooting 41% from "3".
What a game that was in Ashland yesterday between the Tigers and Yellow Jackets! If Harrison George is not POY then they should revoke all voting privileges from all coaches who didn't vote him as it.  He is a walking double-double and clearly the most dominate player in the ODAC.  Know other player is blanketed like he is and still finds ways to put up ridiculous numbers.  Yesterday in Ashland he was a one man show that was the sole reason HSC stayed in the game early and was able to make a late game push. He is POY and hopefully he will receive that honor next week. 
It is crazy to think that every school follows every rule to a T.  If you think "outside the box" and have a little creativity then finding ways to give a coach housing, put him on a meal plan, pay him a salary increase out of a summer camp etc isn't all that hard.  Teams must be creative and come up with unique ways to increase coaches "financial packages."  If not then you have the case of W&L where every two years you are having a turnover (whether it's intended to be like that or not) and that makes winning at a consistent rate much harder to do.  It's hard enough to lure in assistant coaches to the D3 level you must find ways to make that job look better then advertised. That may mean on campus living, meal plan, "assistant cross-country coach" aka monitor kids running for an hr everyday etc.

All very good points and all very accurate.  HSC does have the highest paid assistant coaches in the league and it is because they have a very high amount of money flowing in from alumni and boosters (money those alumni and boosters are specifically giving to basketball) they can hire more then 1 coach and also lure in coaches that may on paper have better job offers. 

Although because you went against what the "top dawgs" think and what they beleive to be the ONLY right answer it has coast you a Karma point.  I hate to see that but if it makes you feel any better you are welcome to have one of mine. 
I was indeed insinuating more towards the NCAA, thanks for clarifying that one Pat.

However I still stand on my original argument and that is that you can't go by the "average salary" statistics when those are taking into account what 12-15 sports all of which aside from football are below basketball in the "pay" category. 

For example for a long time the assistant basketball coach at Hampden-Sydney was also the cross country coach.  The breakdown was you will get 35,000 total.  25,000 for being the assistant men's basketball coach and 10,000 for being the cross country coach.  That right their shows that the "average ODAC assistant salaries" are extremely skewed.  When you take the low salaries of coaches from golf, tennis, volleyball, swimming, cross country etc that lowers the average salary numbers.
No one is arguing whether these websites exit or whether certain rules are "in writing on these websites." The argument is that the "average salaries" for ODAC assistant coaches are extremely skewed due to sports such as cross country, tennis and golf etc.  That is way it's crazy to think that any top assistant basketball coach in the ODAC makes anywhere near 10,000 like these websites show. 

Also I'm sure that the NCAA is extremely worried about counting every penny and making sure every figure reported is 100% accurate from the D3 ODAC schools.  I think they have just a few bigger fish to worry about.
I said nothing about lying.  Schools don't have to report what each sport brings in for camps or what they get in fundraising or from boosters.  It is that money that a lot of schools use to pay coaches in order to let supplement their annual income.  You really think that the average assistant men's basketball coach in the ODAC makes 10,000 a year? Surely you don't.  W&L has money and just chooses to use it in other areas which is fine.  However that may result in them having an assistant coach turnover quite often.
You can't go by what some third party website says to get a accurate amount for what any coach at any level is getting paid.  Those numbers don't include what coaches bring in from camps, boosters, fundraising etc all of which play a significant role in coach's salaries.  Some head coaches account for up to 25-30% of their salary from camps.  I know some program pay their assistance a large amount of money out of boosters or camp profit in order to increase the salary given for that position by the school.  None of that is taken into consideration on those websites.   

All I know is that W&L is one of if not the wealthiest school in the ODAC.  As of two years ago they paid their assistance coach somewhere around 20-25k.  At that same time period Hampden-Sydney's assistance was making around 35-40k. I didn't bring up this point in an attempt to bring down W&L only to make the point that the money may have played an effect in Caleb leaving W&L as well as why they tend to go through assistant coaches quicker than the average ODAC basketball school.

And I can assure you that not 1 men's assistant basketball coach (1st assistant that is) in the entire ODAC is making 10k a year.  Those numbers are so skewed from sports like cross country, tennis, golf etc.
Surprisingly...For as wealthy and financially stable as Washington and Lee is and considering that Hutchingson is if not the highest paid coach in the ODAC definitely one of, Washington and Lee pays their assistant coach very little money.  I'm not saying this is the sole reason as to why W&L has had several assistants come and go over the past couple of years but is has to play a role. 

Ru White is another to add to the HSC recruiting class for next year.  He was a standout player in Richmond for I believe LC Bird High School.  He is a very athletic 4 man. 

Khobi Williamson turned down a full athletic scholarship to play at Longwood University and as of now stayed strong with his verbal to HSC.  Not sure if that will stay true but if so that could allow for one heck of a front court....Ru White and Khobi Williamson to go along with FOY Harrison George.  That may be the most athletic front court in the ODAC next year.

DeWayneCarter- My "karma" whatever the heck that is, is so low because I speak the truth and say what every other person on this board thinks and wants to say but doesnt say because they are afraid of upsetting people.  If you ask me, high Karma means that you are that kid in high school who does every and anything he can to be liked...his #1 objective is to be liked by everyone.

To address the academic schools debate...schools like Guilford and Randolph-Macon are great academic schools don't get me wrong, but saying they are in the same catergory of say a HSC is definitely stretching it.  Tuition alone puts hsc ahead of those schools, without even binging academics into the argument.

Khobi does have a great gpa 3.7 I believe which is why the "full scholarship argument" made by a newly formed fish fan, mr. marlin faithful, who is clearly upset that Khobi got out of the beach is commical and ridiculous.
Absolutely, I agree with that statement 100%. Every ODAC team was most likely recruiting most every kid that is on VWC roster.....that is until they found out the kids test scores and gpa.
Marlin Faithful-

We have been down this road before and we all know where it leads, to upsetting Marlin's fans and causing them to "come out swinging."   With that said I am not going to state the obvious it's a mute point, everyone on this board ( well outside of the boys from the beach) are well aware of VWC's ability to recruit kids that other ODAC schools can't tough and everyone has accepted it. 

As for the "full scholarship" rampage...never in the 10+ years that I have been following the ODAC have I ever heard of someone accusing HSC of "questionable recruiting tactics."  Maybe times have changed and Dee Vick and company just did the old fashion thing and went into the Tank and out recruited VWC on a prospect.  Anyone who knows anything about sports and recruiting knows that you can't win them all.  Aside from Washington and Lee HSC has the strictest academic standards of any ODAC school, so getting "creative" is a must if you want to beat out schools with lower academic standards and cheaper tuition.

Some recruiting news for the Tigers for next year.  They do have a very athletic 6'6 post player coming in from VA Beach.  They went right into the beach and took this kid, not sure how the Marlin's let him get away, he is veryyy athletic! Highlight video is filled with dunks and blocks! They also have another 6'4 hybrid who is very athletic from the Richmond area.  He can get off the floor in a hurry.  These 2 combined with Harrison George in my mind will give the Tiger's one of if not the most athletic teams in the ODAC, something they have lacked in recent years. 
To say "Coach Smith deserves some credit for winning 2 ODAC championships" is an understatement and not giving enough credit where credit is deserved.  Like I mentioned I know he inherited a very talented team his first year, one that I'm sure he would admit made his first year transition much easier.  However you still got to show up night in and night out and beat the teams your suppose to beat and then go down to Salem and avoid any upsets in route to winning the conference championship.  Regardless of the factors, he won 2 conference championships in 5 years.  I'm sure that is a stat that Dee Vick would love to have across the next 5 years. 

In regards to the "40-32 record and how it steadily got worse each year, to the point that the Tigers had a losing conference record in Smith's last year, when King, Prehmus, Kaase, and Murray were in the starting lineup."  The record part is true; from what I remember they weren't at times a consistent conference team.  However during Smith's final season in which they had a losing conference record like you mentioned, if I remember correctly they were without the services Murray for that entire year when he went down with a season ending injury.  Murray was a very key player who the year before had gone off on a tear in the odac tourney (think he averaged something ridiculous like 16ppg 15rpg) and was on pace for a tremendous sr yr, that hurt the Tigers in more ways than one.  This year's Tigers (a much more talented team then last year) were 1 game better in conference than last year and they picked up FOY and 15ppg 8rpg game in George?  That math doesn't add up.  Regardless if the ODAC was more talented this year than last.

The connection between vwc's national championship teams and the poy's during that stretch is that even with very talented teams/players during that era Smith and the Tigers still never finished a year below 500, something Vick has yet to accomplish in his 1st two years.  This year's team had King (in my opinion one of the biggest snubs from 1st team in the history of sports) as well as unanimous foy in George and several other talented players like Jesse and Mud and still didn't finish above 500?  My point is that yes the ODAC was very talented this year but it was just as talented in years past.