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Messages - osnapitsodac

i gree that the transfers for HSC are tremendously good players I believe that HSC will be welloff in mudds hands down the stretch. Shane Payne is the typical walkon he hustles he does the dirty stuff you always like a guy that will run in the stands for a ball I think he got a bogus technical call in the second half this team will come together.
well darn and yes i would count fields as a starter He certanly showed me last year that he was ready to be one.
watch out for Johnathan Mudd looks really good but its preseason so idk lol
I would like some info on these future VWC all americans who are they
o and of coarse Boris a senior is extremly athletic.
 wouldnt say tht statement was totally accurate either RMC's bigs seemed 2 me to be pretty athletic. Not as athletic as first team all odac Justibn Short but still athletic. I also really like jordan brown to be a firtst teamer before his carrer is done if not this year
yea congrats 2 ben I really liked that video but wished it would have had some odac clips in
I think HSC will be on the positive side of that post RS is very small and they lost a couple of key seniors jus like HSC im looking for jyri 2 have a big first game hopefully(he deserves it)Maryville will be a huge test dont know too much about st.marys.
HSC schedule is up
does anybody have any info on D.J Billups departure from the team(why).
One question wat  happened to D.J Billups ?
Man another Great odac coach out When is it going to stop geesh.Leatherman has always been a quality coach in the odac whether its his personal life that pushed him out its still stinks that he is gone. I cant ever remeber there been an incident were a bridgewater player has been showoffy made that up or acted like an idiot.Again great coach will be missed.
yea im pretty happy with the point guard being a scorer as long as he leads the team also.extension of the coach rite the floor general haha
one more thing a very reliable source at Hsc told me that he expects coach Vick to get atleast one more recuit just speculation though so dont hold it against me.