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Messages - ftballfan09

While I think that the conference has no shot at wining a playoff game, I would like to know how the teams are so far behind the times. Who are you and why should anyone believe what you are saying? I know that the illi-badger conference had trouble and this new one will probably not win this season, but who are you to say that the teams are 10 yrs behind? Personally I think that they have things to work on but you are full of **** by saying they are 10 years behind.

And to NONEED.... you are something to call out your former school like that if I was from your school I would be pissed and I think that is ****ty to bag on your former school like that. Where is your loyalty?
WOW lots of action! and new names! I guess that I was wrong before AU looks to be top dog this year. I saw some very uncalled for comments toward someones former team. I may be off base because I do not know, but that could be the issue at CUC. I saw they upset Lakeland but got killed by CUW. What is going on there? I also don't here much from the Benne, do they still have a team? anyway good luck to all as you hit the home stretch of your season.
I have not seen AU play this year. I am sure that they are good but just because you guys think there are supreme, does not mean they WILL win. Come on now I have seen good AU teams do very poorly and I think this will be another season of the same.
After looking over some posts, I have more then a few things to say. First, I am in no way surprised at the comments made by the Lakeland coach. They have proven more then once to be true a- holes. Their tema takes after the coaches and hopefully Karma will catch up with them. Another issue would be Benne. recent losses. I am less the surprised, they have added numbers but have sacrificed quality for quantity. They are just as bad as ever, and I for one and not surprised. Next would be AU winning the conference. While I am tired of seeing CUW as the champ, I do not think that AU is good enough to beat them. I think that they will struggle through the entire conference schedule. They have had talent in the past, but personally they were never on the elite level. Finally, CUC after reading about a big win, then a poor loss to Eureka (2 yrs in a row) then a blow out, I am hoping to see an improved, healthy and hungry team charge into conference play. Enough rambling and good day to all!
wow thought this would be a turn around year in cuc but who knows now....what does next week look like? i support this conference but how could you take cuw over had to know that was coming. anyway we are a week closer to conference play....good luck to all.....
hello all, long time reader first time poster. anyway good luck to all teams this season with the new conference. I would like to agree with you but I am not sure if CU Chicago has enough guys returning to make a difference. Should be fun to watch!