Well, I hope for entertaining basketball from all the NCAC teams. Wabash has a seven foot transfer from Northern Kentucky. That ought to be interesting.
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Region 7 men's basketball / Re: MBB: North Coast Athletic Conference
October 18, 2023, 07:53:48 PM #2
Region 4 football (Great Lakes-ish) / Re: FB: North Coast Athletic Conference
November 22, 2022, 08:32:31 PM
Smeds, to be honest I often wondered about that... I like the way they kind of sidestepped the whole "we got whupped" by Depauw in the school's article.
Region 4 football (Great Lakes-ish) / Re: FB: North Coast Athletic Conference
November 21, 2022, 06:23:30 PM
Carrera, most likely the same place you were, Martindale Hall...pretty obvious you put 2 and 2 to figure out who I am. Li'l Giant, you are likely right, so I plan to save some keystrokes as well. The wife and I haven't been to the new football digs in good old C'ville, too much real life getting in the way. May be putting that off indefinitely.
Region 4 football (Great Lakes-ish) / Re: FB: North Coast Athletic Conference
November 21, 2022, 01:59:06 PM
Bullis I would be a lot more willing to cut some slack, Carrera. His lone stop as a HC is Whitewater. He's 78-13 with 2 - 3 loss seasons in 7 years of games, but also NCAA Playoffs in 6 of those seasons in a much tougher conference. Morel is 87-74 in 2 HC stops. I might give him credit as an offensive coordinator, but his HC skills are not up to the standards that Wabash has come to expect. His special teams are abysmal and I am still very worried about the defense. He may be a very nice guy, and that's great, but the output on the field is lacking. Eventually, it will impact recruiting (as it seemingly already has to some extent) and the 6-4 will become common.
As far as the 2-3 loudmouths on the boards, I know I am not alone in feeling this way. A number of Alums I have spoken with are not happy with the state of affairs, and losing badly to Depauw in a crucial game doesn't help that at all. You pointing out that Wabash only having one losing season since 1975 seems to back up my point about expectations much more so than yours. We brag about our wins in our PR materials. Also, some of these "board loudmouths" you so deride are lettermen who are well aware of the history of our program and what that entails.
As far as the 2-3 loudmouths on the boards, I know I am not alone in feeling this way. A number of Alums I have spoken with are not happy with the state of affairs, and losing badly to Depauw in a crucial game doesn't help that at all. You pointing out that Wabash only having one losing season since 1975 seems to back up my point about expectations much more so than yours. We brag about our wins in our PR materials. Also, some of these "board loudmouths" you so deride are lettermen who are well aware of the history of our program and what that entails.
Region 4 football (Great Lakes-ish) / Re: FB: North Coast Athletic Conference
November 17, 2022, 01:39:31 PM
The Administration have to know, after the last 20+ years, that routinely going 7-3 or 6-4 will not be acceptable to the Alumni nor the overall student body. Critical thinking will show them that it will hurt recruiting, if it already hasn't. One thing I have noticed is that a lot of our players are smaller than what we were used to. Shorter, nor quite as heavy (for OL in particular). I remember that our coaches in the 1980's lamented that we had to contend with both the single sex issue as well as fighting schools at every level for the smart, well rounded players. We have managed to (mostly) overcome the all male issue, but the smart, well rounded kids are ever harder to compete for. Getting smoked in the Bell Game this year will definitely impact our recruiting, possibly for several years. Also, the football alums that financed the new stadium won't be satisfied with 7-3 and 6-4. Time will tell how this plays out.
Region 4 football (Great Lakes-ish) / Re: FB: North Coast Athletic Conference
November 17, 2022, 06:54:19 AM
And this is exactly what I was afraid of. It's happened before. It's happening again. And there is zero reason why we cannot have both "quality student athletes" and a winning championship program at Wabash except for complacency and shall we say laziness in our leadership regarding the issue? It will end up costing the school dollars eventually.
Region 4 football (Great Lakes-ish) / Re: FB: North Coast Athletic Conference
November 16, 2022, 04:49:36 PM
I am sure that the College is okay with something above mediocrity as long as it fills the seats. That doesn't mean the fan base is all that supportive. We start regularly having 7-3 or 6-4 (or worse) with no conference championships or NCAA trips will cause a drop off both in the quality of recruits and the supportiveness of the fans and alums. We will see, I guess. As far as the other question I posed, that was what I was interested in knowing.
Region 4 football (Great Lakes-ish) / Re: FB: North Coast Athletic Conference
November 16, 2022, 03:40:37 PM
It would be interesting in the Dannies get to play NCC, but yeah, I kinda want them to get toasted by CMU. Just out of curiousity, would Mr. Hammer have any interest in returning from Bowdoin if the top spot was available here? Just wondering...
Region 4 football (Great Lakes-ish) / Re: FB: North Coast Athletic Conference
November 14, 2022, 07:27:08 AM
Dang Smeds, talk about damning with faint praise. No, I think the problems (rot?) goes much deeper than just "fixing the D." Watching these last few teams I notice a distinct lack of toughness and I place that firmly on how they are coached. We spend all this money on new digs for football, we didn't do this for 7-3 and 6-4 teams. Yeah, I know a lot of programs would love that, be we have moved past that point as a program (or we were past that point...now, not so much). As someone who has followed Wabash Football since I as a pre-teen, color me extremely dissatisfied with the product placed on the field. We managed to have really great student-athletes and still contend for championships and semi-regular NCAA appearances because we had coached who knew how to coach them up (and yes, lost them to higher level programs, but that is the price one pays for better than average coaches). No one is kicking the doors in for Morel and company. This is my take, your mileage may vary.
Region 4 football (Great Lakes-ish) / Re: FB: North Coast Athletic Conference
November 12, 2022, 08:50:09 PMQuoteAnd for the record — you will not hear me questioning Coach Morel or the leadership of this team. I admit there are some issues, but this program (once again) recruits, retains and graduates good Wabash men while doing it within the rules and the Spirit of the College.
Well, while you may well be right about that, so did Chris Creighton and Eric Raeburn with a much more entertaining and satisfying product on the field. The Morel hiring was completely uninspiring and the results of it has showed up on the field.
Region 4 football (Great Lakes-ish) / Re: FB: North Coast Athletic Conference
November 12, 2022, 03:13:30 PM
This game has just been brutal for the Little Giants. We don't look excited. Constant arm tackle attempts. We are being thoroughly out-coached (not that it surprises me). Give it to Depauw, they really wanted this, particularly after last year's game. I hope for a come back but...
Region 7 men's basketball / Re: MBB: North Coast Athletic Conference
April 04, 2022, 11:30:51 AM
Color me confused, what team are you referring to?
Region 4 football (Great Lakes-ish) / Re: FB: North Coast Athletic Conference
November 09, 2021, 07:01:44 AM
Li'l Giant, I agree 100%. The vision is lacking on the defensive coaching side of the ball for sure. I kind of dread the Bell Game this year...
Region 4 football (Great Lakes-ish) / Re: FB: North Coast Athletic Conference
October 25, 2021, 07:56:39 AM
Kept track of this train wreck on the Wabash Athletics App. What a depressing day for Wabash Football. Simply underlines how the "mighty" have fallen. I was worried with the Rose game to start the season and little since then has been reassuring. I imagine the Football Alums that helped finance the rebuilt Little Giants Stadium are not very happy about this situation. What happens if we end this season with 3 (or more) losses?
Region 4 football (Great Lakes-ish) / Re: FB: North Coast Athletic Conference
October 18, 2021, 11:55:41 AM
What we have seen these last two games fully illustrate my fears about our coaching staff. Morel's hire was a yawner and nothing to get anyone fired up about, and nothing since then has disproven it. I fully agree with Li'l Giant's post. Also, RIP Max Servies. You were a one of a kind and Some Little Giant!