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Messages - seadog2

Just had a phone call with some surprising news. There was an individual that said they made an announcement in the MUC locker room at half time, that the NCAA announced the National Semifinal Game will be hosted by MHB. If this is true, why the H didn't they say so at the beginning of the playoffs? Why do it now, 2 weeks prior to the game? I guess they really don't want Mount to be in VA in Dec and are doing everything they can to prevent it. I will do some snooping around and see if I can get a more reliable source, than the person that informed me, but thought all you Raider fans would like to know. If anyone else hears anything, olease let us know so plans might be able to be arranged.
Those CNU fans that will be making the trip to Alliance and are looking for a place to eat, you have a place that is easy to find. You can come park your car or bus and join all us Raider fans at the student center for an all you care to eat breakfast/lunch buffet. The cost is $7.50 and trust me, you will be treated with respect and no hassle will be given. A very friendly crowd and glad to share experiences with you. They usually open around 10 or 10:30, allowing for a time to eat and it's right next door to the stadium. Thought I would pass it along and hope to see many of you there for the waffles, eggs, sandwiches, sausage, homemade donuts, you name it, they got it. Safe travel to all, no matter the mode of transportation.
I meant if the officials would have been of a little better quality and not tried to hold us back with stupid calls, it would have been a lot worse than + 35! (Sorry you missed the intended pun.)
Other than about 12 minutes of downpouring rain and a field that did not drain well, it was a near perfect day for football. The Raiders looked pretty darn good for an opening, however there are always some areas that will need a little tweaking. Burke looked very comfortable during the entire game and the team responded accordingly. Even though they got a good rush now and then, he was able to elude and execute and played very confident for a first start. O-line and D-line both looked good but Franklin was able to get around on the outsides a little and I'm sure that will be corrected. I thought we would get a little more pressure on their QB but it was sparodic at best, even though we got their a couple times. Give him credit, he looked pretty good. I thought we might see our backup guys in a little earlier, as in the days of old, to give them a little seasoning so to speak but they came in rather late in the game. I will give a shout out to the Franklin folks. I thought they treated us well and had a pretty nice venue for a football game. All in all, if we continue to improve I believe we will be just fine with alittle fine tuning. If we take the crazy officials out of the game Saturday and put someone in that could call it right, it would not have been as close as it was.

Just my observations!
I hope that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving with their families today. With all the bad news we here, it seems that we really do forget to be thankful for all the things we have. I know my household is most thankful for and hold close to their hearts, all those men & women in uniform, away from home protecting our freedoms. We should all say a silent prayer for them and especially for their families that must be separated from their loved ones during this time. We will never be able to repay the debt we owe them, so let's support them with all we have to offer. It was really great to see both teams on the field for the playing of the National Anthem last week and I hope it continues!
God Bless America, our troops and each one of you!


Shane still works with the team, I think at #3 or #4 spot. Don't know why, but he seems to be behind even the freshman from Texas. Shane still throws a nice ball, but I don't know if he will be playing anytime soon. I believe Burke and Namdar both have what it takes, but then again they haven't really been under much pressure or in a high stakes game.
Heard a rumor that there is no guarantee that MTU will be playing at home next week, even with a win this week, because they are changing the rules or something? Anybody else hear anything about this?

We all need to keep Clayton Hull and his family in our prayers and help them in any way we can. I'm also praying that they catch the gutless wonder that left that poor boy lying there for someone else to find. Sure hope he is able to recover and come back to play the game he loves.
Shuffeling QB's every 2-3 plays does nothing to build confidence in any one of them. Let's not give Neal too much credit for making their D look good. Right now they have us back on our heals. May be lots of noinse in the locker room during the half, let's hope it does some good. I stand onmy thoughts that you can only have one leader at QB, even it is not your favorite!
Found out that the frosh will be playing JC again on Monday evening at 7 at MU stadium. The last meeting ended with MU ahead but called on account of the weather. I have to say that JC looked as good as I've seen them in a few years.
I think the number will be in the 85 or so range suited up for Saturday. Have not seen the new duds yet, but could be interesting. The frosh are looking good and have plenty of good players on the way up. Both squads loaded with WR's that have soft sticky hands & QB's that can get the ball there. Should be a good game Sunday against JC.
The Titans didn't have a light workout at the stadium today. The Frosh team had a practice and were among the first to hear the brand new fantastic sound system. They just finished it today and there are only 3 speakers involved + the refs will be all wired up. Mattox has been at practice all week, probably will not be playing very soon though. JV game has been changed to a home game at Mount with a 2:00 start Sunday. We will play them up there for the next one. 
Looks as if Whitewater is adding some real class players to their roster. For some interesting reading just Google the name Booker Stanley. Says a whole lot about their program and they act like they are just giving this guy another chance. I guess it's win at any cost for them. Glad the coach thinks everyone on the team  is just like him, must make a Dad proud. What a joke!!
Just returned from the JV game vs W&J. UMU 21-W&J 0. Lot's of little mistakes, to be expected from Freshmen players but overall we looked fairly decent. Refs were from the NCAC and they definitely need some additional training. We have some players that are going to make very good future Raiders, if they stick it out a couple years. Played 12 minute quarters and ran the clock all the time, which didn't allow for all the players to get in, especially toward the end of the game. All in all, another good outing by the up and coming players! :)
A.J. Claycomb will be a fifth year senior next year. He will not return this year 99.9% sure.
Hope you are still going down for the game. Snowbourbon balls for breakfast perhaps? Might be good for those guys that have plows on front of their buggies, they could possibly make some money cleaning out the kitchen area. We are going to leave a few extra hours early and try to beat the snow in there. Hope to see you, drive safe.