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Messages - sdlostsoul

managed to tweak something and now stretch is working fine on the laptop.......oh well you should never go a day without doing something really boneheaded........go johnnies......
I'm lucky enough to attend the home games in person, but have had no luck getting the johnnie streaming. I have four different computers running at home right now, none can get the video feed. My laptop right now has the live stats from UST/Gust, the video feed from Bethel and the SJU video is still spinning and has never connected. I also have the audio for SJU running on the laptop as well and it is fine. I have talked to no one at a home game this year that has watched a video originated by SJU start to finish for any game. I can live with the audio only as after all the years the Bear has done the games, but it would be nice to have the video work. The access to Bethel today was one click and it was there immediately. The UST access was one click to live stats.....the Johnnie video access is still spinning >:(