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Messages - GrizzTheLogger

I was a bit surprised by PLU not making the field after watching them sweep past my Loggers with a pretty good team but has anyone seen the story on their website?

That doesn't look like it will make any friends with the NCAA anytime soon!!!  :o
I'm finally able to get on the board and I'd like to give a UPS opinion.  From what I heard from the Logger broadcast and looking at the stats, it looks like the Loggers won quarters 2-4 but that first quarter was just awful.  If anyone knows how dangerous turnovers can be, it is the 'Cats but I was happy with the way the Loggers came back and fought hard.

I know Willamette has a special team this year but with the confidence the Loggers may have built yesterday after playing Linfield tough and the way UPS has played Willamette the last few years, I think it will be a lot better game than it looks on the surface.
Quote from: buckj64 on October 31, 2008, 11:59:36 AM
Quote from: GrizzTheLogger on October 31, 2008, 11:44:45 AM
Can I just say that I really hope the Linfield players are thinking about the SCIAC this week as much as the Linfield fans are?  Maybe then they will forget they have a game tomorrow in Tacoma and we will win by forfeit!!!!  ;D

Gotta love UPS week... especially UPS week right before Willamette or Whitworth... Practice plan looked like this:
Monday: Film,
Tuesday: Next Opponent,
Wednesday: Next Opponent,
Thursday: UPS,
Bento Friday: Pregame Walkthrough,
Saturday: Play 1/2 a game.

Hey, anything we can do to help, we are happy to do it!!!
Can I just say that I really hope the Linfield players are thinking about the SCIAC this week as much as the Linfield fans are?  Maybe then they will forget they have a game tomorrow in Tacoma and we will win by forfeit!!!!  ;D
Quote from: Gig Harbor Cat on October 30, 2008, 11:44:35 AM

   UPS football practice was delayed nearly two hours yesterday after players reported finding an unknown white powdery substance on the practice field.  Head coach Phillip Willenbrock immediately suspended practice while police and federal agents were called in to investigate.  After a complete analysis, forensic experts determined that the white substance, unknown to the players, was the goal line.  Practice was resumed today after special agents decided the team was unlikely to encounter the substance again.

Two Words           THE STREAK

Phone it in


Well now you just don't know what you are talking about since the Loggers have an artificial surface practice field so there would be no need for chalk!  ;D 

Old joke but given the current circumstances in Loggerland, it is fitting.  My sole goal for the Loggers this week it to reach 20 points...Linfield can score 100 for all I care, I just want to see our offense do something, ANYTHING!!!
There is a chance that the boss may make me work Saturday but I'm trying convince him to give me the afternoon off.  If I'm stuck at work, I'll be forced to listen to the Logger broadcast and watch the Live Stats. 

If I can make it to the game, I will be sure to stop by and say hello to all the 'Cat fans.
Quote from: Gig Harbor Cat on October 27, 2008, 01:45:19 PM
Grizz--  come and find us pre game and I will share an Electric Longie with you and then and only then will things be clear to you.

I might just do that....
I know the 'Cats are a big favorite coming up to Tacoma this week but I was just wondering from you guys what, if the stars are aligned perfectly and Jupiter is in the proper spot in the sky, the Loggers might be able to exploit to keep the game close?

Looking at the stats, it seems like Linfield opponents are doing a little bit more in the passing game as opposed to the running game (which is not good for UPS!!!).  Is it a case of a more experience d-line vs. a younger secondary?  

Same thing on offense for the 'Cats.  Linfield looks to be running the ball quite a bit this season as opposed to what I remember seeing as a student at UPS where the 'Cats would air it out.  Is this a reflection on the QB situation at Linfield?

I'm sure that Linfield is going to come in and get the "W,"  I'm just wondering what the Loggers can do to make it interesting.
Not sure what to say about the PLU-UPS game.  As a Logger fan, it was frustrating to see the offense just run the ball up the gut every play.  I know that the team has been built back up on the running game but Rory Lee isn't back there anymore and UPS has some quality wide receivers.  That said, two of the seven times that Kavin put the ball in the air, it was picked off so hats off to the Lutes secondary for absolutely shutting down the Logger passing game.

PLU is not as bad a team as I expected them to be.  Their receivers stepped it up and Byrne had a great game. 

I'm really not looking forward to a fired up Linfield team coming to Tacoma next could be ugly.
Quote from: menlodaddio13 on October 21, 2008, 03:37:22 PM

                                                        Go Loggers!!!

Hope you knock the Lutes back to the Eastside of I-5 Tell Coach Dave to let Kavin air it out a bit and they'd be fine!

You mean to tell me that there is someone else on the board who actually wants the Loggers to win?!?!?!  I'm...I'm....I'm speechless.

I sure hope the Loggers can knock the Lutes back to Parkland!!!
Quote from: (509)Rat on October 20, 2008, 02:35:31 AM
I got a question for any of the Logger posters...though they probably don't have any more info than I do.  Anyways, is the UPS QB actually reading the d-line on their zone-read play or is determined when the call comes from the sideline?

Not having any inside sources, it seems like you are right in your thinking that the ball carriers number is determined pre-snap.  Williams is a very smart quarterback, maybe sometimes too smart for his own good, in that he might overthink things and then BOOM!! there is a defender right there.  He seems to do best on the pass play when he is able to step back, read the DB coverage and find an open receiver (hopefully).

Part of the issue teams tend to have when they are running the option offense like UPS tends to do is that the offensive line, especially a young and/or inexperienced line, doesn't know where to block, which allows an experienced defensive line and/or linebacker corps to find the gaps and get in the backfield.

Regardless, the Loggers are hopefully turning their attention to PLU this week.  For any team, if you can go out and beat your rival, the season is a success and the Loggers really need to taste some success.  Should be a fun game at Baker Stadium and while it's not the best game in the NWC on Saturday, it should be entertaining.
Quote from: wildcat11 on October 14, 2008, 11:04:00 AM
Quote from: GrizzTheLogger on October 14, 2008, 10:34:15 AM
In fact, the Logger offense was able to do much more on the road (316 yards of total offense) than the Linfield offense was able to do against the Oaks in McMinnville (249 yards of total offense). 

Well...I feel safe to say that Linfield's offense had a few more options available last weekend compared to Menlo but I'll let you hang onto your notion. 

Grizz,  here is something that I'm totally perplexed about and maybe you could help me out.  Why would UPS put a new practice field turf field in next door to Baker Stadium but not put in a new game field? 

It's not like UPS's sod is a pristine surface...I'm not sure if that makes much since.  I do find it a little funny that the UPS web site has a photo that features the practice field but not the actual field games are played on.

That causes a bit of discussion up here as well.  The reasoning that I got was that the practice field before was in horrible shape, wasn't level, etc. and then someone donated some money to fix the field and install lights, with the wish that it be available for intramurals and club sports to use when the varsity teams aren't on it.

I think there is talk about putting artificial turf at the stadium since, I believe, UPS is the only school where the soccer teams (and women's lacrosse) play at the stadium as well (maybe Willamette?).   I don't know how far done the line that might be but from what I understand, it's in the works.
Quote from: wildcat11 on October 14, 2008, 01:18:17 AM
That may all be true but I thought this year would be the year UPS would have a chance to be a threat to at least sniff the top 3 in the conference but it looks like that is not the case again after a brutal loss to Menlo.  UPS could be 2-4 or 1-5 in NWC play by the time it's all said and done this year.  For a program that's been improving for the past 5 years that potential record seems more like the same old, same old.

I wouldn't exactly call the loss to Menlo as brutal.  In fact, the Logger offense was able to do much more on the road (316 yards of total offense) than the Linfield offense was able to do against the Oaks in McMinnville (249 yards of total offense).  Granted, the Linfield defense did shut down Menlo to get the win while the Oaks had some huge plays against the Loggers but the loss wasn't brutal.

You're right that today is starting to feel like the same old, same old and as a fan, that is a bit frustrating.  Hopefully the UPS defense can show a little better effort this weekend in Spokane.
Quote from: wildcat11 on October 13, 2008, 07:25:04 PM
Quote from: (509)Rat on October 13, 2008, 07:16:43 PM
As for the pissing match, Whitworth starts 3 seniors...on the entire team.

Sans UPS....the entire conference is pretty young which isn't good news for UPS.

The Loggers are young in certain areas.  If I remember right, their starting CB are a soph and junior and running back Casey Larson, who filled in for Silas Paul, is just a sophomore.  UPS can bring in some quarterbacks next year who can observe both Kavin Williams and Spencer Crace during their senior years. 

While not to the extent of Whitworth, Linfield or even PLU, the Loggers have lost some quality seniors in the last few years but they find a way to regroup.  These aren't the days of 40-something guys on a UPS roster. They have been around 75-85 the last few years which is a healthy number to keep the program going.
In looking at the Loggers' stats against Menlo, it looks like it is a little more fair to say that the Oaks won as opposed to UPS lost.  The Loggers gave away two ball, including a fumble return for a touchdown, which it sounds like was on a questionable no-call by the officials.  Without the big fumble, the Loggers could have probably snuck out of Atherton with a win but now they will just regroup and try to focus on Whitworth next week.

I'll be interested to see how Menlo does against the rest of the NWC this season.  Are they going to be able to get wins against PLU and Whitworth and end up in the top half of the conference?  It's fun having such a competitive conference, even if the Loggers don't end up on the winning end.