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Messages - Brett Adams

great commentary.... just one clarification.... CAC play-offs (as of last year) include only the TOP 6, not the top eight.  No. 1 and No. 2 get a first round bye and a host for the semi's.  No. 3 host No. 6 and No. 4 host No. 5.... No. 7, 8, and 9 prepare for next year.

Great competition in the conference.  Love being in the CAC.

how about STMD?
and keep STVN for Stevens Tech
After representing Villa Julie College for the past fourteen years, I am excited to announce the growth of the college has prompted a move to University status by MD Higher Education Commission and simultaneously a name change. The new name more accurately represents the Co-Ed, Private, non-religious, institution with Graduate programs and 3,000 undergraduates.

Stevenson University was chosen as we are located in Stevenson, Maryland (Princeton U is in Princeton, Oxford U. is in Oxford) which is similar to other University names.  Villa Julie College will live on as one of the five "colleges" of the new university.  The original campus will be known as the Villa Julie College of Arts and Sciences of Stevenson University.  The other four "colleges/schools" have not yet been named.
#4 St. Mary's host #8 Salisbury
#2 U. Mary Wash. host #6 Marymount

DMAC, the strength of the CAC maybe more of an OOPS of the OWPI and the OOOPPS of the OOWPI.

Meaning, any team that plays conference games (and the more the worst effect) has a OWPI of .500 = each conference opponent (not including the results of their own individual game) will be exactly .500.  One team will win and one team will lose. This also true for the opponents opponents winning percentage because each conference opponent will have played each other again making it .500.  So both are more of a result of there games head to head (which is already calculated in there win loss in region) and their out of conference games.  Therefore, a conference like the Centennial will be skewed closer to .500 and a conference like the NESCAC (which only plays one game in conference) will be less skewed to .500.  Therefore, if teams are playing a lot of games out of conference, they have a better opportunity to have their scores (OWPI and OOWPI) more reflective of their out of conference and their head to head games.  If you really want to look at true strength of schedule, eliminate the conference games from the formula and also add back in a percentage for away games.  I hope that we can tweak that a bit for next year.

Just some thoughts on the math and the percieved strength of schedule... I may have missed something here, but I am sure that someone will call me on it.
Even though he is still 60 some points behind Andy, I think it is easy to say that Chad is already the best player all time at York. When you factor in the impact he had as a young player on a team that was laden with great talent, and then consider the way he has played in the two years that he has been The Man on the team, it's easy to put him at number 1.

I have only been around the program since '94, but my top five (based on what I've seen my self and heard about from the older guys) would be something like:

1) McGowan '08
2) Andy O'Brien '01
3) Dan Johnson '95
4) Jeff Mann '93
5) Brandon Bushey '06

I know we could never get Coach to pick and choose, but he's the only one who's seen them all.

I had the great fortune to have been around many of the above players and I probably can't speak to before 1980's.... but Wayne Johnson and Kenny Riddick (both late 70's early 80's) HAVE TO be in that mix.  During their tenure, they played Division I's and II's (and won) and narrowly missed the NCAA tournament. Coach Gamber has video of Wayne Johnson and how dominant he was against Division I centers and Kenny Riddick played during the era without the three-point line.... though he scored from the "old Spartan Head" on the kitchen floor.  Well past the three point arc.

I am not making any predictions on the individuals or the order.... just you must include these two.... and maybe a distant third would be Mike Donahue (Hall of Fame and a backcourt mate mine).

Prior to my tenure, and probably prior to Coach Gamber's tenure, the Flying Dutchman of York Junior College in the late 60's and early 70's was the dominant Pa. Junior College Team.  I remember reading about them while doing research for the Spartan (school newspaper) as I was the Sports Editor my senior year.  I just don't have the recollection to include any of the great players from that era. The only one that stands out is Roger Goodling (I believe is his name...) the former Head Men's Coach at Shippensburg Univesity.
We are told by our representatives at the NCAA that we are eligible for the bid in 2006-07.  Hopefully all will go well.