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Messages - bballmom4

You are correct, everyone is entitled to their opinions, but lets not get hostile.  LC had some unforseen issues, as far as everyone is concerned.  However, unless you were in the room with the Coach/AD/Player when things happened, you shouldn't surmise what happened.  Four Starters left to begin with and forwhatever reasons.  No one will know exactly what happened unless you were in the room.  So lets leave issues alone and stick with basketball and what we are on this site for.  We are not here to trash coaches, players, programs, so lets leave it at that and just play basketball.  Just remember, Basketbal is suppose to be fun and when the fun and heart is no longer there, then you have to evaluate why you are there, and I think that is what happened. 
WOW...I did not see the game with LC and RM, however, from the comments here, sounds like it was a very physical one.  All I have to say is that if you throw an elbow so hard that you break someone's nose, that is way too physical.  Yes, basketball is a contact sport, but with that hard of a hit....well, if the tables were turned I am sure the thought would be exactly the same on the other side.  Oh, and also, rest assured that refs always miss the big picture and/or big play.  Hope the RM player is doing well! I wonder if the #23 thought to even ask the RM player if she was o.k.?  That too would have been good sportsmanship!  Hopefully she did.
It will be interesting to see how the Lady Hornets match up this year.  They have lost all starters, including one to Roanoke.....should be interesting.  They had put the program back on the map and were very competitive, now, looks like they are back to rebuilding.
Well, depending on which game you are watching, could be true, dukeofargyle, but there are more teams out there that fit this same motto as your favorite Coach LaHaye.  And I also believe that if someone is shutting your outside game down, you have no choice but go to the inside and then work it back out.  But there are also more players out there that can compete with Hiltunan in assists and lets add steals to that as well.  Some of these so called "high point scorers" have to throw up 30 shots to get 10, well that percentage is terrible, I would think.   But we all have our opinions, don't we.  Just depends on what game you are watching.  And as has been said just recently....defense wins games more times than not.  You can make all the shots you want and all the points, but if you cannot play defense....well... you are lacking a lot of contribution to the game and for your other teammates.
"unsung hero" award should not take the place of the others.  However, I have seen many games that if it weren't for these other defensive and "unsung heros" that these POY and ROY would not have the stats that they do.  If you are having an inside game and others are shutting down your outside game and if you have a guard that gets it to the post all day long....well, how do you think that person got to be the "high point scorer" without someone feeding her the ball.  That is what I am talking about.  So there are many other factors that should be thought about when making these decisions.  Its just an observation.  But you are correct, an "Unsung Hero" award would be a nice addition to the others.
I know that the stats for most of this players are really impressive, however, one must always remember that in order for these players to get these impressive stats, they have to have played as a team.  So who really deserves the vote, the one that just puts up the shots, or the defensive leader who is just a great all around player, always looking for the person who has the open look, etc.  Its too bad that you just can't be at every game to see the girls and how they interact with their team-mates and just "who deserves the award".  There are a few young ladies whose defense "wins the game".  That seems to go overlooked.  I guess I always just look for the unsung hero award.  There are a lot of them out there.
Good job Lady Hornets....players and coaches.   It seems like it was a great game, by the LIVE STATS.  Looks like it was great team work. 

#8 heard the facts of what happened?  Well unless you heard it from the Coach or one of the players involved....maybe your facts aren't exactly what happened!  But be it here or there...we all know that players, coaches, etc., make misktakes.  If they learn from those mistakes...then they are life lessons.  What I am saying here is unless we were right there when whatever happened happened...we should not judge.   But support the team and the girls that things will work out.  You are right, it is a great team, and hopefully the youngsters learn from what happened.  However, I don't think I was bashing any of the young players, I just simply made the comment that the stats speak for themselves.  If you look at the stats, well....this is the time for those youngsters to step up to plate and earn their spots...correct?  If you took it as bashing, was not.   As far as Kristina Darby, I understand she is coming off an injury and you are is her time to shine.  Anyway, GO HORNETS tonight! 
Wow...some harsh words on the two LC girls, Dahn and Esposito.  Those two girls have been working their butts off during season and off season to be the ball players that they are and their stats show it.  If the younger players worked as would show as well.  In looking at the stats, well...they speak for themselves.  As a coach, you have to have players on the floor that are going to perform....looks to me like the "young" LC players need to start working a lot harder and they will get the same opportunity as any other good player.  As far as what happened to Dahn and Esposito...well, we shouldn't commit on what we all don't know...that is the way to start rumors that usually don't hold any merit.  But, that being said...why aren't the other young players stepping up to the plate?????  And if they were working hard, they would have been playing even when Dahn and Esposito were there.  This is a TEAM sport and there is no "I" in team.  Everyone has their roles and, well, they need to know them.  So instead of making accusations, just let Dahn and Esposito be and lets all hope the "young ones" step up to the plate.  Seems to me like so far we have seen just what Esposito and Dahn have meant to the team. 
My picks are as follows:

Emory & Henry
Washington & Lee

Emory & Henry
Virginia Wesleyan

Good Luck everybody!!!
In addition to my last e-mail, you also have to look at the fact that many of the players in D3 (if not all) have academic scholarships...which is always nice because if you get an injury, as long as you keep your studies up....they can't take it away.
My picks for tonight, also, are as follows.  If Lynchburg plays hard just like they did against Roanoke, they can pull it off, but there will be no room for errors, they just need to settle in and play the game.  I thnk the Bridgewater - Roanoke will also be another game to keep an eye on.

Bridgewater at Roanoke
Guilford at Emory & Henry
Randolph at Virginia Wesleyan
Randolph-Macon at Lynchburg
Hollins at Washington & Lee
I agree 100%.  Having had a daughter who was recruited for D1 and went to a D1 school, she made the "travel team", but only saw minimal (and I mean minimal) amount of playing time for not only her freshmen year, but also her sophmore year.  It is a full time job, you are their's and you have very little to no time to yourself.  That is why my daughter now decided to go D3 as she would actually play. She saw her sister work as hard as everyone else (and even the ones who didn't make the "travel team" still worked hard just waiting for a spot to open) and get very  little playing time.  She decided that she wanted to go to school and do well in her studies, as well as practice hard and perform equally as well on the Court.  D1 is not for everyone!  But, again, to each their own.  But I do believe D3 works just as hard as D1.
However, if LC plays like they did the other night over Roanoke.....that would be a good thing.  Turnovers are still a problem...but if they can stay focused, they could pull it off.  I am going with LC.  But you are right, it should be a great game.
Lot of big games tonight!  Any predictions?