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Messages - kohawkfan

Merry Christmas to all and a happy and prosperous New Year! 
Did anyone else see the list of the stuff the sponsoring companies put in the bowl players' gift bags?  There's some nice stuff (under $500 total)  in each bag.  Hawkeye players are getting a Fossil watch, mini-camcorder, and a ring.  No blooming onion, tho.  ;)  Gophers and Jayhawks are getting a high def tv and some other stuff.   You can check out the rest:
Good luck to the Knights this weekend-injury free game for both teams and safe travels to all!
Quote from: Dsquared on December 04, 2008, 04:57:22 PM
Quote from: kohawkfan on December 04, 2008, 02:17:27 PM
Quote from: warthog on December 04, 2008, 01:58:40 PM
Wartburg and Coe have had some kids move back and forth occasionally.  It gets some people (ex: kohawkfan) all in a dither, Sometimes the truth hurts, hog.  but we need to remember it is the student/athlete's decision.  It is not the decision of a bunch of has beens and never weres.  Never claimed it was, merely was interested in the why's. I personally would have preferred that Mitch would not have decided to air his opinions about his former teammates and coaches, but that is his choice.    Free country, dude, last time I checked.     

So you are saying the truth hurts you, Kohawkfan?  No, you evidently didn't read my earlier post.  After hog's comment, I was saying that he's the one who seemed "hurt" by the idea that someone-ANYONE-could and would leave 'burg.  And hog said that it was Mitch's choice to air his grievances, so you are echoing what warthog said?  I agree that it's an individual decision.  Maybe 'burg may not be everything we're led to believe?  My curiosity was about the reason(s) why this UWW individual left.   

Quote from: warthog on December 04, 2008, 01:58:40 PM
Wartburg and Coe have had some kids move back and forth occasionally.  It gets some people (ex: kohawkfan) all in a dither, Sometimes the truth hurts, hog.  but we need to remember it is the student/athlete's decision.  It is not the decision of a bunch of has beens and never weres.  Never claimed it was, merely was interested in the why's. I personally would have preferred that Mitch would not have decided to air his opinions about his former teammates and coaches, but that is his choice.    Free country, dude, last time I checked.     

Quote from: warthog on December 04, 2008, 01:32:11 PM
I don't know who Coe got in the three way trade, I believe Coe acquired TeKippe after his freshman year at 'burg.   :)but I think Wartburg got the better of deal with Neil Suckow than UWW did with Mitchell Moore.  Perhaps Coe gets a recruit to be named later and will end up with the best of the bunch.   :D

I'm happy for both Coe and Wartburg that our former players who exchanged uniforms have not chosen to come on here and bad mouth the schools they left.  We can be proud of both young men.  Mitch, you should take notice of how it should be done.
Personality of a doorknob? Really? Have you ever had a conversation with the guy? Yes
Have you met many of the other IIAC coaches. Yes 
A lot are cut from the same cloth. You gotta be kidding.  NO WAY
Bobo :  Read below  

I'm sure your question has been answered a million times on the IIAC board - I invite you to go back & check the archives!!  ;) 
Geez.   Actually, I was interested in Champs07's situation there.  I know others who have had some issues there.    Wartburg "over-recruits?" - Is that sour grapes from a Coe fan? 
No, not at all.  Over-recruiting  by 'burg is common knowledge around the IIAC, I think.    
Actually, my son was recruited and offered a better package from 'burg than where he ended up.  For him, it wasn't about the money.  Just wondering if Champs07 had a similiar experience?   
Quote from: Champs07 on December 03, 2008, 02:44:12 PM
Wow...Sakman you're right!! Don't be mad cause I get to where my NATIONAL TITLE RING around all weekend and watch my boys pound Wartburg all day!! And for those doing your stats I played in every game in 06 and 07...38 snaps in the 07 title game to be exact (but you wouldn't know much about title games, and whose really counting).  As far as stats I didn't have any your right but I did what it took to win games and for the rest of my life I can say I was a NATIONAL CHAMP!!  When a Wartburg player can say that...maybe I will talk to them.  That being said there were a lot good guys I met in Waverly that I still talk to today.  Funny thing was all but a couple transferred before they finished college.  Interesting!!!

First, Congrats on being a national champion.  
I'm a (Coe College) Kohawk fan who has had to deal with the "humble" folk of Bremer County...
I'm curious as to why you and so many of your friends transferred out of Waverly?  I have often heard that W'burg "over-recruits" so that when freshmen get to camp, they "discover" that their chances of playing anytime soon are nil.  Has to be frustrating.  Would you say this is an accurate reason why most guys leave there or are there other reasons?   i.e. I know the HC has the personality of a doorknob and the town of Waverly is pretty small potatoes.  Anything else?          
Quote from: sportsknight on November 25, 2008, 09:43:10 AM
Cue up the old SportsCenter music, because its time for a little Monmouth College "Did You Know?"

-  Monmouth was founded on April 18, 1853 (a year after Wartburg), and the school still celebrates that date as "Founders Day."  Classes are cancelled for a day of celebration and an honors convocation.  Sounds a bit like Wartburg's Outfly, but with a convo.

-  Monmouth was one of the first college nationally to admit women and became a center of the women's sorority movement.  Pi Beta Phi was founded at Monmouth in 1867, with Kappa Kappa Gamma following in 1870.

-  Monmouth has won the last two Midwest Conference men's all-sports trophies.

-  The Fighting Scots' highest national finish in any sport came at the 2007 National Outdoor Track Championships, where they finished third.  Comparatively, Wartburg has won 7 national team titles in the past 13 years.  Can you elaborate on those national titles for the non-burg fans?

-  The Monmouth-Knox football rivalry is the 6th oldest in the nation.  The teams traditionally played on Thanksgiving for the Bronze Turkey trophy.  The trophy has been stolen at various times in the series' history, which dates back to 1888, including a six year stretch where it was buried underneath Monmouth's old indoor track.

-  Famous alumni:  Jim Pate '63, former CEO of Pennzoil;  Dwight Tierney '69, Senior Exec. VP of Viacom and one of the founders of MTV;  Admiral James Stockdale '46, Navy Vice-Admiral and candidate for Vice-President. 
Quote from: sportsknight on November 24, 2008, 07:21:39 PM
Don't know if anybody else say this, but the Massey Ratings have put together a list ranking all the college football programs in the country...

Some notables:
40.  Iowa
122.  UNI
124.  Iowa State
238.  UW-Whitewater
         242. University of Sioux Falls (NAIA)
283.  UW-Stevens Point
309.  Monmouth
         315. Gustavus Adolphus         
         318. Morningside (NAIA)
322.  Wartburg
340.  Drake
349.  St. Ambrose
351.  Winona State
          359. Augustana IL
          370. Wabash
376.  Redlands
415.  BV
417.  Simpson
435.  Billy Penn
436.  Loras
444.  Northwestern (Iowa)
479.  Central
492.  Luther
495.  Coe
541.  Upper Iowa
614.  Dubuque
         640. Grinnell         
         647. Graceland (NAIA)
         649. Briar Cliff (NAIA)
         650 Grandview (NAIA)
668.  Cornell
         688. Dordt (NAIA)
691.  Waldorf

Congratulations, Rams.  You're not the worst team in Iowa!

I took the liberty of adding a few more.
Quote from: doolittledog on November 24, 2008, 10:07:45 AM
In the recruiting process for IIAC schools.  Do coaches only talk about football to recruits or do they talk up the whole school and work to hook up recruits to department heads and talk up the majors their school offers? 

Also, in the last year we have heard stories about Central projecting an image too squeeky clean to be believed.  We have heard stories of Wartburg talking negative of other programs.  Any other interesting recruiting stories out there???
As a parent, I did go along on the initial visits to IIAC schools and others.  However, the kid went back by himself to some of the schools for overnight visits before making his decision.   I'll admit, I was nervous at the idea of a "college overnight" considering he was still a HS senior and had his final HS seasons of basketball, track and baseball still ahead of him.  (Fortunately, there were no infractions of the "good conduct policy" reported and he made it to all the visits and back in one piece.)  Still not sure EXACTLY what went on during those overnights-probably never will.   ;)          

Quote from: the_mayne_event on November 23, 2008, 05:53:45 PM
i dont know if this has been brought up yet or not, but how did Calvin Thomas only get an honorable mention nod this year being tied for 2nd in the league in total tackles and 2nd in solo tackles??
Good question.  On the conference stat page, it looks like he's second only to UD's Laskowski.  110 total tackles for Laskowski and next is Calvin with 97, followed by Tate with 92.   ???
Quote from: Newshound on November 22, 2008, 11:38:10 PM
The game will be at Monmouth. Kickoff at noon. This is accoridng to several members of the Wartburg staff.
The UNI-Dome isn't available because UNI will probably need it for an FCS playoff game next Saturday.

Thanks for the info,  Newshound.
Quote from: sportsknight on November 22, 2008, 10:47:32 PM
One more thing:  Next Saturday's game against Monmouth is also a very winable game for the Knights.  Wartburg beat the Scots in '06 and '07, and couple that with the facts that Wartburg already has the tape from Loras' game against Monmouth earlier this year and a former Knight is the defensive coordinator at Aurora, and the Knights should be very well prepared for next Saturday.  No classes during Thanksgiving week won't hurt either.
Anyone know for certain the location of next week's W'burg/Monmouth game?  Heard a rumor that if it's a home game for W'burg they are going to play in the UNI dome.   Any one know about this?  
Quote from: davedevine on November 22, 2008, 03:42:17 PM
I'd like to be the first to congratulate my knights on their HUGE Win today on the road.  26-21

They gave up some yards on D(just like all year)  but they made plays when they needed to. 
Forced 3 turnovers  and partially blocked a punt. 

yordi had a great game and so did his 2 WR's - actually there were a lot of guys who played well, too many too mention

too bad the #8 seed didn't win like I needed to, was hoping to see them next week @ Walston

Ditto on the congrats to the Knights.  Nice job.
Congrats, also to NAIA Morningside.  They took care of Baker (KS) in their first round game today in Sioux City 65-27.   Looks like they may get another home game next week against possibly Lindenwood (Mo.) 
Also the season ends for St. Ambrose today-USF beats them in Sioux Falls 28-zip.  USF's defense allowed just 9 yards rushing and 139 total yards while the Cougars put up 312 yards.
No word on who the Cougars' next victim will be...