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Messages - Gazolly Gazump

From my understanding, Selway had two years of eligibility left at the beginning of this football season.  If he gets another "medical red shirt" for this season's new injury, does he still have two years left? -   As he is a senior now (seventh semester) could it be possible he plays for another two seasons?    ( Or....How many more losses to Oxy would that be then?)  ;)
If Selway already had a medical redshirt two seasons ago, what are his chances of getting another one approved?  And how would a medical redshirt in football this season affect his basketball NCAA eligibility? Can he play basketball this season?  Not sure how the eligibility works from sport to sport in the same year (medical redshirt football - play basketball same year?).  Does a player lose a year of eligibility for playing any NCAA sport in that year? 

I believe D3 regulations say that a player has five consecutive years to use four years of eligibility - if I understand it correctly.

   Selway will be left with two years of football left if his medical redshirt is approved....he will be a second year grad student by then.   Redlands could use him for the next two years, that's for sure.  But.... a quarterback does not a football team make. (I'm sure the Dallas Cowboys would beg to differ on that point though!)

Congrats to Oxy for making the trip up north - weather was great for you; this time of year is always a gamble on the cold and rain!
   OxyCenter63,   I know what you mean about getting "pulled in" -(It happens to me a lot) - but I am a working grad student and old enough to know better! 
What happens if the Poets prevail, retain possession of the shoes, and Redlands beats Cal Lu?  How is the SCIAC champion determined?  Is it the head-to-head game?   (All  events hypothetical of course)
Sorry about  forgetting who now has the shoes...I guess I was so overcome with the image of that poor Poet having to play an entire game in his workboots, I lost my mind for a moment. :)

Thanks also for the info on undefeated SCIAC teams....interesting history.

Thanks for enlightening me about "the shoes" .  Now I can see why the Poets want them back (poor guy....
having to play in his work boots... !)    Any other good So Cal rivalry stories out there I have missed? 
   With Occidental poised to go 9-0 prior to playoffs, - can  somebody enlighten me on the "battle of the shoes" ?  I am between classes and don't have a lot of time. ( besides, I am sure there are many of you who can give me a much better perspective than a Google search could!)  How many other SCIAC teams have gone undefeated?

    Glad to hear about LR :) , and glad to see OxyBob is back to his witty jabs! 
Quote from: DAW on November 05, 2008, 10:50:29 AM
Quote from: Gazolly Gazump on November 04, 2008, 08:39:47 PM
  DAW -   I feel for you...It is hard to know what to do when you are getting differing opinions...who do you believe? ( I know my boys would say just about anything to get back out on the field -)  Just make sure LR is healthy before they send him back out there.  Err on the side of caution always.
    And, contrary to the popular belief in my house, tape is not magic and does not heal you..(If I had a dollar for every time my boys said "It's fine mom, I'll just tape it up", I wouldn't need to be teaching eighth-grade math!)
Thanks Gazolly... As it turned out LR didn't practice yesterday... (funny he told me don't worry mom just going to tape it up tight and all will be ok!!) Turns out it was only LR's wishful thinking that he would practice.  No go until he's checked out and in working condition again!!  I knew that there had to be more to the story but it's hard to know what's really going on because he's living on campus and doesn't like to divulge all the info to us!!  Guess he thought that if he told the trainers he was ready they'd just say ok.  They have a great staff at Whittier and I know they wouldn't let LR or any player suit up if they didn't think they were ready...  Can't help but worry though... That's part of my job description ;D  So now LR just needs to be patient and heal  (You know how those kids are with waiting!!) 

It is nice to know that athletic trainers at the college level seem to have the player's long term health in mind - and don't always believe everything they're told by the big boys who just want to play.  This has been my experience as well.  (Hey, isn't that what we pay the big bucks for? :) )  We will continue to keep LR in our prayers for a speedy recovery - whatever they may find out about his injury.  It's not easy when they aren't at home....and yes, worrying is part of our job description,! ( What would we do without text messaging?)
 This may have been addressed before,(sorry in advance if it has), but are offensive and defensive statistics looked at when determining playoff selections?  Redlands seems to be putting up a lot of points in the games they're winning.  Will this be taken into account when choosing teams to place in Pool C?

  DAW -   I feel for you...It is hard to know what to do when you are getting differing opinions...who do you believe? ( I know my boys would say just about anything to get back out on the field -)  Just make sure LR is healthy before they send him back out there.  Err on the side of caution always.
    And, contrary to the popular belief in my house, tape is not magic and does not heal you..(If I had a dollar for every time my boys said "It's fine mom, I'll just tape it up", I wouldn't need to be teaching eighth-grade math!)
Is Selway back for the Cal Lu game?  (Asked the SCIAC Oxy alum of the SCIAC Redlands alum on the NWC board . . . )

I have been told by players on the current Redlands team that Selway is out for the remainder of the season, and that he has petitioned the NCAA for a Hardship Waiver (due to his injury)   
  If approved, he will have two years of eligibility left. (Another two years at QB...pending any unforeseen circumstances)

 I stand corrected Dutchfan ....So sorry...... Dads may not worry as much, but they obviously care as much -  I realize now my remarks may have been too generalized.    (Wouldn't want anyone thinking all dads "worry" about their sons!)   ;)       
    You're right, dads worry just as much as we do, but I'd like to think they are keeping it inside so us moms don't totally lose it in the stands!  Can you imagine what our kids would think of us if both parents were trying to make it onto the field after an injury? :)

     Hope LR's injury isn't too bad (RFB is right about the young healing quicker)

    I will keep you all in my prayers so track season isn't a total loss for him.

Quote from: DAW on November 02, 2008, 12:56:06 PM
Quote from: Fear the Poet on November 02, 2008, 10:50:21 AM
Quote from: D O.C. on November 02, 2008, 10:45:13 AM
Oh my word!
I am so sorry. As you see we were wondering. That feeling from the stands must be second only to the pain on the ground.

thanks my firend..LR will be fine, he is a tough kid. I was more worried about Lucy. As LR was rolling in pain, I quote Lucy, "can I go down there and see if he is ok?"  :)

Ok to set the record straight I asked if I could go down there to see if he was ok only when he was off the field and sitting on the trainers table!! ;D
I cant help it.. I'm a mom and you can all tell me to cut the cord already but he'll alway be my baby and I'll always worry so when one of my kids gets hurt my first instinct is to go see if they are ok :D

Thank you everyone for your good wishes and thoughts for LR and the family. 

Daw, I am sorry about your son - there is nothing worse than watching your child in pain from the stands (no matter how old they are!) ... I've been stopped from hopping a fence or two after my boys were down on the field!  The "momma bear" instinct always kicks in to protect our "cubs" from harm.  Hope your son is back on his feet again soon.
   Doesn't Cal Lu have a great Fresman kicker?    Did the rain play that big a part in the miss, or was it just bad luck? (nerves?)
     We feel bad for him; you know he is going to have a long night  thinking about that miss.

      Congrats Oxy -  looks as if they're on their way to a playoff berth and SCIAC ring.
  Rain, thunder, and wind in Thousands Oaks this morning.  Looks to be a muddy game at Cal Lu today.  Does that favor Oxy or the Kingsmen?