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Messages - hyrooster

Quote from: hyrooster on December 05, 2010, 07:10:57 AM
Turnovers are like drugs, THEY KILL. This and what has already been posted says it all for NCC yesterday!

As for NCC and Coach Thorne and his coaching Staff I say "Thanks". 4+ years ago I sat in his office and listen to him tell my son their goals as a team for the next 4 years. I'm happy to say everyone one was kept except one which we came real close to this year. Yes there were some tears on the field but even more surprising was after yesterday's game I didn't hear the regret I thought I would hear but encouragement from the Seniors to the underclassmen reminding them that it's now their duty to continue on with the tradition that was maintained by their group as was told to my son after his Freshman year. Now that's special!

Continued success to NCC and keep recruiting to re-load, not re-build. I remember when NCC was everybody's hope for homecoming weekend and so do the other CCIW schools who will do their best to knock you down.

Congrats to UWW and bring the Trophy home the the North Division!

PS: A very special "Thanks" to my Son and all the players from NCC for the last 4 years of watching you play football. You made coming to the field every Saturday in the fall a very special event.   
Turnovers are like drugs, THEY KILL. This and what has already been posted says it all for NCC yesterday!

As for NCC and Coach Thorne and his coaching Staff I say "Thanks". 4+ years ago I sat in his office and listen to him tell my son their goals as a team for the next 4 years. I'm happy to say everyone one was kept except one which we came real close to this year. Yes there were some tears on the field but even more surprising was after yesterday's game I didn't hear the regret I thought I would hear but encouragement from the Seniors to the underclassmen reminding them that it's now their duty to continue on with the tradition that was maintained by their group as was told to my son after his Freshman year. Now that's special!

Continued success to NCC and keep recruiting to re-load, not re-build. I remember when NCC was everybody's hope for homecoming weekend and so do the other CCIW schools who will do their best to knock you down.

Congrats to UWW and bring the Trophy home the the North Division!

A new wrinkle has developed for the game and it's called Mother Nature. The weather report on Sunday/Monday was partly sunny, high of 38. The weather as of this morning is now calling for 2 - 4 inches of snow and colder temps. This would favor a running team over a passing team IMO. Not that they need it but this favors UWW even more.
Quote from: USee on December 01, 2010, 02:07:55 PM
I posted the following on the WIAC page yesterday

Quote from: USee on November 30, 2010, 09:04:11 PM
I'll say this (which is a statement about ncc and not a comparison to uww)the CCIW is a tough conference. This is the second time a team has  made it to the playoffs undefeated in the last 14 yrs. And you have to go back to Augie in the 80s to find a team tat has run the cciw slate by beating every team by at least 20. Wheaton this year, which we have seen is a very good team and quite comparable to teams in the west bracket, is your typical cciw team. Several close games through conference play, a few come from behind V's, solid defense, etc.  That's the team most would expect from the cciw. NCC is a level above that. We don't know if its UWW/UMU level, but its probably pretty close in my view. We get to find out Saturday.   
U See, this is a great observation and if I can add one other thought to that. Until this coming week, ONU included, I've never been concerned that we were going to win the game. Maybe it's knowing Wenger and crew are out there on D and they bring a certain maturity/swagger with them on the field. Not cocky swagger but confident type. IMO this wasn't the same feeling we've had in the stands the last 3 years.
Quote from: Stagg or Bust on December 01, 2010, 01:35:51 AM
Quote from: bleedpurple on November 29, 2010, 10:07:38 PM
There's no doubt about that. They will also continue to make room for Coppage.  The advantage UW-W has on the line of scrimmage is usually quite decisive.  NCC has some great athletes on defense, but I've not seen a defensive line hold up for 4 quarters against UW-W in five years. And that INCLUDES Mt. Union.  Throw in the best running back in the country and that's a challenge for ANY defense!  ;D
Your eyelids are getting heavy.
You are feeling very sleepy now.  
Now, listen to what I have to say and know it as the truth.

North Central cannot run the ball.
North Central cannot pass the ball.
North Central's offensive line will not be able to make any running lanes against the stout Whitewater defensive front.
North Central's defense is weak.
North Central's defensive line will not get any pressure on Blanchard.
North Central does not have a DPOY candidate waiting to provide a friendly greeting to Mr. Coppage.
North Central will not be able to stop the mighty Whitewater passing game.
North Central has only played against 0-10 teams this year.

Keep telling yourself, "The CCIW is weak.  North Central is not a good team."

Go to your happy place.

There.  Now, don't you feel better.
I do feel better, Thank You and I'm a Cardinal fan! First Ditka and then the great Staggini lulling us all to sleep. All that's left is for everyone who's reading or writing posts to do is gather in front of Benedetti-Wehrli Stadium in a big circle, holding hands and sing Kumbaya this Saturday. 
Quote from: hyrooster on November 28, 2010, 08:30:21 AM
Quote from: TCrawf5825 on November 28, 2010, 02:14:56 AM
Confidence in my teams coach does not require sarcasm on your part.  then again sarcasm is the last resort of a man with nothing intellegent to say

Teams ride emotional highs and lows throughout the year, not to mention other intangibles like injuries etc.  Teams match-up differently.  I believe common opponents to be a poor indicator and like I said I am confident in coach Thornes ability to exploit the opponents weaknesses 
But are you confident in someones ability on NCC'S sideline to count to 11? This number has seemed to cause problems for NCC special teams all year and I'm sure that UWW will make us pay for it to the tune of more than 3 points next week. 
I'm sure it's bad etiquette to post on your own post but it gets real old everytime your special teams go on the field and you hear fans in the stand yelling "did you count them coach" or my favorite is the lady by me who came out for her first game of the year to watch her grandson play but knew very little about football and kept counting along with everyone around her to 11 everytime either the O, D or special teams came on the field. She thought that's what you always do at a game. She thought it was great though to be a part of the crowd. ;D
Seriously though, these are the little things that a Championship caliber can't and won't do if they want to win it all. These are preparation mistakes, not on the field penalties.
Enough said from me.
PS: Almost enough. This little oversight of special teams dumb penalties has been going on since week 1!   
Quote from: TCrawf5825 on November 28, 2010, 02:14:56 AM
Confidence in my teams coach does not require sarcasm on your part.  then again sarcasm is the last resort of a man with nothing intellegent to say

Teams ride emotional highs and lows throughout the year, not to mention other intangibles like injuries etc.  Teams match-up differently.  I believe common opponents to be a poor indicator and like I said I am confident in coach Thornes ability to exploit the opponents weaknesses 
But are you confident in someones ability on NCC'S sideline to count to 11? This number has seemed to cause problems for NCC special teams all year and I'm sure that UWW will make us pay for it to the tune of more than 3 points next week. 
Quote from: Veinteuno on November 26, 2010, 11:40:24 AM
Augie6 and vikingmike, I completely understand where you are coming from. I only posted to let you know how much confidence there is for cushman on campus. Also, I only brought up those close losses, and statistics to show he has done a good job on defense. I agree that some teams, mainly ncc have had their way with augies defense of late. However, his defenses have also stepped up numerous times against good competition. The defense played great this year against wheaton, most of wheatons points came off of a short field from turnovers. Anyways, again I see why there is some doubt, but I just wanted to let you guys know that the situation isn't as bleek as it seems. We will all see where the Augie program goes from here, but I for one think it is in good hands.
Just an opinion but I was at the NCC/AC game and felt they were the most effective D we faced. We had 2 long passes for TD's and albeit I never felt that NCC was going to lose the game it was as close as we faced this year. One more thought is that NCC always seems to come out after halftime and put the game out of reach but not at AC. We were completely out played in the second half by AC and their D kept them in the game.
Good luck to Coach Cushman.
Quote from: USee on November 25, 2010, 11:48:21 AM
I would argue the home field in D3 football has little to do with fans in the stands and a lot more to do with routine. familiarity, home bed, food, meeting places, locker room, etc. When you travel, everything is new and you expend energy and focus adjusting to new locker rooms, new bed night before, figuring out where to meet, what to eat, etc. At home, its all a routine and your focus is locked in on the game. fewer distractions. There aren't that many fans in the stands at a d3 football game to make a difference. In basketball its much more of a factor because 2,000 people fills many gyms and makes a lot of noise.
I agree with all you've said henceforth the reference to it "Takes away the home field advantage a little." not a lot. I will tell you though that when it comes to noise the band UW-EC brought to NCC was pretty cool and could've caused more distractions if allowed. I hope ONU isn't bringing their band.  :)
Happy Thanksgiving to all!!!

As far as NCC vs. ONU I believe that NCC wins by 14-17 points. Not as big a differential as ONU vs. MU but this is the playoffs.
ONU's real strength on O is their rushing attack and NCC's real strength is their rushing defense. Since offense put butts in the stands and defense wins championships this favors NCC and their road to victory Saturday and there will be a lot of people there. Actually with NCC being on trimesters there is always a good chance for less fans in the stand throughout the playoffs at any home game. Takes away the home field advantage a little.
Turnovers and players on both teams playing and staying healthy is always the great unknown. If all falls into place NCC will be moving on.
Here we go again with the whole NCC - UWW crap. I for one am more worried about the NCC - ONU game and I believe the whole NCC staff and team will be focused on that. So much so that the local or for that matter any player will not be allowed to go home as in years past to spend Thanksgiving with their families before the second round game. This is truly a change to past practices. I think this shows that NCC is dedicated to playing a very good ONU team. Period.
Congrats to WC for winning their game and keeping both of the CCIW's Stagg Bowl hopes alive. 
Quote from: Stagg or Bust on November 20, 2010, 07:25:11 AM

My self-imposed "go dark" period is over.  I used the time wisely to get all of the chores out of the way so that I could spend the late-morning and afternoon in the western suburbs watching a certain championship caliber football team.  It would be ideal if there were different start times at Benedetti-Wehrli and McCully, after all, it's a great day to see two (to paraphrase Mr. Cub).  Hopefully, we will see the stands at both stadiums packed with Cardinal and Thunder/Crusader fans.  This is the time of the year when I set aside (most of) my biases and cheer for all of the CCIW teams -- until, of course, NCC and WC play in Salem!!!

Pulling out the long-johns and the winter football gear.  Current temperature is 28 degrees; game time forecast is 43 degrees with wind from the NE at 12 mph.  It is CCIW football weather!!

PS -- Wow!!  I only posted one time in the past week and I lost seven Karma points.  I will take that as a strong statement that folks want me to post more often!!  ;D

The questions is which game are you going to??? Tried to find the video but I'm not that good!
Grail Knight: But choose wisely, for while the true Game will bring you life, the false Game will take it from you.

NCC and Benedetti-Wehrli Stadium with tons of fun tailgaters! Get there early! 8-) 8-) 8-)
Grail Knight: You have chosen... wisely.


WC? McCully ??? ??? ???
Grail Knight: He chose poorly.
Albeit will probably be the better game!

Just trying to put some fun into this. Go CCIW and rock the day!!!
PS: We always try and be at the back left of the parking lot at the bottom of the hill at NCC. Stop by.
Quote from: FormerCard on November 16, 2010, 09:01:21 AM
Quote from: USee on November 16, 2010, 02:19:56 AM
I believe the CCIW coaches meeting to select all conference players is Tuesday. So here are my picks for the conference awards and 1st team honors:

DPOY: Matt Wenger, LB, NCC
OPOY: Evan Jones, QB, NCC
COY: John Thorne, NCC

Evan Jones, QB, Carthage
Dion Wilson, RB, Millikin
Scottie Williams, RB, Elmhurst
Jordan Tassio, RB, NCC
Kyle Fiedorowicz, TE, NCC
Steve Hlavac, WR, NCC
Rodney Payton, WR, Elmhurst
Chris Schultz, WR, Carthage
Zac McCullogh, WR, Augie
Tommy Burgraaf, OL, Wheaton
Ray Krishok, OL, IWU
Nick Biggee, OL, Wheaton
Jeremy Schaub, OL, NCC
Terrance Clark, OL, Carthage

Special Teams:
Tyler Langs, RS
Tyler Funk, K, Carthage
Dennis Zic, P, IWU


Josh Mcleod, DB, NCC
Tyler Langs, DB, Wheaton
Derek Sulo, DB, NCC
Brian Hipchen, DB, Carthage
Nick Pantaleo, DB, NPU
Brian McMullen, DB, Wheaton
Matt Wenger, LB, NCC
Randy Wright, LB, Elmhurst
Ryan Gresko, LB, IWU
John Mago, LB, Augustana
Joe Schneiderbauer, LB, NCC
Max Brooks, DL, IWU
Valente Garza, DL, NCC
JD East, DL, Wheaton
Curt Perschnick, DL, Augie

I dont know enough about the other teams in the conference to comment on the entire list, but I would think that Kyle Antos (NCC offensive lineman), will get the nod on the 1st team as well.
That was going to be my next post also.
Quote from: USee on November 16, 2010, 02:19:56 AM
I believe the CCIW coaches meeting to select all conference players is Tuesday. So here are my picks for the conference awards and 1st team honors:

DPOY: Matt Wenger, LB, NCC
OPOY: Evan Jones, QB, NCC
COY: John Thorne, NCC

Evan Jones, QB, Carthage
Dion Wilson, RB, Millikin
Scottie Williams, RB, Elmhurst
Jordan Tassio, RB, NCC
Kyle Fiedorowicz, TE, NCC
Steve Hlavac, WR, NCC
Rodney Payton, WR, Elmhurst
Chris Schultz, WR, Carthage
Zac McCullogh, WR, Augie
Tommy Burgraaf, OL, Wheaton
Ray Krishok, OL, IWU
Nick Biggee, OL, Wheaton
Jeremy Schaub, OL, NCC
Terrance Clark, OL, Carthage

Special Teams:
Tyler Langs, RS
Tyler Funk, K, Carthage
Dennis Zic, P, IWU


Josh Mcleod, DB, NCC
Tyler Langs, DB, Wheaton
Derek Sulo, DB, NCC
Brian Hipchen, DB, Carthage
Nick Pantaleo, DB, NPU
Brian McMullen, DB, Wheaton
Matt Wenger, LB, NCC
Randy Wright, LB, Elmhurst
Ryan Gresko, LB, IWU
John Mago, LB, Augustana
Joe Schneiderbauer, LB, NCC
Max Brooks, DL, IWU
Valente Garza, DL, NCC
JD East, DL, Wheaton
Curt Perschnick, DL, Augie

Just think if we really had Jones on NCC we wouldn't be as concerned as we are now about the Offense in the playoffs. :D Good post USee.
I wish I had time to do so and know that there are those of you that are more qualified to compare the "head to head" games for both WC and NCC than I could but am very interested in the results and who the statistics say will bring the Bell home because you know the statistics never lie!