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Messages - Caveman # 95

I said last year that I would drop it....but I can't....

The WabCol powers that be knew EXACTLY what they were getting when they made their hire. They had the opportunity to choose another dynamic up and coming Raeburn/Creighton type...and didn't.  It makes no sense.

I want to rip my hair out reading the current commentary on this page. It was oblivious LAST YEAR....BEFORE WABASH HAD PLAYED IT'S FIRST GAME what was going to happen. 

Here we are.

Wabash looked like a High School team yesterday (special teams and running game not included).

It will take years to rebuild what we had going....even if changes were made right now.

To all the Mr.PC/Look-At-The-Bright-Side types on this board...hate to say I told you so...but I told you so. Are you all still OK with what's going on? Are y'all going to petition admin to change the our color from Scarlet to Heliotrope?

Gross. Gag. Barf.

Sometimes it's not the Jimmys and Joes but the x's and o's.  He needs to go NOW!  Predicted this as soon as they hired him. Proven loser. Lazy admin. Don't give a flying rats a$$ about being PC. Accept the truth.
Quote from: sigma one on October 22, 2016, 07:40:17 PM
I can't put my finger on what's missing. Several speculations:  for whatever reason the emotion is not there so far this year.  That's a broad statement and a mysterious one to try to explain.  Maybe it's adjusting to new offensive and defensive coordinators.  Certainly, the offense seems very vanilla.  I point out though that the LGs have lost two of their three best offensive linemen--Sturdivant and Leath.  Johnson is playing with a banged up shoulder.  The defensive backfield has been decimated.  Pettiford and Brown, both all-conference last year, did not play today.  Both are senior leaders. 
     I hope that this is not to make excuses but rather to point out that 6 or 7 starters have been routinely missing.
     It was good to see Connor RIce being allowed to throw more today when the running game wasn't working.  He is a really good QB, and he has good receivers to throw to.  One last point--for whatever reason going into today's game Christian, who has had 2 years when he caught 60 and 70 balls, had caught six passes.  I know the LGs have not thrown that much, but that's a sorry number.
     Now, the next three weeks will tell if there's something there and if they can get some starters back.  Otherwise, I can't see Wabash as a prohibitive favorite in any of those games vs. OWU, Denison, and DePauw.

Are you serious sigma one?  You can't put your finger on what's missing?  Have I just arrived in Crazy Town? How can you dance around the 800-pound gorilla? I'm sick of bringing this up...jeeeeeez!!   I want to rip my hair out when I hear this drival from you guys!! Pleeeeeaaaase stop it! You know EXACTLY what's missing!!!  Cease with the charade! It's embarrassing!!!
Smed-  You mentioned Carlson's 1992 team...the year that he chose to kick a field goal against a 4-4-2 Dannie team on the last play of the game for a tie...rather than go for the win?   Ask his seniors that year what they thought of his decision.

You also mention his 1998 team....the one that got pasted 42-7 by the 7-3 Dannies.  C'mon smed.  Talk about weak sauce.  (well...maybe the Dannies cheated that game?)
I will concede on your Kansas State point.
Oh my, did I not kiss the Stan Parrish ring? (or lack thereof?).  Winning record at Wabash, yes.  Overall record as a head coach, not so much. There are plenty of FAITHFUL Wabash alums who thought Parrish was an arrogant prick.

Quit embarrassing yourself smed.  It is funny that you lowered yourself to name calling.

Sticks and stones....
Move goal posts?  Are you serious?  How many playoff appearances did Carlson have? How many of Carlson's victories came in the notoriously feeble ICAC?

Barf. Puke. Oops, I did it again.

I must have an aversion to the weak sauce.

Stan Parrish.....bah ha ha ha...ask the Ball State alums what they think about Stan Parrish. 
smedindy:  What is Carlson's Bell record??  Yeah, you got a real winner there.  :o

Nevertheless, I referred to him as mediocre. Did you miss that?  ;)
And by the way, I never attacked Morel's integrity, and was quite specific when I said he was a "proven loser as a head coach".....not a "loser" as a human being.....which you and wabindy are obviously implying I suggested.

I bleed Scarlet guys, not heliotrope.
Wabndy- Your diatribe is nauseating. You're acting all butt-hurt over the truth...grow up.

Cut-and-paste directly from the SCIAC website:

"His (Morel's) record as head coach at La Verne is 48-59"

....that qualifies as a loser. And another interesting direct quote from the SCIAC website:

""This was my 20th season of college football. I've always believed the only guys who should coach football are the ones who cannot live without it. I'm now at a point where I can live without football," said Morel."

So , he said it himself that he shouldn't be coaching football???? 

Wabash's coaching....was wondering when someone was going to address the 800 lb. gorilla in the room.  Morel may be a great guy...and I have heard that from many people...but he is a proven loser as a head coach.  Google it.  The truth hurts. 

What was the WabCol admin thinking when they hired this guy?  Were they just being lazy?  I would think there would be a mile long line of young Coach Creighton-esque types jumping at the chance to coach a team like this.  Admin really screwed the pooch on this one.  They should have lured Carlson out of retirement if they wanted mediocrity.

Barf. Puke.

It will take years to recover from this blunder.

Quote from: mr_mom on November 24, 2015, 09:15:42 AM
Round Two spreads are posted ... sorry for the delay ... for some reason, if you don't hit the "Post" button it just sits on your computer screen staring at you.

Good luck, Sports Fans!

Where are they posted?
Thank you Sir Battle. :). I was waiting on someone to jump on that....
Merry Christmas brothers!