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Messages - topoftheworld

Region 4 men's basketball / Re: CUNY
June 22, 2010, 04:42:06 PM
whats a soar loser?

Region 4 men's basketball / Re: CUNY
March 11, 2010, 10:30:54 AM
in my opinion, it is inappropriate for players, and coaches to post comments on this board.  It just sounds very immature.  People are obviously getting very defensive about comments that have been made.  like i said before, just come back next year and prove everyone wrong. 

like it was previously stated, you don't see the hunter coach coming on the boards and taking shots at posters after people said equally if not more harsh words about him.  players and coaches have been bashed and praised.  of course its a team game, and certain guys have made plays throughout the season.  if you think queens assumes baptiste made every play for this team, i think you are belittling his intelligence, as your coach already has.

you sound like a player who wishes he got more attention for his hard work throughout his time at brooklyn college.  i'm not saying that you are, but when you come on the board and complain that someone gives rjb all the credit, thats what you sound like.
Region 4 men's basketball / Re: CUNY
March 10, 2010, 05:16:00 PM
oh, and taking shots at the other coaches....

that was the true low blow
Region 4 men's basketball / Re: CUNY
March 10, 2010, 05:12:33 PM
its not low at all danny.  these boards are for the fans to express their opinions and debate basketball.  thats what everyone does at every level of sports, and i have a feeling thats one of the reason we enjoy sports so much.  so everyone is entitled to their opinion in my book.

your point that kids fail off the team points even more towards podias failing at his jobs and hurting kid's futures even.  it is a coach's job to not only get the most talented players, but also the players that can stay eligible and succeed academically at the school.  baruch, hunter and other schools in the conference are definitely on par with brooklyn.  its just part of the game.  so when you say...
"you would say the coach should of 'found a way' to get these kids to pass," i say find kids that will stay on the team.  if its such a problem with the team for 3 years or more, you have to look at the types of kids the coaching staff bring in.

your point that rjb's brother playing at brooklyn is another reason why he DID fall into brooklyn's lap.  maybe you would counter by saying podias is such a great recruiter, he knew that if his brother played at bc, he would want to come there in the future.....

no one is saying that podias is a bad guy.  queens stated facts about the program, and things got blown out of proportion because it was taken personally. 

danny as a former player, we have/had the great privilege of playing college sports.  with that privilege comes the fact that some people will like you, some will hate you, and you may never know why, and it may be for terrible reasons.  when j.j. reddick gets bo'ed his whole life, do you think its because he was a jerk?  no, who knows why.  its part of it, and if you can't handle yourself professionally when criticism comes your way, maybe this is not the profession for you.

as in 90% of sports discussions, you can only point to the results.  no matter what you, or i, or queens, or coach says, we'll see what happens next year.  then if you want, come back and say i told you so.
Region 4 men's basketball / Re: CUNY
March 09, 2010, 12:47:59 AM
coach, you can't let these posters get to you.  as i've always been taught on the court, you let your game do the talking.  in this instance, come back next year and prove that person wrong. 

in my long time in division 3 basketball, formerly a player, now a fan, you can't let what some poster is writing on a message board affect you.  for all you know that poster has some kind of grudge against you from the past because you didn't give him playing time, or something.  he/she could also be a few drinks deep and letting go some of that persons pain on a message board where no one knows them. 

also you chose this profession.  on a smaller level you are in the spotlight just like all the d1 coaches.  you don't see mike krzyzewski on the message boards, or in press conferences taking shots at people that call them out.  these guys get second guessed constantly, and on a smaller level so are you.  rick pitino gets the woman's name chanted during an away big east game he cheated on his wife with.  now if that isn't getting personal, i don't know what is. 

most of all, like i said, let your game do the talking.
Region 1 men's basketball / Re: NESCAC MBB
February 17, 2010, 03:00:59 PM
wins are hard enough to come by against amherst when you get t'ed up, and when you get hit in the nuts by your own player.  that is high comedy.
Region 4 men's basketball / Re: CUNY
February 15, 2010, 10:29:12 PM
yea, but queens, i've read your posts and respect your knowledge.  would you compare this summer league, to a college game?  while the talent might be high, the organization and game planning i am sure is not the same.  and in those respects, i think he would be more exposed.
Region 1 men's basketball / Re: NESCAC MBB
February 15, 2010, 09:20:08 PM
so as the jumbos season comes to an end, it brings the end to the career of one of tufts all time greats.  Jon pierce has finished as the all times leading scorer, 7th leading rebounder, top 5 in career blocked shots, as well as many many other statistical records.  keep in mind, those records include defensive, rebounding, scoring, and scoring percentage records.  my question is this.  do you think tufts' struggles since pierce began his college career has anything to do with him, or is it something else?  his out of conference record through his 4 years is 41-55.  his conference career record is 9-28 including missing the tournament 3 times.  the 2 seasons before his arrival tufts went 17-10 and 7-2 in conference, and 23-7 and 6-3 in conference.

whats the verdict?
Region 4 men's basketball / Re: CUNY
February 15, 2010, 08:51:57 PM
i agree with queens about baptiste.  In my mind not a d1 player.  by that, of course i mean a scholarship player.  His game would get eaten up by d1 defenders.

I honestly am not so sure marcel is a d1 player.  His athleticism is obviously top notch.  Pro level even.  But Ive seen him play a few times, and he is not even a good finisher unless he can dunk it.  Ive seen him miss lay ups on a constant basis.  when you level the field with his size and athleticism, he would STRUGGLE to be effective.  it isn't like he is a cerebral player, he plays off instinct.  he is able to be so effective because he can just help off all of the big men at the d3 level and block shots.  there are exceptions, but for the vast majority, d3 bigs either don't have the size to give him problems, or the skills.  The d1 guards will see his help, and the d1 bigs will take advantage of his raw defensive skills. 
I think he could probably get a spot on a d1 team, because coaches go crazy about size and athleticism.  but really his game is not d1 ready.
Region 4 men's basketball / Re: CUNY
January 28, 2010, 02:01:06 AM
york loses to ccny???

WHAAA?! ???
Region 4 men's basketball / Re: CUNY
January 21, 2010, 07:29:37 PM
also, about the racism comment.

it is not racist to say that york's student athletes couldn't cut it at hunter.  that is not a racist comment, as i know there are players of multiple ethnicities on that team.  i DO think it is most likely a stereotype, as i doubt that poster has any idea about the gpa's or overall intelligence of the york players.  and who knows if the hunter players are as bright as the york guys either.
Region 4 men's basketball / Re: CUNY
January 21, 2010, 06:04:40 PM
just wanted to comment on the hunter coach.  I agree with queens.  the reality of the cuny league is that there are a bunch of teams that need to get transfers to be competitive, and there are a few that should be able to get players to remain eligible for 4 years and build some kind of consistency.  that is the way you get top recruits to your team, and that is the way to have some kind of a system you believe in as a coach.  hunter is a school that can attract students because of their nice academic rep, but when hunter has 2 players returning from the previous year, there is no way to build a team.  people talk about klingsberg, but who knows if this kid will even be back next year. 
Region 1 men's basketball / Re: NESCAC MBB
January 08, 2010, 12:45:06 PM
checking over the tufts box score against umass boston.  it is pretty interesting/ugly. 

tufts goes 11-12 from 3 (thats an insane 91.7%).  They shot 66.7% from the field for the game, and 73% from the ft line.

on the flip side umass boston goes 44.6% from the field, 27.3% from 3 (3-11) and 7-11 from the ft line. 

one would think this is a blow out in favor of the jumbos.  but lets look at 1 more stat.  Tufts turns the ball over 27 times!!!!! and umass boston 12.  tufts took 39 total shots compare to 74 by umass boston!!!!!!!  That explains why it was only a 1 pt win by the jumbos.

UMB almost had DOUBLE the fg attempts at tufts. 

the silver lining, tufts must have set a school record for 3pt fg record in a single game right?
Region 1 men's basketball / Re: NESCAC MBB
December 07, 2009, 12:08:37 AM

41 pts?!  that is unlike any tufts teams of the last half decade.  i see from the box score pierce goes 1-11 from the field.  what did brandies do to shut him down?  he is also shooting 13% from downtown this season.  any word on whats up?
Region 1 men's basketball / Re: NESCAC MBB
March 06, 2009, 10:39:12 AM
i also think it is absurd that people are saying since he takes more shots it isn't as impressive that he scores more points if he is doing it at a higher percentage.  if a guy shoots .497% from the field and his team shoots 43% doesn't it make sense he should shoot more?  (those happen to be the correct numbers)  if pierce shoots more than schultz or snyder, and at a better percentage, i find it hard to believe there is anyway to say pierce's offensive production isn't better than the williams duo.  if he scores more ppg, and at a higher percentage..... i dont know

another point i want to make is there is a never ending argument to the good player on a bad team vs good player on a good team.  on one hand you can say it is more impressive that a good player bad team puts up a lot of numbers because no one else is creating for said player, and the team is keying in defensively on him/her as well.  pierce constantly saw double teams, and any time he had the ball the whole defense would be anticipating where to bring help from.
on the other hand, you can say since he is on such a bad team, he has more of a green light to shoot.  not only that but i can understand the argument that maybe this player doesn't have to expend as much energy defensively because this player doesn't think his/her team will win, or doesn't dive on loose balls, crash the glass etc.

i just don't see the second part of this argument being valid to pierce.  there were numerous contests that pierce won on his own like the 40 against babson or the 37 against plymouth st.  he is not detracting from his team as far as us observers can tell.

the last part of this argument is that there is a mental toll it takes as a teammate when you don't get the ball on the offensive end.  you bust your butt on defense and rebounding, etc. and don't get the touches/shots you think you deserve on the offensive end, this could contribute to guys not trying as hard in the other areas of the game.  But WHO KNOWS?  i dont think anyone can tell if that is the case except each individual player.  maybe it gets certain players jacked up to see their teammates score at will, that is not up to the voters to speculate.  all you can use are the stats of the teams and the players and pierce's are certainly top 5 worthy. 

i personally think he is the best individual player in the league.  does that mean i would pick him first to start my own nescac team, maybe not.  i've played against many guys that played this past season in the nescac and i think rudin is phenomenal and the best choice for poy, but he has great complimentary players. 

i think you have to look at the coaching staff for tufts to see what has been going wrong the past few years due to a huge fact not many have pointed out.  tufts had no seniors this past year that were recruited to the team.  it isn't because players quit either, they had 0 players recruited for the class of '09.  gallant a 4 year player and only senior starter was a football recruit that played football his first 2 years at tufts.  cassidy the only other senior on this years team was a football player that walked on this year.  if you look back the past few years, tufts depth has always been an issue.  the 06 season when tufts made it to the sweet 16 black and weitzen as sophmores were coming off the bench along with other nice role players.  the year after they had no sophmores that were recruited which hurts your teams depth.  now all of a sudden freshman are getting serious minutes off the bench.  then in '08 you not only have no recruited juniors, but when okeefe missed a number of games brian lowry started 8 games.  this season lowry started 0 games and only played in 14 total, not really someone you would want to have starting as a sophmore.

a weird stat for middlebury, they are best best offensive rebound team in the 'cac and the worst defensive....