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Messages - Dead Poet Society

In case you have not heard, Coach Hammer was fired from Whittier today. I for one while sorry to see anyone lose a job, am glad he finally got the axe.  

In my opinion..... Hammer was only loyal to himself. If anyone was around to see how he treated his predecessor, Coach Carlson ..a real football coach....would have an insight to the real Hammer years ago.. He was famous for throwing his players under the bus as an excuse to cover his short comings.

His BS no longer could cover his ineffectiveness as a recruiter, motivator and coach. Whittier Football will be a much better place without him.

The President and AD have built first rate facilities. It will be no problem getting a real college football coach at Whittier. The school deserved much better than what was just kicked out the door.
Nihon Tiger

Fear the Poet is a great person and just having fun with Oxy Bob.  Whatever the Poets did or did not do with the "Shoes"  has nothing to do with them.  Besides, the "Shoes" are not the property of either school.  You know how every Oxy team has handled them? Having spent some time at Oxy at football games and not even being able to go to the restroom without being harassed by crazed and rude Oxy students and basketball players, you should be careful at pointing a finger.

That loss still gets your goat. Still can't give the Poets their props for that game? Wow You can say whatever you want. Make all the excuses you want. The scoreboard does not lie. On that night, the Whittier Poets were better then Oxy. Time to let it go.

After your comments to Fear the Poet....As far as classless......

Young man, I'll leave it at that.........
What a football game.  Oxy again shows what they are made of.

A HUGE win for Oxy and a dagger in the heart of Redlands.

Congrat's to all Oxy fans..........
Solid win for Whittier over Chapman 21-6

Whittier dominated both sides of ball.

The score does not reflect Whittier's dominance

Congrats to Whittier players and coaching staff.
poetry in motion

You mention some fine players and they are good young men. Could anyone play harder and lead more than Scurlock, Pompanio or Jared?  No way. There have been many other quality young men and leaders that you did not mention.

The sad thing is...Hammer in a recent article said this year he finally has good senior leadership. What is  telling about Hammer is he has had plenty of quality seniors on his team over the years. In fact he currently has 5 former players on his coaching staff, 4 of them played as seniors and three were captains.

Apparently Hammer thinks highly enough to have these young men on his coaching staff, but they were not good senior leaders? LOL  Talk about throwing good people under the bus with BS excuses

Just shows his blame others, wait until next year, excuse after excuse mentality. Pathetic really.

BTW Coach Carlson was and is a class act. After his stint coaching with the LA Avengers, he is head coach at  a D3 university in Minnesota. Google, Youtube and twitter him to see what he is accomplishing.
"The Poets are a broad mix of Hispanics, Anglos, Blacks, Asians, and Pacific Islanders"

Geezz I thought I was watching young American men play football.  I guess not.

BTW your mention of diversity....

It is our commonality that has been our strength as a people. People from many lands, races and religions...not forgetting who they are, where they came from or the language that they spoke...but putting that slightly in the back for the common good ....

You look at race. I look at attitude, actions, work ethic, performance and results.

Next firstdowner compare the stats of last years Cal Lu game with this years. Oppsseee

You also talk about how good Cal Lu is this year. They were good last year..and the year before. As long as a school, coach, team or players keep using that excuse for their performance and losses to a "better" team, they will never be on the same level as the "better" team.. That is the point of one of my complaints and should be the goal of Whittier football.... To be as good or better than Oxy, Redlands, Cal Lu on and on..

Stop from being the whipping boy, easy mark  and laughing stock of the conference. Until that attitude really sinks in at Whittier, instead of excuse after excuse, wait until next year, I didn't have this. I didn't have that B S ....then nothing will change.

BTW firstdowner. 

Nice to see someone so interested in Wabash football care about us out here in Whittier.

Oh I almost forgot. Coach Hammer went to Wabash.  LOL

You are the one who should be ashamed of yourself. You are the racist. I mentioned no one by race. You drew your own conclusions by your personal experiences and seemingly your own racist views, not mine.

There are good and bad from every group you mentioned. Why you picked on blacks as being the negative group is beyond how I was raised. I guess you were raised and see people differently.

Shame on you.

BTW Hammer has been at Whittier 7 years
I have been trying to take the high road...but after reading some of the previous posts, I will put in a few of my own.

I wasn't at the game but watched online. As I warned before the season started, IMO Hammer has brought in some players of less than stellar personal quality with bad attitudes, poor work habits and ethics. This IMO is not only bad for the program but bad for the school. All for what? These punks are not that good. They continually get away with murder, walk around in groups with a chip on their shoulders, embarrass the team and school with their "attitudes" on the field and no one in the program says a corrective word to them. IMO they are an embarrassment to the team, the college and the 100 years of Poet football.

As has been mentioned, the President, AD and alumni have bent over backwards for Hammer and football. It is past time..  seven years as a coach in the program including starting his fourth year as head coach for major progress to be made. All we have seen is little if any improvement and a lot of talk, excuses and promises.

The Poet family deserves better than what we are seeing. Either Hammer does it this year...or even part way through this year or IMO a MAJOR change needs to occur..and not going to Billy O' Boyle.
Menlo 28 Whittier 24

Some nice completions by Whittier QB.  Take away the long passing play and Whittier offense is in trouble.

Whittier still needs help with defense schemes

Menlo had scored 23 points the previous 3 games combined.
For those interested in the Redlands Whitworth football game, Whitworth is having  free streaming feed
for first 60 or so sign ups...Good luck

Live Stats

Whitworth audio

9/12/09 -
Whitworth 21
La Verne 9

Congrats Poets.  Offense looked good. Solid play calling, line, QB and rushing. Defense still needs some work.

Sul Ross fumbled away the go ahead score on Whittier's 23 late in the game.

Overall a good win and a nice way to start off the season.

Whittier takes a 31-28 lead. P. Schilling 7 yd run (R. Ferreira kick) 6 plays, 66 yards.

Whittier offense looks good.
Saw the comments by Hammer. Not sure I am surprised but I am disappointed as I am sure many graduated Poets are as well.  Many players "bought" into the system and worked hard for Coach Hammer.  To be thrown under the bus is, well .........
If anyone is interested Whittier is down 21-14 in 2nd qtr. It appears they solved their QB problem. It will be interesting to see the impact of the Whittier  transfers have on the SCIAC

Here is livestat link
