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Messages - fiveupfront

05 was my last season playing I was 78 in college 75 is the high school number I didnt relize how much research your guys put into this
Norwich University 06 so research all you want
no its not ethan its his brother who played in the E8 so has a fair idea of what each team has and I remember seeing a springfield team with the same offensive style who ran the ball very effectivly and what I ment by hit a homerun would be that they have players who can break one not just grind out 3 yards so that by that I guess it was a poor choice of words apoligies.
cortlands got a suprise coming their way with that upstate new york mighty then thou attitude talking about the size of the lines doesnt have much to do with it.  All they need to do is make a crease and psu has a stable of runners who can hit a homerun and control TOP. Combined with  a stingy defense cortland definetly shouldnt over look the panthers.