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Messages - richball

Well, from what I saw Millsaps is a hell of a team and very deserving team for a berth into the big show. They have a solid lineup that doesn't chase pitches and the middle with Owen and Hawkins is just plain good. They play good defense and they have some tough arms on the mound. And I'm pretty sure they will not see a starting pitcher with the velocity and secondary pitches(maintained throughout a game) of Centre's Jake Jones. If he were just a closer he'd be a 93-95 guy.

But maybe this video can help Mllsaps cause, this is Jones throwing against Birmingham Southern for a full 9inning game. And remember against Millsaps the kid was still 88-90 in the last inning after 140 pitches.
Wow what a game. Both Centre and Millsaps played a hell of a game. Definitely a pitching duel between Jones and Williams/Maddux. Both teams played good defense. But just like I said earlier, when Jones takes the bump that team firmly believes they are the team to beat. I think Hendrix is going to see a very pissed off Millsaps. Go Colonels!!!
I think all the teams are on the road to Jackson today, so I wish them all a safe trip and I'm ready for some good baseball. Goodluck to all the teams...
I agree  springbruce09 that it would have been nice for Centre and OU to have played. I hear Centre wanted to play them the following weekend while on their spring break but OU wouldn't adjust. Centre needed  the wins for their conference standing, (14-2 against OU last 4 years),to take some pressure off later in the season. But in all reality in the end Centre stepped up and OU didn't.
nvnorthpaw those are pretty interesting stats, do you have them for just conference games so that way we can see how they do against eachother excluding the outside comp.?

As for Lou_Brown, calm down huh, well you would be pretty excited too if you and OU got to go to Jackson.
No love for Centre.. They've been in it 3years in a row and they are peaking right now. OU has one OK year (non-conference) and now they're conference champions.

So sit back, close your eye's, and let CENTRE roll off your tongue, now that just feels good!!
Thanks BATR441 for the Congrats on Centre. They really have been playing well in Conference play. I believe the mid-week studies really get to them (and I think the record reflects) considering they have 4 doctors, 7 lawyers, and one future President on the roster.
Season Underdog Centre makes it in taking 2 from BSC...
Jones is stopping everybody he faces, team is starting to hit the ball. They make it to the conference tournament, they will win the first game no matter who they play.
I think OU is in for a little more game than they think with Sewanee.  To get to Sarisky in the bullpen, OU is going to need a starter to step up. Sewanee's record and stats may not reflect that they are capable of staying in the box and hitting. If Bartleski throws like he did against Centre he will be a tough test. I believe Bartleski gets win 1, Hoban, relief, & Sarisky game 2, and slugfest game 3. 
Wow!!! What a 1st Game between Centre and Sewanee. Final score Centre winning 3-2.

-Centre's Jake Jones was very impressive sitting 88-92 all 9Innings and topping 94, gave up 5 hits with 11K's.

-Sewanee's starter also threw well, but I would have to say an extreme low point in the game was in the 7th inning with a man on 2nd and 2outs and the intentional beaning of the starter Jones in the ribs. It was bush league baseball. Guess Jones got the last laugh with a double to rightcenter to win the game.
Petrel had me going, had to look up GSU's box score myself (14-7). Looks like the offense did well, probably saw some good pitching.
Question for the OU guys about their new #1 Sarisky from North Ga Coll & State. I see in 2007 he threw 12innings with a 6.75era and for the 2008 season he was not on the roster. Is he coming back from an arm injury, academics???
Centre's Jake Jones was sitting 88-90 touching 93 this fall along with a nice curve and change. If he keeps that up through the season he will get his looks. Let's hope Jones, Bronson, Owen's, and hopefully some others do well so that the SCAC will get some deserved recognition. 
Looks like the SCAC will have some very talented players this year. Hopefully we'll have some players get picked up come June. Any thoughts on who might get some SERIOUS looks from MLB affiliates.