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Messages - fanofowl

Region 2 men's basketball / Re: Little East
December 16, 2008, 07:20:15 AM
 ;)Good win yes, but lets not get our chest puffed out just yet. Beating RIC on the road is always a big deal but remember they where playing with a down sized line-not all there normal starters are playing yet. Yes he did hit a three to tie the game but other than that he was a BUST. Once again he refues to go down and bang. He runs away from contact. The underclassmen are taking over this team and that is usaully a road to a losing streak when the games are big. On the good side of things the only two teams to go bird hunting are having excellant years as Williams and really in a big way Springfield are beating alot of good teams in the East. So yes there is hope and maybe mu prediction of a ECAC bid may become reality and things might not need an arc.
Region 2 men's basketball / Re: Little East
December 09, 2008, 11:28:01 AM
 8)Well a win against Southern Maine, well thats worth making my reservations to the final four. Yes, its a conference win (an those are always big) and yes they did a little more scoring down low(against a team they should have been able to)and it was nice to see a little more set offense(nobody will fault this)but i feel that will only last until they get in trouble than WHAM off to the races we go. Kathan and Anderson did better and I hope it was not a one game thing, i would like to see Kathen get to the line 20 times a game (he still shot outside the arc to much) and Anderson should never shot out there. The freshman showed some improvement and the bench did better, lets hope on saturday against Rhode Island they remember its a team game. Kathan or Anderson should touch the ball down low on each position, if they do not get Rhode Islands big people in foul trouble early it is going to be over by halftime. I hope they run when possible but play smart team ball, they have the capibility, just do not know if they have the patience. GOOD LUCK OWLS AND FLY HIGH.
Region 2 men's basketball / Re: Little East
December 03, 2008, 02:19:45 PM
 :D Inferior is not what I would call last nights KSC game opponent-weak,ugly,pitaful and most likely a few other words I can use. This is not the type of opponent you get right before you open your leaque schedule. Loses early in the year do not hurt as much at tournament time as beating high school level teams no matter what time of year you beat them. As far as how they played well lets just say-THANK GOD IT WAS AGAINST A HIGH SCHOOL JV TEAM- and leave it at that.  kATHAN AND ANDERSON SHOULD HAVE STAYED AT HOME. Kathen made nothing but a few three pointers, would have been a great time to break out the low post game, but no, pre season all-american my butt. This team had way to many turnovers and blown easy shots and proved once again that anyone can score down low because the (big) muscle under the basket can't play DEFENSE. I hope leaque play brings out a better brand of basketball from certain players and better coaching from the staff. Maybe next year Colbert and the boys will realize getting a few players that are willing to play under the basket and mix it up might be a pleasent change. Can't make satursday game but will listen on the radio-hopefully a early christmas present, WE WILL SEE.
Region 2 men's basketball / Re: Little East
December 01, 2008, 07:52:31 AM
So we get ready for another week of KSC Basketball and lets hope that we see a few changes. First and most important of all lets hope Kathan doesn't continue to shot 50% from beyond the arc. He has what maybe 12-14 foul shots this year, heck he should get that many per half. He needs to become more of a Coates type player- I will shot outside but I perfer to bang it up. Also lets hope that the freshman on this team begin to realize that shooting the ball with no one under the basket but other team players results in -lets see- NO OFFENSIVE REBOUNDS-. The one thing this team has is speed, but there is a time aNd place for speed, this team is going to have to run when possible but learn how to spread the floor and allow their guards to penatrate and dish off to Anderson and Kathan and let them take it to the basket, unless they do the other teams will kill them down low and their bigmen will eat Keene alive. As far as the Wolf, well thats good for a team with a good guard that can handle the ball with his head up, not one that just puts his head down and runs, with no certain place in mind. The guards on this team are young, but when all the coaching staff does is continue to do the same old thing than when the time comes to change the style, NO ONE KNOWS HOW.  Every team in the conference and country changes their style of play by the roster they have,
Keene never does and everyone across the area knows it. They at least for this season need to learn to mix it up and give other teams a new look at different times of each game, this is not one of the strongest teams KSC has ever had, but a little different style and change of pace could result in more than a few extra wins and who knows maybe a ECAC bid.
Region 2 men's basketball / Re: Little East
November 27, 2008, 08:16:24 AM
 ??? Well just witnessed my fifth game of the year and I still stand by my previous statements. When will Kathen figure out that he can score at will underneath the basket (if not by having 25 foul shots a game). He is determined that he is a great 3-point shooter and yes every once in a while even a missile hitsit targt.  While I am still trying to understand what Anderson is doing other than looking lost, this team I do admit is only going to go as far as its FRESHMAN will take them. They have no upper class leadership and they will continue to have long slumps in games that may work against there last three opponents, but do this against UD and Rhode Island and it will be a 40 point blow out. Everyone in New England knows Colberts coaching style and are ready for it. These last three games would have been a great time for them to work on a serious slow down post up style and teach the freshman how to do somthing other than RUN RUN RUN and throw the ball away. Well we will see but if previous games are a look into the future get ready for some serious blowouts against teams that have strong guard play and the ability to work the ball inside.
Region 2 men's basketball / Re: Little East
November 24, 2008, 08:10:14 PM
Well have just witnessed my fourth Keene game of the year, and it is going to be a long year. First, the number of freshman on this team that have to learn that they have a possible ALL-AMERICAN AND THEIR JOB IS TO GET THE BALL TO HIM, not shot everytime they touch the ball, will cost the team at least ten games this year IE the Springfield game where he did not get a score for the first 15minutes of the game. Or may I say when Williams went scoreless for the first 4:30 of their game and all they did was throw up more bricks than I have on my two chimneys.  Second, this may be the slowest defensive team they have had since the 2-22 teams of the 90's.
No-one blocks out or knows how to defend the back door pass. Fiske is a leadfooted Ox and really Anderson is not much better. He is too slow and afraid to challenege the low post, hell he should dominate almost all who dare come underneath. The other players are young and have no idea that college ball is about teamwork. Give Kathen his 25-30shots a game and allow others to develope around him, he is unstoppable when he wants to be but seems to not want the position as leader on this team,just wants to be one of the players not THE PLAYER. Will continue to go to games and cheer like a fool but I think a long >:( year or maybe two is upon us.