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Messages - Tacttm1

That is very true.  The head of the Conference did quite the dog and pony at UNO and wants to see the Privateers strap up in the conference as soon as practical.
Just as an update:  UNO's move to D2 has been approved by the State Board, so looks like it is off to the 2's....

As I understand it, Club Football, of which UNO was nat Champs last year, will continue with support services from the Athletic Department adn then that program should morph into a D2 program sometime around 2013/14-ish.
Congratulations to Trey Haverty of Millsaps for getting the safeties job at TCU.  With a well networked staff like Millsaps, it will be hard to keep coaches

Gee, we only had him for a year before he headed back.  Too bad most schools can't pay folks enough to get a few more seasons out of them, but that is the way of the world.

Best wishes to him for continued success.

That is a true blessing at Christmastime!!  Peace and Joy to your entire family with the new addition!

ALSO:   Merry Christmas to all of the 'board,' may the Grace of Christ be yours!!

There is alot that will take place before a decision to reverse the D3 plan is made, namely, a new Chancellor should be in place by April/May, alternative funding being discussed and State Legislative involvement.

I'm not saying it won't happen, but it is no slam dunk.
Thanks, feel free to share.

It has been a great ride and I hope Millsaps can close out it out with a win at Birmingham! 

The end of the season is literally around the corner......I'll share a few thoughts at the closing of many athletic careers:

To All:  In these rapidly waning days of  the 2010 Football season, I have found myself a bit more reserved when the 'football topic' comes up in conversation with friends and co-workers.  This is a conscious decision, one made out of recognition and respect for many.  Whom, you may ask, are the 'many'?

The 'many' include all of the athletes that are preparing to suit up for their last real competitive football game.  The seniors, who have shed their sweat since childhood, learning and playing a game they have grown to love.  All of the players who waited nervously by a bulletin board in a school locker room or clubhouse to see if their name was listed a member of the team or if they would have to wait just one more season to pursue their passion.  Young men that struggled with the demands of sports, academics and personal lives; who learned to incorporate a girlfriend into the demands of time and who often pushed parents or step-parents away as they sought that elusive life-balance.  Athletes who sought sleep with the burden of an important reception dropped or field goal pushed wide, of a fumble made or a tackle missed, of opportunities squandered or energies misspent.  The same athletes who greet the new morning with the knowledge that they have been given one more chance at gridiron redemption, one more chance to enter the arena and 'get in the game.'  To those athletes who are preparing for that final chance, I give my appreciation and my respect.

The 'many' also includes the parents, step-parents, guardians and mentors of the athletes.  What emotions you must have as you near the culmination of your young man's sports career.  The memories of an early morning or late evening drive to the practice field, the extra 'reps' at home, the breathless anticipation of watching a boy enter his first huddle and the all-encompassing pride as four, eight, ten or even fifteen years later they clap hands one final time and emerge from that huddle, seemingly suddenly, a man.  How much love and pride expressed by a nod, a handshake, a hug, a kiss or a tear-filled gaze cast across a cinder track as easily as a dining room table have you freely given?  Miles of travel, hours in booster club activities, bank accounts full of fees, uniforms, cleats, camps, doctors' bills and awards banquets with nothing asked in return; no quid pro quo for victories or recognition, only enjoyment as its' own reward.  I give my respect and admiration to all of you for the years of faithful, selfless commitment.

'Many' includes the coaches; men and women who have devoted so much of their lives to forming our children, not just as athletes, but as people.  Coaches who were workmen or lawyers during the day, but put the whistle around their neck and became a teacher in the afternoon.  What did they ask in return for deciding a little league roster, nurturing the stars while not discouraging those who were less gifted, comforting children through their first experience of losing?  I dare suggest not much was asked in return other than effort and passion.  For those long hours, moments of impact, mounting responsibilities and helping make the parents work easier, I offer my respect.

Finally, to the 'many' fans who have offered their support to those players closing this one chapter of their young lives.  On their behalf, thank you for cheering when they entered the field, hobbled up from an injury or pranced away victorious.  Thank you for your silence when mistakes were made, games were lost and tears flowed.  Thank you for sharing winning seasons, losing streaks, cold rainy nights, games played under diminishing light, our sons' achievements, defeats, failures, coaching changes, injuries, passionate play and helping us realize there is always another day, another game, another season.

Except sometimes, there just isn't.

My thoughts and prayers will be with all of you throughout this final week for safe travels, an injury-free game day and joy-filled, peaceful lives.
Hello????   Hello????  Have we all gone away ??
Senior Day at Millsaps and a few other colleges, I would assume.

Hopefully the Majors can add another 'W' against Sewanee.

With only 2 games to go, I feel that sad feeling of the end of the season fast approaching.......
23 - 6  Millsaps over Centre; Mid Q 3
Millsaps game:  16-3, Millsaps   alsmost half time


Centre hits a 52 yard FG,

16-6   at halftime
Trying to watch the webcast (Millspas warmups)    Does anyone know how to make it bigger than the 2 X 2 inch square screen??   Thanks,  TT1

Got it.  Thanks.
Coach Pelch removed some of the offenders (personal fouls, etc in previous weeks) fromthe ranks of Captain for this game, as punishment.   He also benched a key defensive player who cursed and backtalked him.   A little discipline may be finally arriving, too bad those penalties already cost games!
I am sure the students and administration will make you most welcome!   The weather should be nice so enjoy!

Here's some good news for 2 SCAC players...Biel (trinity) and Russolino (millsaps):