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Messages - hs_pg_qb

Going back a couple of pages and opening music:

I would love to hear a song I heard on the radio the other day on someones warm-up music (FC perhaps?)

"Bangarang" by Skrillex.  I think the kids would love it...The old foagies...well, lets just hope your heads don't explode because I am sure it will sound like just noise to you!   ;)

Check it out on youtube!

Suspense is killing me.  Great job so far!  Looking forward to the #1 and #2 spots
Quote from: Denny McKinney on August 09, 2011, 02:37:42 PM
First time visiting this site since spring. I went back several pages, didn't notice any info on GC's Coach Barber.

About 2 weeks after Dad's wake, when Coach Barber and Doug Falkner, AD brought last years entire team to pay respects, George was hospitalized with a bad heart valve. It was discovered when getting a stress test, before leaving on a 600 mile bike trip.

He was born with the bad valve. He underwent a dicey open heart surgery and an extended stay at Barnes Hospital. When I spoke to him about a week ago he said he was about 75%. But, would be ready to go by season. He did mention it really hurt recruiting.

GC folks are a Class Act.

AARH - Thanks for the compliments and I'm sure Lee liked you too.
Hopefan - Hands tied?

I have nothing relevent to add this board anymore. Doubt I'll see many SLIAC games.

Will be following Lil' Brother, who is the new Head Coach at Sullivan HS.
And enjoying watching Mo Bapt play in their brand new fieldhouse. Throw in a couple of games watching former FC player Kevin Walsh's team at Vianey.

Good Luck to All. And, Best Wishes.


I can understand that losing your father was very difficult, and ultimately you have to do what is best for you.  If the SLIAC gives you too many painful memories, then as I said, do what's best for you. 

But for someone who was so passionate about SLIAC and FU basketball, I guess I don't understand how or why you wouldn't want to be a part of it anymore.  Your father left a huge legacy behind at FU that I know you are very proud of.

You offer a lot of insight on this board that at least gives hopefan a run for his money, if not interesting conversation to follow.

I hope that you will find your way back to the SLIAC and to this board at some point in the future!

I don't think hopefan made any comment regarding the coach's health as a personal jab.  If you read his comment, he said what he said after a lengthy talk with denny,  which would imply that any comments hopefan made, were made from information taken directly from denny.  So just relax. 

If anything, I interpreted hope's comment as showing concern for the coach's family during these hard times.

As far as grandkids, I am sure they are intelligent people who have a pretty good idea of what coach's prognosis is and could care less what somebody says on a message board.

I guess I don't understand.  This is a board about D3hoops and the Sliac.  Why does he have to call you personally to get that information which we would all love to know?

And a bit hypocritical of you to chastise him asking about FU on the board, when just not three posts ago, you asked him about EC.  I mean, you had a question about a sliac team.  By your own logic, you should have never posted and just called him.  Explain that one to me.

Denny-  I do enjoy what you contribute to this board.  It wouldn't be the same without you.  But it just seems that you talk out of both sides of your mouth.  Just my opinion.
Quote from: Denny McKinney on January 02, 2011, 11:43:08 AM
Keep those Karma point friendly posts coming. You'll have enough for that rubber snake soon.
I'm sorry, I interpreted this line as a blackmail to hopefan that if he wrote anything that you disagreed with, his karma would suffer. 

As far as the EC FU game this Tuesday, unless Coach McKinney makes some drastic changes, I really don't want to see the two worst teams in the Sliac play.
Anyone know where Stl Pharm is playing? Probably a better game.
Quote from: Denny McKinney on January 02, 2011, 11:43:08 AM
Hopefan - The way you asked the question was asinine. Not the question. Either way you'll have to wait for an answer. I know its been a long time. But, now days student - athletes have a Right of Privacy. A parent can not see their childs grades unless he/she signs a release. Same way that a families financial situation is protected, hours taken, GPA, ACT score.........

With that being said, why would I come on a public forum and break this rule. Just because Hopefan asked? LMAO. I tried to give you as much info as I could without details. If you can't respect that, TO BAD. So now are you happy with what got offered up? Who cares.

True colors are being shown. Do I need to go back 100 pages and pull up someones Rant over why FU went to Hawaii. Instead of playing a couple of good D3 schools here at home. It will be a tough road game for WC @ Mac. I remember the blast FU took because of timing scheduling Grinnell, during conference season. Although someone mentioned earlier this year how much they enjoyed getting a chance to see them play. Nice soft toss on this one. Carelton loses by 6, but this was a 37 point tune up for the SLIAC's preseason pick?

Keep those Karma point friendly posts coming. You'll have enough for that rubber snake soon.

Lets talk about asinine posts, because this really takes the cake.
Denny-  Of course Hopefan wanted to see Grinell play.  Who wouldn't want to see that style of basketball?  I sure wanted to watch them.  That doesn't change the fact that it was a horribly scheduled game that FU lost by 50 in the midst of a tight Sliac conference race.  Do you consider that good scheduling Denny?  -Asinine

Hopefan obviously thought the Westminster trip to Hawaii was not the smartest decision.  He has brought it up twice now.  He probably didn't rip on WC because there weren't crowing about the great team building when three regulars were mysteriously absent.

I'm curious too.  Where were those regulars?
And I'm also curious as to what "privacy laws" are being broken by you telling the board who is returning.  Where can I find these rules?  I understand the administrative privacy but come on, you can't tell us who is playing on Tuesday?  -Asinine

And to threaten Karma points, not only asinine must just plain childish.  Grow up.

As far as a point guard goes, didn't Lisch play point...would he have double digit turn-overs in 25 minutes like Flemming did?  Get Flemming back to the 2-3 spot where he belongs. 
Surprised that Denny nor hopefan didn't even mention the outcome of the game.

No write-up?  Who won?

Come-on Hope!!! We readers rely on you for the updates!!! :)


Gotta see a game or two before I have anything meaningful to post!
Great write-ups Hope.

Keep em coming!  Its just about the only way I can follow whats going on in the SLIAC.


I know you get discouraged with the number of posters in this group.  The issue I have is that you seem so well informed and knowledgable, I feel I have nothing to contribute, at least pre-season.  The only thing I COULD post would be, "Yes", "I agree", or "Interesting" 

Just a TAD short of your in-depth analyses. Just know that there a lot of people who read your posts and appreciate what you write!

I hope I might be able to add to this board after the season starts and I can get to a few games.  Until then, Keep up the good work!!

I completely agree...having read this board from the time it was opened, hopefan has been nothing but insiteful regarding what he sees on the court both positive and negative.  Any "hopes" for a particular team to lose or win is not for some persoanl satisfaction for that particular team but to see and enjoy the most exciting games that have the most meaning.  I have never read anything that wasn't his honest opinion based on years of knowledge and experience with the game.

If the person attacking hopefan's comments is FCnews, I find it a bit ironic. After all, he left under the same circumstances yet here he is doing the same to hopefan.

FCnews... grow up man.  FU is going to have some down years.  Face the music and just deal with it like an adult.  Saying that a player coming to a team that is losing its two top players, after a year losing its three top players and hasn't shown huge depth isn't a personal attack on you, FU or the team.  Its simply one person's evaluation.  If you disagree, stop hiding behind emails and post so others can weigh in on the debate. 

At any rate, hopefan, don't let the thoughts of one person sway you from what you do and write.  As you stated, there are a great many people who may not post, but certainly do read what is written.  Keep up the good work!
Quote from: hopefan on February 11, 2010, 10:57:09 PM
Well Watchdog.... retirement isn't too far away, and my wife is gonna make me do SOMETHING.... ;)

I'm sure your wife would love nothing better for you to spend more time with D3 Hoops than you do now!

I get it.  Thanks for the explanation
Quote from: hopefan on February 01, 2010, 11:00:21 AM
There had been some discussion several days ago about Westminster's chances of either hosting an NCAA tourney game, or making the tourney as an at large team should they be upset in the conference tourney.   I responded that those chances were highly unlikely due to the exremely low OWP that Westminster carries- that is Opponent's winning %....  

In the Multiregion area, Pool C room, 'Knightslappy' has put in updated data through Sunday for all kinds of ratings stats  -  he has rated 8 to 10 teams in each region, trying to match the manner in which the NCAA does regional ratings.  

Wesstminster has the LOWEST OWP of any team he lists - primarily it shows that because so much of Westmin's schedule is conference games, and because SLIAC conference teams fare poorly when they play NCAA D3 non conference teams, that performance hurts Westmin when and if they rack up a 16-0 record vs SLIAC schools.

I note  Medaille in the Eastern region is in exactly the same position - and they've lost only once all year!!

Knightslappy's numbers have Westminster rated 9th in the region, even though they have the second best W-L regord in regional games  -  it is all in the OWP  -  It is highly likely that The regional rankings that start up soon from the NCAA will have a similar outcome, and in the long run, the selection commitee uses those ranking to make their picks.....

I know there had been huge discussions previously, particularly with fcnews about pre-conference scheduling.  My question is whether or not the strength of the non-conference teams comes into account or is it strictly OWP?  If just OWP, wouldn't it be better to try to pad your non-conference games aginst the weakest D3 schools?

Of course, when your conference is considered to be the "weak" D3 in the region, it could be difficult to get these types of games.