First of all, I'd like to thank all the coaches & players for bringing their best to the season. It's a special group of people that allow us , the fans, so much enjoyment. That being said, I want to say that the reffing this season has been much improved over the past seasons. I don't understand how some people can make "off" comments about not liking certain teams & coaching without explaining themselves. I wish that would stop in the future.
I'd like to say something about Curry. It's obvious that I'm a Curry fan and I've waited a long time for Curry to be put in this situation- a championship game. Malcolm Wynn has done a wonderful job in bringing Curry's program to where it is today. I just want to wish all the team members good luck for tonight's game.
I'd like to say something about Curry. It's obvious that I'm a Curry fan and I've waited a long time for Curry to be put in this situation- a championship game. Malcolm Wynn has done a wonderful job in bringing Curry's program to where it is today. I just want to wish all the team members good luck for tonight's game.