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Messages - Dmags

      All but maybe   3 players have  or are transfering. Several are  going to MacMurry. 1 or 2 Followed  Asst. Coach  to his new head coaching job in MO.(St Joe i think). Others to bigger schools (not as player's).

    Several past alum's & benifacters have changed there wills, and or pulled back promised money to the school ,over the last 6 month's. Because of the actions by the President,(not just cutting football).
  The college has had to hire a new person to try and raise money and change people's minds on not giving.

   I wish the board would wake up and get a new President. If they did I am sure the donations would start flowing in.
Heard tonight from an employee of blackburn. That Mim Pride is getting so much of a negative  reaction from "every direction".
  She is now saying they will add JV to basketball, soccer, and baseball.  My Guess is by adding JV to baseball that maybe coach Neil would stay, (since he would be losing a chunk of his pay from being a paid asst. football coach).He would be greatly missed. I Hope she does and I hope it helps those programs.
   So much for it being a fiancial decision.

  Also was told by another one from front office. That no matter what anybody might say, recruitting for next year would of been the biggest  since they have worked there. Guarantying no less than 40 new football players.Also said that most all of the football players are leaving for other schools. This coming from a person that has no conection to sports other than working in administration.

Congrats to the soccer team. Hope they can continue there success. And I'm sure the football field will make a good soccer field.  Who knows maybe they will pay me to cut  down the post. Wouldn't that be ironic. lol 
My son , and i'm sure the rest of the players, are being recruited to go elsewhere by multiple school's.      However  I think he is going to stay at blackburn ,because of  Prof. Camp's criminal justice program.
Time's are getting tough on some of the school's. And they have to make cut's in there budget. However I think She handled it terribly, by not giving those boy's notice.  VERY UNPROFESIONLY.

  Everything happens for a reason ,and I trust in that.
Good luck to all next season.
  Another tid bit  after personly speaking with Mim Pride (college president), with her telling me it was financial decision, then typing (poking) my coments on here. I  find a article on State Journal Registers web site. With her saying that they will being using up to $150,000 of the money saved from football to invest into there soccer and basketball teams.    With absolutely no disrespect for either boys soccer or basketball.   Their  records are no better than  the football teams.

  ps. As parents we thank you for the offer to go south. In all of the travels this year we didn't meet anybody that wasn't kind and friendly.... (before and after the games).MacMurry is only 45 miles away so, if HE CHOOSE's he would probably transfer there.  If not i guess we will always have great memories ,even without a great record.  I always thought high school football was the purist and  the best, untill we witness'd D 3.
 As a father of a freshman football player of BC, I can clear some things up, I think.
    YES football as been terminated at blackburn.
There was termoil among players(not all) and coaching during the season. A pettion was signed by players(not all) calling for coach V to be terminated.
Some players got in trouble during the season for some thing that happened off the field (Probably happens at most schools).
    Acording to school President  Mim Pride, the Official reason for termination was a 750,000  hole in the budget.  However only football was effected.!
   The team got together( those on campus) last night to discuss there optoins.Mim Pride showed up .I don't know if she was invited or just heard about the meeting . They  ,(the boys) were discussing fund raissing and such.She told them that it was done. Didn't matter if they raised the money or not it was over.
   So that leads me to believe that money was not the reason.

  As a father investing in my son Education , As a life long citizen of Carlinville and supporter of Blackburn  I Question    (A)  My future investment in his Education at BC   (B)  If one belives you teach by example  as well as by book's..What is she teaching. That when there is a bump in the road  you make a new road instead of fixing the road you have! In my opinion maybe she just doesn't have what it takes to be able to fix a problem.  Maybe she has been there to long.

   Was told by Mim Pride (president) that the budget for football was $250,000 .She also told me that ,there was a coach or coach's that volunteerd to work for free, " however that wouldn't fix the problem". "Even if money was raised for the program for five years, then what". I think she just doesn't like football.
      I feel for the student that transfered to BC this semester to play football here next year.

      P.S.  According to the coaches  they had 100 RSVP's for there recruitting days for next year..  38 on the team roster to return  maybe 40-50 from the recruitting.  80 x $ 22,000=$1,760,000 

  Blackburn College
  1-800-233-3550   Mim Pride's Ext.4213