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Messages - ddm28

I agree that the CC is slightly underrated; however, I think the league is probably not deserving of 2 NCAA bids in most years. Last year's NCAA splash by Ursinus (and GB) was nice but for several years before that the league has struggled (back to when F&M was stronger and lost to Amherst). After playing in the CC and attending a number of NESCAC games last year it is clear that the Centennial is a good conference but it is a far cry from that league (or the UAA) top to bottom, with the top being significantly stronger and the bottom regularly more competitive against out of league opponents. At this point the out of conference wins that the Centennial has are not overly impressive and thus the teams won't get much exposure.

I am pleased to see a lot of young talent in the league this year. Hopefully it means that the CC is on the upswing!
As a Cent. Conf. alum, I was pleased to stumble onto this board. You all might be very helpful.

I have a friend who has been recruited by most of the conference. He wants to go to a good school that will also have a good team for the next few years.

It looks like he has narrowed his choices to McDaniel and F&M (Dickinson might also still be in the mix). I have two questions. First, is McDaniel a good enough school to turn down the other two?

The Centennial seems to be tiered academically and he is concerned that a McDaniel degree is not as valuable.  US News Rankings are not the end all and be all they claim to be but they can give you an idea of how good a school is. McDaniel alums, defend your school.

1st: Swarthmore 3rd, Haverford 10th, JHU 15th as a University in US News
2nd: F&M 42nd, Dickinson 45th (both usually with acceptance rates around 40%), Gburg 49th,
3rd: Mul. 71st, Ursinus 81st, WAC 94th
McDaniel- Tier 3

Second, is something wrong with the F&M program that they have such a young roster and have had so much turnover on their roster in the past few years?
I know G-Rob is notorious for over-recruiting but is something up in Lancaster?