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Messages - wheaton.thunder

I did not catch the names of the officials at the start of the Wheaton vs Wilmington game but I have my suspicions 59 total whistles during the game 34 for Wilmington and 25 for Wheaton. I could hear that the game was getting chippy but cmon man give us a break more important give these kids a break. Seems to me there I remember there is a CCIW official that just loves to blow his whistle name escapes me at the moment
Wheaton's roster the victim of attrition as Matt Krause is no longer listed
Someone in Naperville is so confident that North Central will play Augustana for the Conference Tournament Championship that they scheduled to broadcast the game on local TV

Saturday February 26th, 2011
12:00 am Cardinal Report
12:30 am Moments In Time
1:00 am Authors Revealed: Peter Geye
1:30 am Naperville News 17
2:00 am KidsMatter Naperville Youth Service Awards 2010
4:00 am Spotlight on Naperville: February 2011
6:30 am Jazz Cardio Strength Stretch
7:00 am Business Connection, Featuring: Naperville Chamber of Commerce, Darfler Benefit Auction and Consulting, First Command Financial Services, Olympus Executive Fitness Center, Naperville Bank and Trust, Meson Sabika; Dine around Naperville.
7:30 am Naperville News 17
8:00 am Authors Revealed: Peter Geye
8:30 am Cardinal Report
9:00 am Spotlight on Naperville: February 2011
10:00 am 2011 State of the City Address
11:00 am A Hallmark of Heritage
12:00 pm Naperville News 17
12:30 pm Business Connection, Featuring: Naperville Chamber of Commerce, Darfler Benefit Auction and Consulting, First Command Financial Services, Olympus Executive Fitness Center, Naperville Bank and Trust, Meson Sabika; Dine around Naperville.
1:00 pm Chamber Connection
1:30 pm Authors Revealed: Peter Geye
2:00 pm Spotlight on Naperville: February 2011
3:00 pm Moments In Time
3:30 pm The Great Books Hour: Happiness and Discontent by Aristotle
4:30 pm Cardinal Report
6:30 pm Naperville News 17
7:00 pm Cardinal Report
7:28 pm North Central College Cardinals' Mens' Basketball: vs. Augustana College
9:00 pm Naperville News 17
9:30 pm Spotlight on Naperville: February 2011
10:30 pm Business Connection, Featuring: Naperville Chamber of Commerce, Darfler Benefit Auction and Consulting, First Command Financial Services, Olympus Executive Fitness Center, Naperville Bank and Trust, Meson Sabika; Dine around Naperville.
11:00 pm Naperville News 17
11:30 pm Chamber Connection
I for one will be cheering for Augustana tomorrow so that North Central vs Wheaton at least has a neutral court. I hate the "hanger" wait, is hate to strong a word?
Bench points-WHEATON 7, NCC 28
keep in mind regarding watching webcast video that it depends on the amount of the alotted bandwidth on how many people are able to download and watch at any one time. they have a counter which only allows a set number of people to view at the best possible speeds. best advice is to download early and dont turn it off for any reason during the game.
perhaps someone has already noted this in the past but as a reminder, Carthage has live internet video of all home events and plans on webcasting the CCIW Tournament here's the link:


Region 8 men's basketball / Re: CCIW in-game updates
January 20, 2010, 10:31:39 PM
actually it was Panner who drove the lane with less than 4 seconds left on the clock and missed the fade away but Jahns was cutting baseline and the rebound fell to him and he put it back up at the buzzer. Wheaton escapes again.
Quote from: pgkevin on January 18, 2010, 11:32:45 AM

Maybe you should lock them all in a shed

Now that's a novel idea! I would be willing to do that if it would help them to become more fundamentally agile and harder to defend.

Quote from: Gregory Sager on January 18, 2010, 03:23:23 PM
My, my, we're all ready to throw Wheaton to the wolves today, aren't we?

Not throwing anybody anywhere. Just hate to see opportunities squandered because of poor play. You know as well as I that Wheaton generally is able to dictate the tempo of the game. Their shoddy ball control and missed shots make the difference for their opponents.
I just have to mention this and get it off my chest in the hopes that a Thunder basketball player may read it and take it to heart, possibly even doing something about it because it is within his power to do so. Wheaton's ball handling is atrocious and lackadaisical, they pass more like they are playing a pick up game in the park rather than competing at the highest level in Division 3. If it were only a single game occurrence then I would have no grounds for this rant. I have watched women's teams more fundamentally sound. Maybe this is not even coached, I am not sure, but it presents a serious flaw on the court that I have watched too many teams take advantage of and cost Wheaton the win. Turnovers lose games.

PS. nobody bleeds more Orange and Blue than I do, that is why I am writing this blurb in the hopes that it may just piss off a Wheaton student athlete to do something about it.

Of course it would also be nice if they actually spent a little more time during shoot around after practice than rushing off to visit with their fat little girlfriends. (Sorry couldn't resist the opportunity to say that again.)
"However, if I am candid, this team has not shown the day in and day out commitment to practice at the intensity level necessary to compete in this league. This league shows no mercy. You bring it every night or you lose."

Wheaton Head Coach Mike Schauer public comments on the efforts to date of his OWN team

wanna be's

the one problem right now is Garriott is nursing very unhealthy knees and may never be 100 percent again. McCrary has the potential but I am afraid that he will never live up to it.  Carwell has potential but he cant stay focused, he daydreams too much. Jahns is the same. Most of these young men are more concerned about their "fat little girlfriends" than leaving it all on the court for Wheaton Basketball. IMHO
Quote from: markerickson on October 30, 2009, 10:43:38 AM
I highly doubt that Wheaton will win the conference.

I am going to do something on this chat that I never thought I would have to do and agree with someone against Wheaton. Wheaton's only REAL asset this season is Panner. I think that day in and day out he is the only player giving 100 percent of himself to the team goals. There would be no other reason to play as a 5th year if not to compete at the highest level.

"However, if I am candid, this team has not shown the day in and day out commitment to practice at the intensity level necessary to compete in this league. This league shows no mercy. You bring it every night or you lose." Mike Schauer

I fear that this is more the reality and it will be immediately obvious when the season begins. I had more optimism for the 2005-06 season than I do for this one. Still I love CCIW Basketball and it will still be a wild ride to enjoy watching and following.
yes, Nate is leaving the program. Tenitively I have been told that Handy will remain and I am assuming that Jon Panner will stay for Ben's senior campaign.

What I want to know is if any posters have heard any recruiting news coming out of King Arena besides Arron Garriott.
you would have to look far and wide to find someone who holds Nate in higher regard than I, that said if the 4th candidate is who I think it is then the choice is obvious from a srictly professional point of view. you want to bring in the experience that can not only continue to coach your program to compete at its current level, but also have the skill set and knowledge to take the program to the next level. candidate # 4 qualifies. one would hope in that situation that they (new coach) would also recognize the impact that Nate has had in that program and ask him to continue to bring his passion and knowledge to the table in his present capacity. here's to wishful thinking and hoping that Pete Ittersagen goes ealry in the NFL draft!