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Messages - TheRightHander

Quote from: vabaseball on April 14, 2009, 02:58:30 PM
No argument from me on Giarrizzi.  That guy comes straight out of centerfield in the late innings of close games.  No proper warmup, yet he has given up 0 earned runs in 16 innings and only 4 hits with 30 Ks.  He is 2-0 on the mound.  He did have one pitching start during the season as well.

Solid as a leadoff hitter as well.  He's a spark.
Personally, I think Giarrizzi does not have enough innings to even be considered a utility player. Although his stats are phenomenal for the few innings he has thrown, with his start he still only has 16 innings. 90+% of his innings are specifically in centerfield.

I'm a little surprised CNU did not use him more on the mound this season. 
Quote from: LTHSdad on April 11, 2009, 08:43:01 PM
Anyone team can get hot in the upcoming USA SOUTH tournament and win it, but I like to think NCWC, Methodist and CNU are favorites to win it.

Averett - Not enough offense
Greensboro - Not enough pitching
Shenandoah - Too inconsistent in conference play
Ferrum - Erratic pitching

As for NCWC (faults have been an incosistent team all year, that gets hot and cold), Methodist (has some great bats but defense is suspect), and CNU (powerful consistent lineup with erratic pitching)

Let's see come Thursday.  Looks like it may be Shenandoah vs Greensboro to kick things off Thursday 9:30 AM.

Greensboro Leads the conference with the lowest ERA
double headers sunday?
Quote from: catfishncwc on March 12, 2009, 05:50:35 PM
Quote from: TheRightHander on March 12, 2009, 05:12:00 PM
hahaha. I never said anything about records stats or anything just trying to figure out why everyone is so impressed when one guy hit 90. But if it makes you feel better I'll agree with you my stats aren't great. I'm glad you are so concerned about what I've done. Our team can't wait to start conference after playing a tough schedule against four or five ranked teams. Sure we had a rough start but It's how you finish. :)
are you throwing saturday or sunday this weekend I may have to make a trip to Rocky Mount and actually get you on the gun.  I actually got Batts on the gun at 91-92 two years ago as opposed to some dude saying he hits 9's.  I can not tell you how many times I hear from people this guy throws 9's and I get to the game and they are 86ish.  I actually hope you do throw that hard.  I love to get real prospects under my name so I can make some money. 
Not sure. But i do hope to see you in the stands. And i wouldn't lie about something like that.
hahaha. I never said anything about records stats or anything just trying to figure out why everyone is so impressed when one guy hit 90. But if it makes you feel better I'll agree with you my stats aren't great. I'm glad you are so concerned about what I've done. Our team can't wait to start conference after playing a tough schedule against four or five ranked teams. Sure we had a rough start but It's how you finish. :)
Quote from: catfishncwc on March 09, 2009, 07:06:55 PM
Quote from: NCWC on March 09, 2009, 05:58:26 PM
We have a Justin Batts sighting
You know I got him 2 years ago on the gun at 91ish.  Hopefully he can close out some games this year.  He sure has the arm for it. 

I'm a  5'7'' Sophomore throwing 91- 92ish , not bragging, Just saying.  ;)

Quote from: fightingquaker1 on March 01, 2009, 01:40:54 PM
I think Greensboro got really lucky this weekend with this weather. Shenandoah is rolling and have won 8 in a row. GC might have been doing the rain dance out on the practice field on Friday  :P

What a stupid thing to say. Honestly,  what baseball player wishes for rain?!
How about you stop talking about how horrible every team is and talk about the strong points of the weekend. Wait until the end of march to say who sucks and who doesn't. Being disappointed is how three quarters of the conference feels. It's still early in the season and everyone is trying to pull together as a team. The teams under .500 know they are capeable of performing better.. And they will.
All i'm sayin is the strike zone was a shoe box. Youre right.. My location wasn't great but its usually pretty good. I guess i just need to throw a flat ground and figure some stuff out. ;) anyways. This is my first year at GC and from my understanding the conference is alot better than we are playing. This weekend is the start of what really counts.
Okay it wasn't the best outing obviously. Damn. I was just talkin baseball. Just a simple self accomplishment.. Didn't know it was going to turn into bash manfro again. And when you do find out the other scores please post them. We'd like to know who came out on top. And i'm still saying there umpires are some of the worst I've ever seen. Feel free to ask the four teams that were present.
I'm not desperate and i know my stats. We lost as a team. Just figured i'd throw that out there for a few people that may have been interested. Sorry for being stoked i broke 90.. Easily
If you were there, You'd agree.
Very little control issues i'm not one to make excuses however the umpires were garbage. Walks did kill though. Rhodes has a big hitting team. I was consistent 88-91. Topped at 92. We'll get it. It's early. We'll get it...
Greensboro beat York 9 - 8. We were up 7 - 0 in the seventh, made five errors and Montague hit a pinch hit game winning two run double in the top of the ninth. Shaky seventh but we got the win!
South Region / Re: BB: South Region '08
February 18, 2009, 04:57:17 PM
I wouldn't say dominated by any means; however, he did keep our bats under control. It was def. a pitching duel and a good one at that.