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Messages - keenONkeene

LEC Tournament

EConn vs. RIC    ECONN with the famous back door throws their #2.....too much for RIC..ECONN wins 8-3

USM vs. Boston--Boston takes a page out of ECONN's book and back doors USM with Ilgess....dominated them three times........Boston quiets the USM bats while Walsh goes off..........Boston wins 7-3

UMD vs. Keene--Both teams have suspect pitching......go to hitting and Keene has the advantage (if you pitch to Doyon...why would you?) on offense...high scoring affair and longest game of the day.........Keene 13 UMD 8

Feel this tournament is somewhat wide open......ECONN has been struggling but has the top of the line pitching to go with a strong middle of the order.....Keene has one hitter.......UMD has one hitter.....USM has hitting but no pitching........RIC (have not seen).......UMB.....pitching and couple hitters.....
Thoughts?? Help me out on RIC
New England Region / Re: BB: LEC: Little East Conference
February 10, 2011, 12:42:59 PM
Getting to World Series.........and being in the regional mix on a fairly regular basis.
New England Region / Re: BB: LEC: Little East Conference
February 10, 2011, 10:31:30 AM
KCS fan, you are right........I do keep saying big game. I am not defining a big game by beating Eastern on Saturday in game #2 of a double header.......There is a line, I feel, that takes a program to another level....Keene has just not crossed it yet.....they are very close....but come on, why are we lying to ourselves???
In terms of football, the rankings for the most part are a bit subjective......Boise St. has fallen prey to that.......
Keenes fate/destiny is in their own hands....
New England Region / Re: BB: LEC: Little East Conference
February 09, 2011, 02:50:32 PM
Keep looking.........big game.........big game..........big game.........Keene=0
If this was D1 and the furthest Keene had advanced was a regional how would we feel about that team?? Why are we lying to ourselves.......I want to see it as much as you and word, but the proof is in the pudding.......or Big wins
New England Region / Re: BB: LEC: Little East Conference
February 09, 2011, 12:27:36 PM
Word, I agree.....preseason ranking does not mean much.....but can you tell me over the last 10 years that USM is behind Keene and UMB? Really, I normally think your insight is right on the mark....this time, not even close.  Even this past year, when they were ranked higher (not that that matters, right?) USM knocked them out of the LEC well as ECSU.....and this was a "down" year for them.  Two years ago they were #1 for much of the season only to draw, arguably the two best pitchers in the country in the regionals and get knocked out........
ECSU is the class of the league, USM is next..........Keene is a distant 3rd (really, what have they won?) and Boston year does not make you a dominant program...
Keene people, we are kidding ourselves by continuing to place our program in the elite........wishful thinking yes, but not realistic....lets win the big one, or a big one for that matter before we start the ECSU and USM comparisons....
Agree, the field surface is less than adequate.......and even worse for the fans watching the game.....fields like this are the ultimate equalizers........also, nothing within walking distance for, have the beautiful 45 degree ocean to play in!
I was not privy to the team that will be going D II, do have a very strong idea and it would change the "Power" of the league....
Just back from the ABCA convention.............things I heard from a prominent Little East Coach............"this is Keenes year."  "Bats will make more of a difference than most think." "Regionals back on the Cape. (beaten to that one)" "One little east school could be jumping to D II fairly soon."  Interesting........
New England Region / Re: BB: LEC: Little East Conference
December 17, 2010, 12:05:34 PM
Replying to my own post.........sad....
When has Keenes pitching staff ever been top of league.......???? Ever? Usually their downfall, is it not?
Hitting is good but have trouble vs. good up avg. to below avg. pitching up.....All great guys who work hard and love the game and the kids, no doubt.......if I had to have 1 coach for 1 game to win it all it would be Flaherty or Holowaty.......please argue that
New England Region / Re: BB: LEC: Little East Conference
December 17, 2010, 10:15:08 AM
Respect your coach Howe and rest of staff.........just not up to par with the elite teams of ECONN and USM......those are just the facts.......both hall of fame coaches with great staffs......not even sure there can be an argument...
New England Region / Re: BB: LEC: Little East Conference
December 16, 2010, 11:49:08 AM
Love the Swamp.........just have questions.........this year above all others pitching will be key......the new bats will make a major difference. Keene is a notorious group for "thumping" the ball..not going to happen this year.  Games should be closer (conference), the day of the 10 to 15 plus runs a game will be few and far between. 
The teams that pitch and play defense will be the at the top of the LEC. above, nice run last year.......but you are thin at pitching and defense was never really where you hung your hat.
Why do we fool ourselves, the teams to beat, as usual, will be ECONN and USM.  Why you ask....#1 best coaches in far......#2 these teams dont hurt themselves, they will pitch and hit...and be in the right place...#3 USM and ECONN always bring in the best talent in the LEC, they dont "bridge" gaps they reload....
Should be fun!
New England Region / Re: BB: LEC: Little East Conference
December 02, 2010, 03:09:49 PM
Vogt will be the best pitcher in the little east.......never understood why he was used the way he was this past year......should have been our #1........
Bobby D needs to work on swing..........long, stiff.....dont think he translates well to the next level w/ wood......great player here, though.
Lets keep the conversations going........miss baseball!
Went to go see a couple of hometown kids play in Maine vs. UMO the other day.........It pains me to say this but look out for the huskies........HOF has quite a team....pitching, hitting....speed and size.  I also heard that their two best players were not even on the field....USM should have had the game but lost in the 9th (gave up 3), think they put pitchers in the 9th that normally would not be in there.
Any other little east updates......
Word.......great stuff on Woody, Im a believer--love the move on the yard stick......Getting ready for the big game.........Keene needs a sweep, tall task. Lets get behind our boys today!!

One final word for hockeyfan 77, I only responded because YOU attacked me........nothing but love for you, you do a great job reporting scores. You are the perfect play by play guy for the D3 board......just the facts baby.
KSFan, just making comments to Hockeyfan 77, he made a couple statements I needed to address. I agree, lets move on.
Hockeyfan77, interesting that you are backing off all of your would have had no way of hearing what was going on on the field in the booth or in the stands, so I appreciate that you are at least coming clean and not making emotional posts. Listen, I would be the first to point a finger at Keene if they were in the wrong. Plain and simple truth is they weren't. If you are such a student of the USM squad, you would know the history of stealing, bunting and sign stealing.......and I am not "new school" (sorry that I didn't like Hayes whacking a player) I am for players/coaches policing the game and  that is what Keene did. They sent a message and that message was heard loud and clear.
My sentiment is that if I asked you about Bob Gibson throwing in and hitting guys to set a tone or protect his own guys you would have no problem with it. Not to confuse you......Gibson was a pitcher for the Cardinals in the 60's. Actually, let me try this analogy. Sid the Kid gets hammered into the boards and Eric Godard beats the crap out of the opposing player......Whats the difference? That's hockey is probably  your response. Sure we threw at two of your guys (didn't even get hit), it's what we had to do--like Gibson, like Godard--it's what they had to do.

Hockeyfan.....I just have a tough time taking direction from a person who's secondary sport is baseball.
Go mean Red Sox!