ok, people know who i am and thats not going to bother me at all... i did what i did in order to play as much ball as possible, but i see all this talk about averett and some of it is true and some of it it well deserved. i work an hourly job in order to take care of myself but i have been around the team alot and i understand what is going on.... a few of the guys that have been around a few years are hitting the ball really well and the newly found pitchers and surprising even me right now... there is still time to tell whether the pitchers will hold up... but i feel like the offense here will surprise alot of people... given greensboro made some errors averett still hit the crap out of the ball..... and yes i played at averett and im not going to go out of my way to pick them to win it all or anything but they are playing at a level above what i expected from them, and i wish i had some of this last year haha, would have helped me a bit!
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South Region / Re: USA SOUTH players in the Pro's
March 02, 2010, 12:11:37 AM
i appreciate the support from people other than averett, it looks like the team is bringning around 25 or so pitchers to spring so ill have to beat out half in order to make the actual team. My spirits are high and I feel like I can win my spot... I will keep people updated though it really makes me happy to know people are supporting me from the USA south. (BTW this is Hildreth in case some people did not know)
South Region / Re: BB: USAC: USA South Athletic Conference
March 25, 2009, 10:49:59 PM
what would the conference do if noone made the minimum amount of games? how would seeding be decided?
South Region / Re: BB: USAC: USA South Athletic Conference
March 20, 2009, 09:22:22 AM
montclair had just played a marathon game against averett earlier in the day. The game went into extras and they did not leave danville until probably close to 7 oclock. had to have been a long day for those guys
South Region / Re: BB: USAC: USA South Athletic Conference
March 12, 2009, 07:18:44 PM
I have never understood the obsession with 90. If you throw 90 does that automatically make youa prospect over someone who throws 86-88? I have seen alot of guys get to play pro ball because of velocity, when I have watched them get outpitched by slower guys. personally ive been hit harder when my mechanics were changed in order to throw harder. The radar gun looked better, but stat line looked worse.
South Region / Re: BB: USAC: USA South Athletic Conference
March 07, 2009, 10:24:44 PM
not sure if anyone cares, but averett won over ferrum today...
South Region / Re: BB: USAC: USA South Athletic Conference
February 28, 2009, 02:35:12 PM
is anyone playing in the conference today?
South Region / Re: BB: USAC: USA South Athletic Conference
February 25, 2009, 06:42:19 PM
ive seen it happen more than once, and that is more dangerous than wood, but not very common to see
South Region / Re: BB: USAC: USA South Athletic Conference
February 25, 2009, 11:58:53 AM
I know it wont happen, especially not anytime soon. but the metal bats are getting better every year, and more and more handle shots are making it over the infielders and falling for hits. The sweetspots are getting bigger. It is just frustrating.
South Region / Re: BB: USAC: USA South Athletic Conference
February 24, 2009, 10:19:35 PM
college baseball needs to go to wood bats!! these handle shots arent real hits and for that reason, and pitchers safety, there needs to be wood bats!
South Region / Re: BB: USAC: USA South Athletic Conference
February 21, 2009, 10:40:21 PM
agreed the conference needs every win that it can get. havent been around here long, but from what i understand the conference used to win most of the non-conf. games. hopefully as the year progresses the conf. will get more wins outside the conf.!
South Region / Re: BB: USAC: USA South Athletic Conference
February 21, 2009, 07:47:52 PM
dont take this the wrong way man, but covering up a bad outing with a radar reading doesnt carry much weight. like i said im not trying to make enemies with you, but thats a little desperate for covering up your outing. looks good for a scout, but a radar gun does not win games.
South Region / Re: BB: USAC: USA South Athletic Conference
February 19, 2009, 07:37:56 PM
Not to be mean to Maine PI, but they honostly couldnt play AA high school in VA. as far as SU being headlined for beating them, I can only assume that it is because it was the largest run difference in the current coaches history. I mean there isnt much else going on in baseball tonight, that is a noteworthy article.
South Region / Re: BB: USAC: USA South Athletic Conference
February 19, 2009, 05:10:07 PM
Averett won today, nothing to brag about the opponent was Maine PI. No offense to them, but everyone has been beating them. Did anyone else play today in the conference?
South Region / Re: ODAC-USAC Challenge
February 18, 2009, 06:41:17 PM
I dont want to dissagree with you on that, the USAS got beaten pretty bad in the tournament. But as far as what you said about averett, one of their pitchers missed the entire weekend and another was just getting over MRSA and had not thrown in over a week. not to mention some of the better hitters missed the first weekend and are just getting into the swing of things.
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